Check out this easy yuca recipe. Yuca is a starchy root that makes a terrific change up from a potato dish. We have been cooking up yuca roots with garlic and onion for years, inspired by our favorite Cuban restaurants in Florida. The combo of yuca, with plenty of garlic, onion, and cumin will knock your socks off. So, check out the video and give this delicious yuca recipe a try.
Ingredients for this Cuban-Inspired Yuca Recipe
YUCA (about 1 lb.) In the video we use fresh yuca, but you can use frozen in the same way.
1-2 large ONION (diced)
5-10 cloves GARLIC (finely chopped)
OIL for sauteing the onion and garlic
2-3 Tbsp CUMIN
½ cup OLIVE OIL total (1/4-1/2 to saute onion & garlic, rest to drizzle on top)
zest and juice of 1 LEMON
SALT to taste
CUMIN SEEDS (1 tsp, optional) I like using Badia seeds ’cause they’re a great buy, and you can check current prices for Cumin Seeds on Amazon.
I’ve got lots of yuca in the video, so I’m doubling this recipe.

How To Cook Yuca Recipe
- Using a sharp knife, cut the yuca into manageable sizes to carefully cut away the outer skin of the yuca root. The skin is inedible and should be discarded. [One advantage of using frozen yuca is that the outer skin is already removed.]
- Place yuca pieces into a pot of water and bring to a boil. Yuca should NEVER be eaten uncooked.
- Reduce heat and simmer 15-20 minutes or until yuca root can be pierced easily with a fork.
- Do NOT overcook! Yuca pieces should not be mushy.
- Zest lemon; squeeze lemon juice.
- Drain yuca and cool with water.
- Remove fibrous stem from center of root and cut into 1 inch chunks (or smaller, if you want to taste more of your seasonings).
- Heat oil in a skilleton medium high heat.
- Add cumin seeds for just a few moments, then add garlic and onion and let simmer for a several minutes.
- Turn down to medium heat. Add red pepper flakes, cumin powder, and salt to taste.
- Next, add yuca.
- Mix and allow all to simmer for 5 minutes. Give the yuca an occasional stir. Add a bit of water if needed, but not too much.
- Remove from heat.
- Finally, add lemon juice and zest. Drizzle a bit of oil on top (extra virgin olive oil is a great topping).
Have Fun with Yuca!

And that’s it!
Yuca is an excellent substitute for potato. It goes great with any meat entree and makes a great vegetarian meal when paired with stuffed peppers and a crisp green salad.
Give this yuca recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appetit!
And, if you wanna try out the stuffed peppers with yuca, check out this recipe as well.
Jalapeno Peppers Recipe
Thanks for checking the yuca recipe and video out. If you liked it, click a few buttons below and share it with your friends and family. I appreciate it!
–Chef Buck
And here’s a LO-FI video version of this yuca recipe I made back before I knew what a haircut was.
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