How to make a pupusas recipe.
This pupusas recipe is a traditional Latin American dish of corn tortilla filled with cheese, beans, peppers and meat, although you can use any combo of ingredients you like to cook pupusas. Corn flour is mixed with salt and water to make a corn dough, or masa, and wrapped around a center filling;
that filling can simply be cheese and peppers, but I like to make it a full meal by adding beans and meat as well.
What You Need To Make This Easy Pupusas Recipe
2 cups CORN FLOUR (current price of Maseca Corn Flour on amazon)
about 1½ cups WATER
SALT and PEPPER to taste
1 tsp TURMERIC (optional)
here are some filling ideas…use any
combo, and substitute what you like:
leftover MEATS (minced)
CHEESE (grated)
pickled PEPPERS (like green chili or jalapeno)

How To Make Pupusas
First thing, mix up your pupusa filling…this will allow time for the flavors to interact.
You can simply use cheese and peppers, but adding a little refried beans and leftover meat
into the mixture can turn your pupusas into a filling meal.
I often mince up leftover breakfast sausage to add into my filling, but any pork, beef, or chicken
will do, just be sure to use meat that is already cooked through; it’s a great way to use leftovers.
Combine the filling ingredients together in a bowl.
Mix well and set aside.
In another bowl, add corn flour (Maseca is a populer brand in the USA, but any corn flour will do).
Add in salt and pepper and turmeric.
Turmeric is not a traditional pupusa ingredient, but I find it adds a great color.
Mix dry ingredients together.
Add in warm tap water and mix into a dough …it mixes quite easily;
Use your hands to mix…this will give you a better sense of the dough consistency.
Mix until the dough is “doughy” and pliable–not too dry and not too wet–add additional water
or flour until reaches this consistency.
Tear off a handful of dough and roll it into a ball, then flatten the dough into a disc.
Place a ball of the cheese/bean/meat filling in the center of the disc, and then close up the edges
of the dough, sealing the filling inside a doughy ball.
Pinch off any excess dough from the top and return it to the bowl.
Flatten the dough filled ball into a disc shape, try to keep the disc intact, but if the filling leaks slightly,
it’s no big deal.
You can use more dough, or less filling, or be more careful folding the filling inside to make an absolutely
perfect pupusa…but why work that hard?
I like my pupusas to have a thin tortilla skin.
I like them to leak a little bit…I like the taste of the toasted cheese on the edges.
But that’s just me…follow your heart; but believe me, if your pupusas aren’t perfect,
they’ll taste just as good, or better.
Heat a lightly oiled griddle or skillet on med/med-high heat and cook the pupusas
about three minutes on each side.
And that’s it.
Serve as a snack or main meal. Top with sour cream, salsa, or even a cabbage slaw for a nicely balanced dish.
Give this pupusas recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!
Ingredients For Curtido …pickled slaw topping for pupusas recipe
half a small CABBAGE (chopped)
2 CARROTS (shredded)
1 white ONION (sliced)
1 JALAPENO (thinly sliced)
1 Tbsp dried OREGANO
SALT and PEPPER to taste
mild VINEGAR (I like to use a rice or malt vinegar)
How to Make Curtido
Bring a pot of salted water to a boil; boil enough water to cover the veggies.
Once water is boiling, turn off and then add the veggies to the pot.
Add oregano and pepper.
Let soak for 3 minutes.
Drain the veggies from the pot, but reserve some of the water.
Put the strained veggies into a jar; ideally, use a size jar that will be completely filled.
Press the veggies into the jar until it is crammed full.
Add reserved water until the veggies are slightly more than halfway covered, then add
vinegar until the veggies are completely covered.
Allow to cool, and then cover jar with a lid and refrigerate.
The more ahead of time you make this, the more flavorful it will be.
It’s a simple and tasty topping or side for pupusas or sandwiches.
For more awesome recipes, take a look at my Chef Buck Recipe Playlists.

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