Must Try Egg Bread Bake Recipe

egg bread

Egg bread is a fancy dish for breakfast or brunch, and it’s an easy recipe to prepare. The recipe is a cross between baked eggs, bread pudding, and stove top stuffing. It’s a great way to use up old and stale bread. I go light on the cheese in this egg bread recipe, but adding more cheese and making a cheese bread is super tasty. One thing you don’t want to do is go light on the seasoning, especially if you’re using a plain loaf of bread; the more seasoning the better–especially rosemary!

What You Need for an Egg Bread Bake

crusty BREAD cubed
about 1 cup MILK
2 GREEN ONION chopped
HOT PEPPER finely chopped
shredded CHEESE
1-2 Tbsp dried ROSEMARY
1 tsp dried OREGANO
CHILI POWDER (optional)
BUTTER/OIL to grease the baking dish

egg bread
Fancy baked eggs to impress friends and family

How to Make Baked Egg Bread

Any bread will do, but ideally use a hard and crusty loaf. If you’ve got a loaf of bread you’re thinking is to stale to eat, then this is a perfect recipe to save it.

  • Slice the bread into cubes and place in a large mixing bowl. I like using larger cube sizes for a rustic looking dish.
  • In a bowl, whisk 2 eggs and milk.
  • Add the egg/milk mixture in with the bread and toss, coating the bread.
  • Add in the herbs and spices, onion, hot pepper, and cheese and toss until the bread is well coated.
  • Lightly grease an oven safe baking dish and add the bread mix, spreading out evenly. Check current prices on a Pyrex Baking Dish on Amazon.
  • With a spoon, make an impression on the top of the bread mix for each egg serving.
  • Crack an egg into each depression.
  • Slide into a preheated oven and bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 30-40 minutes, until the eggs are baked to desired doneness.
  • Slice into servings and serve hot or cold.
egg bread
add extra bling for fancier egg bread, but don’t skimp on the seasoning

That’s it! Takes a little while to bake, but otherwise this egg bread is a fairly quick dish to prepare, and a fancy way to use up stale bread.

Give this baked egg bread recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

And for a less bready baked egg dish, try this Fancy Egg Bake Recipe.

egg bake recipe
sliced egg bake on a salad is yummy!

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Thanks for checking out this Egg Bread recipe, and all of our recipes. Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

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Egg Bake with Spinach and Tomato

egg bake

An egg bake recipe is one of the easiest and least expensive meals to prepare, and an Italian egg bake is one of the tastiest. I’ll often clean out the fridge and use odds and ends to make a random egg casserole recipe, but an egg bake doesn’t always have to be a random mishmash of ingredients. If I have fresh spinach and sun dried tomato on hand, then an Italian Egg Bake is a cinch to make. It’s almost like a lasagna, but a whole lot easier and less expensive to prepare. An egg bake is an easy way to feed a family or gathering, and a casserole travels very well, so it’s a perfect recipe for a potluck or dinner party or any event where you need to bring a dish.

What You Need to Make an Italian Egg Bake

(ideal ingredients for a 1½ quart baking dish)

8-10 oz SPINACH
1 med ONION (chopped)
SUN DRIED TOMATOES (chopped) …smoked sun dried tomatoes are my favorite!
6-10 cloves GARLIC (minced)
1 cup shredded PARMESAN
½ cup MILK or YOGURT
seasonings to taste, like:
garlic powder
onion powder
chili powder
…add others, or leave some of
these out.
OIL for sauteing

egg bake
It’s like an easier, less expensive lasagna

How to Make an Italian Egg Bake

  • In a large bowl, crack the eggs, add milk and dried Italian seasonings, and whisk well. Set bowl aside.
  • Heat oil in a skillet on medium high heat. Check prices for a Non-stick Skillet on Amazon.
  • Into the skillet add the onion, garlic, and sun dried tomatoes and saute 4-5 minutes.
  • Add in the seasoning and continue sauteing 3-4 minutes.
  • Add in spinach. Stir until spinach wilts and cooks down, which will happen quickly.
  • Lightly spray a 1½ quart baking dish and line the bottom with freshly shredded Romano or Parmesan cheese.
    You don’t need a lot of cheese, line the bottom of the dish and whatever is left reserve to melt on top of the dish later. Check here for current prices on a Pyrex Baking Dish set on Amazon.
  • Remove the sautéed skillet ingredients and spread them evenly over the cheese layer.
  • Gently pour over the whisked egg and milk.
  • Slide the baking dish into an oven preheated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and bake about 20 minutes or until the egg is firm.
  • Remove from the oven. If desired, top with more shredded cheese and return dish to the oven for about 5 more minutes.
egg bake
I like to use smoked sundried tomatoes for this egg bake recipe…give them a try.

And that’s all there is to this egg casserole.
An Italian egg bake tastes great right out of the oven, but will taste even better the next day.
Serve hot or cold. I actually prefer it cold or at room temperature, so this egg bake recipe makes a great snack, or perfect breakfast, lunch, or dinner; or even brunch, if you’re one of those kinda people.

And that’s it! Give this easy Italian Egg Bake Recipe a try and let us know what you think. And for another breakfast or brunch recipe idea, check out this Fancy Oven-Baked Eggs Recipe.

baked eggs
Baked eggs are an easy way to impress folks for breakfast.

Thanks For Watching Our Egg Bake Recipe

Thanks for checking out this Egg Bake recipe, and all of our recipes. Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

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Canned Jackfruit and Potato Hash Recipe

canned jackfruit

Make a tasty breakfast potato hash with canned jackfruit. Young, green jackfruit is a great meat substitute that works well in this classic breakfast recipe of potato and peppers. Canned jackfruit is easy to use, inexpensive, and a extremely versatile ingredient. Unripe jackfruit adds a nice texture when pulled apart, and its neutral flavor makes it ideal for many recipes.

Ingredients for Canned Jackfruit Potato Hash

1 20oz can young, green JACKFRUIT
1 cup chopped POTATO (any kind you like, sweet potato makes a nice change-up)
½ cup chopped ONION
chopped PEPPERS (I like using a combo of jalapeno and bell peppers, but use whatever you prefer)
finely chopped GARLIC (optional, but always a good idea)
some SALT and PEPPER

canned jackfruit
Breakfast hash with young green jackfruit with potato

How to Make Jackfruit Potato Hash

  • Rinse and drain canned jackfruit. You can buy jackfruit online. Check current canned jackfruit prices on Amazon.
  • Shred it. I do this by hand, it’s very easy, but you can use a knife, too.
  • Heat oil in a skillet on medium high heat.
  • Add chopped onion and peppers and saute 3-4 minutes.
  • Add garlic and cook 1 minute.
  • Add seasoning and mix well, continue sauteing for another minute.
  • Add in shredded jackfruit and Worcestershire sauce and mix well.
  • Raise skillet heat and add in potato. Add 1 can of water and mix.
  • Cover skillet and allow ingredients to come to a bubble.
  • Reduce heat to a simmer and continue cooking until potatoes are near done.
  • Remove cover and continue cooking hash until potatoes are done.
  • Serve as a breakfast side or the main dish.
    Top with eggs, if desired.
canned jackfruit
Jackfruit and potato hash topped with fried egg; the yolk makes a nice sauce.

What is Jackfruit?

Jackfruit is exactly what it sounds like, a fruit, but it’s HUGE. A 50 pound jackfruit is not uncommon. This giant tropical fruit grows on
trees and is very popular in Asia. Unripe, jackfruit can be treated like a starch, cooked and used in savory dishes. Ripened jackfruit can be eaten raw and is very
juicy and sweet; quite a combo. Buying and cleaning a fresh jackfruit is quite an endevour. For me, canned jackfruit is a perfect ingredient.

I prefer unripe, young, green jackfruit and find it to be a terrific ingredient to experiment with in a variety of recipes. The texture of unripe jackfruit makes it a fantastic faux meat,
and the mildness of its flavor allows it to be incredibly versatile.

I’ve used it as a meatless pulled pork BBQ, as a faux meat filling in tacos, in an Indian-style variation of Jackfruit Tikka Masala, and as a potato hash for breakfast.
Its super nutritious, readily available at Asian markets, and well worth giving a try.

No canned jackfruit on hand, but still want a tasty potato dish for breakfast? Try this classic Crispy Potato Breakfast Recipe.

home fried potatoes recipe
home fried potatoes

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Thanks for checking out the canned jackfruit recipe, and all of our recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list to never miss a new cooking video, and also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends, and follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road, or maybe even pay a bill or two!–Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

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French Toast with Cream Cheese Filling

french toast

Why have Plain French Toast when you can have French Toast with a cream cheese filling? A little creamy cheese and cinnamon ginger apples can transform your breakfast into a 10-year old’s dream breakfast.

French Toast Ingredients:

BREAD (sliced, stale)
1½ cups MILK
BUTTER for frying, and apples
APPLES (peeled, sliced)
WALNUTS (toasted)
8 oz CREAM CHEESE (soft)
CINNAMON (to taste)
optional: sugar and vanilla

french toast
Stale bread makes the best french toast! –slice ahead of time!

French Toast Directions:

Stale bread makes great French toast, so slicing bread ahead of time is a great idea; at least a few hours ahead of time, but ideally overnight. Stale bread will soak up the French toast batter without becoming overly soggy and falling apart, especially if you’re using thinner slices of bread, and the thinner or thicker the slices will depend on your particular tastes. This French toast recipe doesn’t need thicker slices, since you’re basically building a French toast sandwich; I’m using thicker slices of challa bread for this video, but I often use regular slices of Hawaiian sweet bread, which works great.

Mix the cream cheese and ricotta cheese together. Be sure to set your cream cheese out ahead of time to soften, this will make mixing it with the ricotta cheese much easier. I’ll often mix these ingredients ahead of time. If making a smaller amount, the cheese mix is about a 2 to 1 ratio of ricotta to cream cheese. I sometimes add a tsp. or two of sugar to the cheese mix, but this is optional; I prefer it without the added sugar, since the apple mix will be quite sweet.

Any leftover cream/ricotta mix can be used as dessert topping, and makes a tasty filling for omelets. I generally make too much apple mix, but that’s a good thing, too. I’m generous with the apple topping, and any leftover apple mix is a perfect topping for oatmeal or ice cream.

french toast
Creamy cheese filled French Toast

To make the apple mix, peel, slice, and remove the cores of the apples. Apples vary quite a bit in size, but I usually end up with about 4-6 cups of apple slices, and I generally use gala or Fuji apples, which take little time to cook down.

Melt about 2 Tbsp of butter in a pot and add apples. Mix with butter and cook over medium heat. Add candied ginger slices; I think ½ to 1 cup is a good amount of candied ginger, but there is no wrong amount, follow your gut. Add 1-2 Tbsp of sugar and cinnamon to taste, Mix and cover and cook about 20 minutes, until apples soften and get juicy. For extra liquidy goodness, stir in about ¼ cup water. You want the apples to be a little syrupy, that way you won’t have to use any maple syrup with the French toast. Once the apples are cooked to your liking, cover and set aside.

Mix the French toast batter. A basic batter is eggs and milk, and I’m also adding cinnamon, but often folks will add a little sugar or vanilla extract. I don’t add vanilla or sugar to the batter with this particular dish, because the creamy cheese center and apple-ginger topping will add more than enough flavor. In a bowl, combine the milk, eggs, and cinnamon to taste (½ tsp is a good amount). Whisk together well and then pour some into a shallow bowl–or all–it depend on the size of your shallow bowl; you don’t want the batter to be so deep that it runs into the cheesy part of your French toast sandwich.

To build the French toast sandwich, simply spread the cheese mixture onto a slice of bread and top with another slice, making a basic cheese sandwich.

You can also add toasted walnuts into the sandwich for a nice crunch, or simply top the toast later with toasted nuts, but definitely add nuts at some point, cause the crunchy contrast makes the dish perfect, and toasted walnuts are awesome.
To toast the walnuts: spread walnuts on a baking sheet and roast at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 5-7 minutes. It won’t take long. As soon as the nuts begin to color up, remove them from the oven; they will burn if ignored, so set a timer and watch them closely. Taking the time to toast the walnuts is well worth the effort…it’s a great taste.

Once you’ve constructed the cheesy French toast sandwich, heat a little butter in a non-stick skillet on medium heat. Check current prices for a Non-Stick Skillet on Amazon.
Place the sandwich in the batter and let soak a moment and then turn and batter the other side.
Place sandwich in the skillet and cook on medium heat until golden brown, turn and cook other side and remove from the heat.
Slice French toast and then top with apples and walnuts (a dusting of powdered sugar is optional). For a splash of color, add fresh berries or mint.

Serve this cheese stuffed French toast with maple syrup, or without–I find the cooked apples to be syrupy enough, and the warm cheesy center keeps the French toast from being too dry.

It’s a super delicious dish and a great treat for company.

Give this fancy pants Cream Cheese French Toast recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

And for another fancy pants breakfast dish, try this Pancake Recipe.

Fancy pancakes are easy to make.
Fancy pancakes are easy to make, and better looking, too.

Thanks for Watching our French Toast Recipe Video!

Click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

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Home Fried Potatoes Crispy Breakfast Recipe

home fried potatoes recipe

This crispy home fried potatoes recipe makes a tasty breakfast side. I use onion and hot pepper in this video/recipe, but a little added green bell pepper is nice, too.

Home Fried Potatoes Recipe Ingredients

1 large POTATO
2-3 Tbsp BACON FAT
1/3 cup ONION (finely chopped)
¼ cup GREEN BELL PEPPER (finely chopped, optional)
HOT PEPPER (to taste, finely chopped)
SALT and PEPPER to taste

How to Make Home Fried Potatoes

  • In a skillet, fry up 4-5 pieces of fatty bacon, this will give you enough grease to cook up your potatoes.
  • Peel your potato, which is something I hate to say, ’cause potato skin is so delicious, but the breakfast home fries I grew up with were peeled, so that’s how I gotta roll.
  • Dice your potato into dinky cubes; they don’t have to be exactly the same same, but mostly they do, so cut them as uniformly as possible.
  • Add your diced potato to the skillet of hot grease–and by hot, I mean that your potatoes start to sizzle and cook when they hit the pan–but not overly hot, ’cause it will take 20-25 minutes to cook these potatoes up just right. Medium-low heat is a good temp, keep the potatoes sizzling, they need to crisp on the outside, but they also need to cook through on the inside, otherwise you’ll end up with a bunch of crispy, raw potato; so go slow, amigo.
  • Mix your potatoes with the grease and spread them out in the skillet and let them brown for about 5 minutes.
  • Add finely chopped onion and hot peppers; if desired, also add a little finely chopped green bell pepper for taste and color…I usually do, but if I don’t have it on hand, it’s not the end of the world–it’s just breakfast, man.
  • Mix the ingredients well and spread out in the skillet and let cook another 5 minutes.  If you don’t have a good pan, here are some current prices for cast iron skillets on Amazon.
  • Add paprika, stir and continue to cook for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the potatoes are cooked through and done to the desired crispness.
    The key is to not cook the potatoes too fast.

Give this home fried potatoes recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

And for a fancy pants breakfast dish, try this Baked Eggs Recipe.

baked eggs
Baked eggs are an easy way to impress folks for breakfast.

Thanks for checking out the home fried potatoes recipe, and all of our recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list to never miss a new cooking video, and also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends, and follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road, or maybe even pay a bill or two!–Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

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We include affiliate links for products on our website, so if you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program providing a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Baked Eggs Recipe with Spinach and Tomato

baked eggs

This baked eggs recipe is a delicious treat for breakfast or brunch, and it’s easy to prepare even though it looks super fancy. I’m throwing spinach, tomato, and Roman cheese in this baked eggs recipe, but it’s a versatile dish, and anything that’ll work in an omelet will work in this preparation. For a spicier version, add a dash or two of hot sauce as the tomatoes cook.

What you need for a Baked Eggs Recipe

(this recipe serves 2)
OIL for sauteing
2 cup fresh SPINACH
2-4 GREEN ONIONS (chopped)
2 small ROMA TOMATOES (chopped)
3-4 GARLIC cloves (finely chopped)
chopped JALAPENO (optional)
freshly grated PARMESAN or ROMANO CHEESE
SALT and PEPPER to taste
½ cup chopped PARSLEY (optional)
sprinkle of PAPRIKA and fresh herb for GARNISH (optional)

baked eggs
Baked eggs are an easy way to impress folks for breakfast.

How to Make Oven Baked Eggs

  • Heat oil on medium high heat in a small saute pan.
  • Add garlic and chopped bottoms of the green onion. Saute for 1 minute and then add the tomato.
  • Continue to saute for 2 minutes and then add salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning. Mix and cook for 1 minute.
  • Add green onion tops and spinach, and any fresh herbs you desire.
  • Saute until spinach is wilted.
  • Lightly grease an oven-safe dish. If you like the dishes I used in the video, you can check out current prices for au gratin baking dishes on Amazon.
  • Add a layer of cheese to bottom of the if you like, but this is optional.
  • Spoon and spread the spinach and tomato mixture into the bottom of the dish.
  • Drizzle Half n Half or cream over top and then sprinkle shredded Parmesan or Romano cheese.
  • Carefully crack eggs and top the dish with them.
  • Place in an oven preheated to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. If the baking dish/ramekins are small, place on a baking sheet for easy handling
  • Bake 15-20 minutes, or until the eggs are set and cooked as desired.
  • When eggs are finished baking, top with additional cheese if desired. Sprinkle with paprika or garnish with fresh parsley, or basil, or cilantro, or whatever, but a touch of freshly chopped green will make this dish quite lovely.

Serve right away, because eggs are best hot, dude.
Give this baked eggs recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

For another fancy pants breakfast dish, try this tasty Huevos Rancheros Recipe.

huevos rancheros
Huevos Rancheros is a flavorful, classic mexican dish…delicious!

Thanks For Watching Egg Recipe

Thanks for checking out this Egg Bake recipe, and all of our recipes. Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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