Bacon Wrapped Cheese Bread Recipe

bacon wrapped cheese bread

If you love bacon you’ll love this bacon wrapped cheese bread recipe made with only three ingredients: Bacon, Bread, and Cheese …luckily it’s three of the best ingredients in the world. I first encountered this dish at a cafe in Guadalajara, Mexico and knew right away I wanted to make this dish at home. I prefer to use a white cheese, but of course any kind of cheese you love is the right cheese. Chopping up some pickled jalapeno peppers and adding them to the cheese is a good idea, too, if you want to spice it up a bit.

Ingredients for this Bacon Bread Recipe

BREAD …a crusty roll big enough to hide cheese inside
BACON …thin sliced for easy wrapping
CHEESE …whatever cheese you love, dude

bacon wrapped cheese bread

How to make the Best Bacon Wrapped Cheese Bread

This simple dish will suit any meal of the day. Choose a not overly large crusty bread roll for you bacon ball, since it will take several slices of bacon to wrap even a smallish chuck of bread. And be sure to choose bread that is thick enough to cut out the center for the cheese filling.

For the cheese I like to use a meltable white cheese, but use whatever you like. Bacon, bread, and cheese is a great combo of uncomplicated, simple, down home flavors. If you want a more complex flavor, add a bit of zing to the cheese filling. You can add sauteed onion, garlic, cilantro, or chopped pickled jalapeno to the filling for a bit more pizazz.

bacon wrapped cheese bread
  • With a sharp knife, cut an insert into the bread roll. Remove and reserve the bread cut out to make a stopper for the cheese.
  • Fill the bread with the cheese. There is no wrong amount of cheese, whatever you like is the right amount, but keep in mind that bread and bacon alone can be a bit dry, so the more cheese you add, the creamier the dish will be.
  • Once you’ve inserted the cheese, plug the opening with some of the bread you’ve taken out. Plug it up as best you can! You don’t want your cheese filling to melt and leak out of the bread.
  • Wrap the roll well in bacon. Use the first strip wrapped around the roll to help secure the bread plug to keep the cheese inside! Wrap the bacon in alternating criss cross strips to form a tight lattice until bread is completely covered. Try not to overlap the bacon more than twice so that the bacon ball will cook completely in a shorter time.
  • Place the bacon ball on a wire rack over a foil-lined tray in an oven preheated to 350 degrees F. Cook until the bacon is done as desired. I like to cook my bacon ball in a toaster oven for easier cleanup. To shorten the cooking time, you can start the bacon ball in a microwave for 2-3 minutes before placing in the oven.

Serve the bacon ball as an entree for any meal. You can also prep these bacon balls ahead of time by wrapping and storing them in the fridge until ready to cook.
Bacon wrapped cheese bread is such a hearty and filling dish, and pairs especially well with a salad for a fancy brunch-type meal. And it’s even good cold! What? Trust me.

A compact toaster oven is perfect for recipes like this cheesy bacon wrap. Check current prices on Amazon for a toaster oven.

I hope you like this cool looking bacon wrapped cheese thing-a-ma-bob. It’ll definitely impress family and friends, just take the time to plug up the cheese well. A bacon ball that leaks out all its cheese is just sad.

For another delicious bread dish twist, try this Fancy egg Bread Recipe.

egg bread
add extra bling for fancier egg bread, but don’t skimp on the seasoning

Thanks for watching our Bacon Recipe!

Thanks for checking out the bacon wrapped cheese bread and all of our recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list to never miss a new cooking video, and also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends, and follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road, or maybe even pay a bill or two!–Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website, so if you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program providing a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Must Try Egg Bread Bake Recipe

egg bread

Egg bread is a fancy dish for breakfast or brunch, and it’s an easy recipe to prepare. The recipe is a cross between baked eggs, bread pudding, and stove top stuffing. It’s a great way to use up old and stale bread. I go light on the cheese in this egg bread recipe, but adding more cheese and making a cheese bread is super tasty. One thing you don’t want to do is go light on the seasoning, especially if you’re using a plain loaf of bread; the more seasoning the better–especially rosemary!

What You Need for an Egg Bread Bake

crusty BREAD cubed
about 1 cup MILK
2 GREEN ONION chopped
HOT PEPPER finely chopped
shredded CHEESE
1-2 Tbsp dried ROSEMARY
1 tsp dried OREGANO
CHILI POWDER (optional)
BUTTER/OIL to grease the baking dish

egg bread
Fancy baked eggs to impress friends and family

How to Make Baked Egg Bread

Any bread will do, but ideally use a hard and crusty loaf. If you’ve got a loaf of bread you’re thinking is to stale to eat, then this is a perfect recipe to save it.

  • Slice the bread into cubes and place in a large mixing bowl. I like using larger cube sizes for a rustic looking dish.
  • In a bowl, whisk 2 eggs and milk.
  • Add the egg/milk mixture in with the bread and toss, coating the bread.
  • Add in the herbs and spices, onion, hot pepper, and cheese and toss until the bread is well coated.
  • Lightly grease an oven safe baking dish and add the bread mix, spreading out evenly. Check current prices on a Pyrex Baking Dish on Amazon.
  • With a spoon, make an impression on the top of the bread mix for each egg serving.
  • Crack an egg into each depression.
  • Slide into a preheated oven and bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 30-40 minutes, until the eggs are baked to desired doneness.
  • Slice into servings and serve hot or cold.
egg bread
add extra bling for fancier egg bread, but don’t skimp on the seasoning

That’s it! Takes a little while to bake, but otherwise this egg bread is a fairly quick dish to prepare, and a fancy way to use up stale bread.

Give this baked egg bread recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

And for a less bready baked egg dish, try this Fancy Egg Bake Recipe.

egg bake recipe
sliced egg bake on a salad is yummy!

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Thanks for checking out this Egg Bread recipe, and all of our recipes. Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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