Saltine cracker salad is an old-timey Southern recipe that is unbelievably easy to make and ridiculously tasty. If you’ve never tried a cracker salad recipe before, it probably sounds like a bad idea, but definitely give this dish a try.
Ingredients for a Tomato Cracker Salad
1 cup chopped, fresh TOMATO
2-3 chopped GREEN ONIONS
1 chopped, boiled EGG …or 2, if you love eggs
SALT and PEPPER to taste
….ideally use fresh cracked black pepper, and be sure to give the salad a
taste test before adding salt, since the saltine crackers have lots of salt already.
How to Make This Southern Classic
If you have a degree in rocketry, it will not be needed for this salad. If you have a boiled egg already on hand, then this dish takes only moments to prepare, and check current prices for a Handy Egg Cooker if you’re the kinda person who likes having the odd boiled egg around.

In a bowl, empty one sleeve of saltine crackers, or unsalted crackers if you’re watching your sodium intake, then give crackers a rough crush by hand, but don’t overcrush! Now simply add the rest of the ingredients and toss until everything is combined. That’s all there is to the dish, which is like the opposite of rocket science.
This salad is extremely versatile and all ingredients can be adjusted for taste, but the
amounts I have listed are a good place to start.
If you want to jazz the dish up a bit, then try adding some creamy horseradish sauce, or a little chili pepper, paprika, or hot sauce.
Tips for a Better Cracker Salad
- Do not overcrush the crackers!
- Taste test and add in extra salt last, you might find that the saltines make the dish salty enough already.
- Don’t make the tomato cracker salad until you’re ready to serve. It tastes best freshly made, although personally I don’t mind having leftover cracker salad, even though a tomato never comes out of the fridge as tasty as it went in.
Give this cracker salad a try and let me know what you think, and for another slightly unsettling southern recipe, take a look at this country canned pear salad recipe.

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–Chef Buck
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