Hummus is healthy enough, so isn’t a Cauliflower Hummus recipe just a little silly? Cauliflower hummus is very tasty, just like regular old delicious hummus, and it has cauliflower in it, so why not? Let’s do it.
What you need for a Cauliflower Hummus Recipe
1 15oz can WHITE BEANS
2 cups of fresh CAULIFLOWER
3 cloves GARLIC
3-4 Tbsp TAHINI
SALT to taste …but about ½ tsp is cool
LEMON ZEST optional
additional SEASONING optional

How to make Cauliflower Hummus
Put everything in a food processor and blend it until smooth. That’s it. Wadja think?
Check current prices for tahini on Amazon. If you’re buying tahini from a brick and mortar store, look around in the various departments such as the “international” foods, health foods, and peanut butter section; different brands market tahini to different types of buyers, and the price can vary greatly, so definitely shop around to avoid over-priced tahini.
Serve hummus with warm pita bread, pita chips, crackers, or raw fruit and vegetables.
Is cauliflower hummus too healthy for you? Are you a risk taker? Like it on the wild side? Try this very dangerous Onion Dip Recipe…dangerously delicious.

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Check out this overly scientific article about chickpeas and hummus if you want to nerd out on some hummus nutritional info.
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