Fried chicken livers are super healthy and tasty, so don’t be a scaredy cat. The key to cooking the best chicken liver recipe is to clean and trim the livers well, removing all the veiny parts, then season the chicken livers with gusto, and don’t overcook them!
Ingredients for Fried Chicken Livers
1 cup all-purpose FLOUR
plus OIL for cooking
and PARSLEY for a garnish
How to Make the Best Fried Chicken Livers
Use chicken livers that are rich in color and firm, at least for liver. Color may vary for livers, but the liver should not be slimy, or have an off smell. Wash the chicken liver in cold water and then drain. Clean and trim the clivers by cutting away any veiny or sinewy parts and any discolored areas. Cleaning and trimming is the most time consuming part of the chicken liver recipe, but it’s a key part, and worth doing well, because chewy liver is no fun.

Now make a marinade. In a bowl, crack one egg and add some flavor by using creamy horseradish, or spicy mustard, or hot sauce, or all three. There is no wrong combination, just use whatever amount is suitable for the number of livers you are cooking. Mix the marinade and then add the livers and toss until well coated, then place bowl in the fridge for at least 20 minutes, or until ready to cook.
In a bowl, mix flour and seasoning. Be heavy handed with the seasoning!
Remove the liver from the marinade and dredge in the flour until coated.
Heat oil in a skillet on medium heat. It doesn’t take a lot of cooking oil, just enough to cover the bottom of the pan. Check current prices for a nice non-stick skillet on Amazon.
When oil is hot, carefully add livers. Chicken livers can spatter and pop in the grease, so exercise care. Cook the livers for 2-3 minutes on each side, or until cooked through. Liver cooks rapidly, so it doesn’t take long. Overcooked liver can have a chalky, grainy taste, and you want to avoid this.
Remove the cooked chicken livers from the skillet and drain on a paper towel, then place livers on a serving dish and garnish with chopped parsley. Serve hot!
Give fried chicken livers a try and let me know what you think, and for another healthy liver dish, try this Beef Liver Recipe. Don’t be a scaredy cat, give liver a chance!

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–Chef Buck
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