This is a delicious pecan maple scone recipe, but not a good idea for folks with sugar/carb addictions and questionable degrees of willpower…which is pretty much everyone.
The only reason I’m even putting this up is because The Devil assured me that if I did I would one day win an Oscar and live in a luxury beach house in Malibu (which IS going to happen ’cause I was smart enough to get the deal in writing).
Scone Recipe Ingredients
2 cups FLOUR
1/2 cup SUGAR
1/2 tsp SALT
1/2 cup PECANS (chopped)
1/4 cup RAISINS
Icing for Scone Recipe
splash of WATER

In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Cut butter into flour mixture (freezing the butter and grating it into the mix is an easy trick to get this done). Add pecans and raisins into the mix.
In a separate bowl, combine sour cream, vanilla, and 1/4 cup maple syrup. Whisk together until smooth.
Pour the sour cream mixture into the flour mix and gently turn for a few minutes until the flour begins to form into clumps. Most of the loose flour will adhere into these clumps, but it’s okay if all of it doesn’t.
On a sheet of parchment paper or floured surface, pour the contents of the bowl. Press the clumps together into a mound–it’ll want to brake apart somewhat, but that’s okay. Flatten the mix into a circular cookie shape about 1 inch thick and cut like a pizza into 8 slices. Check here for current pricing for parchment paper on Amazon.
Arrange onto a flat baking sheet and bake in a 400 degree F oven for 20-25 minutes, until baked through and golden brown.
While scones cool, add powdered sugar into a small bowl. Add 1-2 Tbsp of warm tap water–add water slowly and whisk into a syrup; be conservative, it’s easy to add too much water. Then whisk 2 Tbsp of maple syrup into the powdered sugar syrup. Why? I don’t know, just crazy.
Drizzle the syrup glaze over the scones and allow the icing to harden (approx 10-15 min).
And there you go…a very sweet and healthy-free combo of questionable ingredients combined to put on the pounds and take potentially vibrant years off of the back-end of your life.
But this scone recipe is delicious.
Enjoy, if possible.
I usually really like the first two, and then I begin to question my motivations.
For a less decadent, less lethal treat, try this Homemade Biscotti Recipe.

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