This crispy home fried potatoes recipe makes a tasty breakfast side. I use onion and hot pepper in this video/recipe, but a little added green bell pepper is nice, too.
Home Fried Potatoes Recipe Ingredients
1 large POTATO
2-3 Tbsp BACON FAT
1/3 cup ONION (finely chopped)
¼ cup GREEN BELL PEPPER (finely chopped, optional)
HOT PEPPER (to taste, finely chopped)
SALT and PEPPER to taste
How to Make Home Fried Potatoes
- In a skillet, fry up 4-5 pieces of fatty bacon, this will give you enough grease to cook up your potatoes.
- Peel your potato, which is something I hate to say, ’cause potato skin is so delicious, but the breakfast home fries I grew up with were peeled, so that’s how I gotta roll.
- Dice your potato into dinky cubes; they don’t have to be exactly the same same, but mostly they do, so cut them as uniformly as possible.
- Add your diced potato to the skillet of hot grease–and by hot, I mean that your potatoes start to sizzle and cook when they hit the pan–but not overly hot, ’cause it will take 20-25 minutes to cook these potatoes up just right. Medium-low heat is a good temp, keep the potatoes sizzling, they need to crisp on the outside, but they also need to cook through on the inside, otherwise you’ll end up with a bunch of crispy, raw potato; so go slow, amigo.
- Mix your potatoes with the grease and spread them out in the skillet and let them brown for about 5 minutes.
- Add finely chopped onion and hot peppers; if desired, also add a little finely chopped green bell pepper for taste and color…I usually do, but if I don’t have it on hand, it’s not the end of the world–it’s just breakfast, man.
- Mix the ingredients well and spread out in the skillet and let cook another 5 minutes. If you don’t have a good pan, here are some current prices for cast iron skillets on Amazon.
- Add paprika, stir and continue to cook for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the potatoes are cooked through and done to the desired crispness.
The key is to not cook the potatoes too fast.
Give this home fried potatoes recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!
And for a fancy pants breakfast dish, try this Baked Eggs Recipe.

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