Mom and sister cookin’ up some vittles, Southern style. I learned Southern cooking from my mother and I’ve learned a whole lot of other things since then…but I grew up around good cooking, and I’m thankful.
This is the best of both worlds: having great cooks prepare southern cooking and then doing all the cleanup, too!
One thing I learned from my mom, which she never learned herself, is that cooking in the kitchen needn’t be a chore. My mama always made it a chore, but then she always had to cook for a lot more folks than I ever had to at home. And really, I never “had to” cook–I always cooked because I wanted to. Nowadays folks are just as likely to eat out as they are to eat at home, and even if they eat at home, they’re just as likely to pull something out of a box that is already pre-made, requiring only a brief tour in the microwave.
A home-cooked meal can be a luxury, and it can be a pleasure to make, too. And you can save some money, as well–if you do it right.
A mess in a kitchen reminds me of being a kid, and holidays. And food you prepare from scratch will always smell better than food made in a factory.
Southern cooking mighta clogged my arteries a bit, but it never clogged my brain.
It was a good place to start. Thanks, Mom.
Take a look at Mama Redbuck baking a Parmesan Pesto Bread Recipe.

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–Chef Buck