Broiled Jalapeno Poppers With Bacon

broiled jalapeno poppers

This recipe for broiled jalapeno poppers with bacon is flavorful and delicious. And we top each popper with bacon. What could be better?

Chef Buck and I enjoy jalapeno poppers! However, I [Camera Girl] am not crazy about the bread crumbs – yes, they add a crunch but why add another mild-mannered ingredient to your cheesy poppers? I want flavor, flavor, flavor!!

Fun fact: Some Texas friends recently told us that poppers are also called “armadillo legs”. Who knew?

What You Need to Make Broiled Jalapeno Poppers with Bacon

A sturdy BROILING PAN, or another oven-safe pan that is big enough for the poppers you want to make. Check current broiler pan prices on Amazon.
Fresh, small to medium JALAPENO PEPPERS to fill your pan; Plan on 4 halves for each person.
1 package of your favorite, thinly sliced BACON. Thick slices of bacon do not crisp up quickly.
Whatever filling(s) you want …..

Filling Suggestions
Here are some of our favorite fillings for poppers. Each of the following suggestion provides the filling for 2 halves of a small to medium jalapeno:

1 oz plain cream cheese or herbed goat cheese

1 oz plain cream cheese, AND

  • 1 tsp pepper jelly, 1 tsp cracked black pepper
  • 1 Tbsp everything spice
  • 3 tsp sundried tomatoes, 1/2 tsp garlic powder, 1 tsp cracked black pepper [ Buck says this one tastes like pizza ]

The options are endless!  Try using: blue cheese, cheddar cheese, asiago cheese, pepper jack cheese, chives, green onions, 1 tsp soy or Worcestershire sauce, sundried tomatoes, minced garlic, some of your favorite meat rub.

If you want some meat in your poppers,

  • Try our Cheeseburger Poppers recipe!
  • If you want the bacon taste, but you also want the bacon to be super crispy? Instead of topping each popper with uncooked bacon, add cooked crispy bacon to your filling.
jalapenos for poppers
sliced jalapenos for poppers

How To Make Jalapeno Poppers With Bacon

Take out cream cheese, goat cheese and/or other dairy products you are using for filling.

Cut bacon slices in thirds, set aside.

Place oven rack 3 inches from broiler element (generally your top oven shelf). Pre-heat broiler.

Slice jalapenos in half (longways), taking off stem, seeds and membrane. REMEMBER TO BE CAREFUL HANDLING JALAPENOS. They contain capsaicin, which you do NOT want in your eyes or mouth.

Place jalapeno halves slice-side up in pan. Sear in preheated broiled for about 6 minutes.

While the jalapenos are initially in the oven, prepare your fillings.

Bring your jalapenos out of the oven and let them cool off the pan for about 3 minutes, until their temperature allows you to handle them.

Fill each half with your desired filling(s). Top with a bacon third.

Return halves to the pan. Slide pan back into the oven.

Broil for 6 minutes – watching closely, all ovens are different.

Remove from oven. Allow to cool on paper towels.

broiled jalapeno poppers

Additional Tips When Making Jalapeno Poppers

Want poppers that are less spicy? Use mini bell peppers instead of jalapenos. Or, if you have more time, after you’ve removed the membrane and seeds, soak them overnight in a bowl filled with Sprite.  

These poppers can be made at least one day in advance and held in the fridge or freezer. If you do this, DON’T add your bacon until you’re ready to broil your poppers.

Also, you can serve your poppers on lettuce leaves…. which can also soak up some oil from the cheeses and bacon.

And did I mention that we love jalapeno poppers? Try our basic baked popper recipe, stove-cooked popper recipe, as well as our cheeseburger popper recipe!

jalapeno poppers

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Thanks for checking out our broiled jalapeno poppers recipe. Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Charcuterie Ideas

charcuterie ideas

Need charcuterie ideas? The most important aspect of a charcuterie board – include foods that YOU want to eat, perhaps trying one or two new things! The options are endless. Sometimes, Chef Buck and I think we want a charcuterie plate but end up just getting out some veggies and hummus, or just some nuts, or just some cheese.  Since we often make meals for just the two of us, a charcuterie collection is our starting point but we let our mood ultimately guide us.

Chef Buck and I have been on the search for the perfect non-gluten snacks to go with a glass of wine. And well, we are generally eaters rather than mere nibblers, so we often are looking for more than a small block of good chocolate or a bowl of peanuts. A charcuterie plate/board/platter, aka a varied plate of cold cuts and other yummy morsels, is just the ticket!  

Strictly speaking, charcuterie (shar-KOO-ta-REE) is a shop where you can buy cold meats and meat dishes, and the term can also refer to the meat products sold in such a shop. But you can go to a shop, restaurant or someone’s home and a referenced charcuterie board or platter can contain much more than cold cuts. In this blog, we explore some of our favorite charcuterie ideas, and a couple of experimental ingredients.

Charcuterie Ideas – Have A Variety of Textures and Tastes

COLD MEATS. Since charcuterie specifically references cold meats, let’s start there. Yes, you can use cold cuts from your grocery deli, sliced extra thin. We enjoy something with a bit of flavor, so we lean toward varieties of salami. Have you tried any summer sausages? Summer sausages is a general term for fully cooked sausages that do not require refrigeration until after the packaging is opened; they are especially plentiful around the holiday times.    We have tried a couple of the cured meats with no preservatives. However, we found them a bit too dry and chewy, perhaps because we’ve spent decades eating other varieties. You can check prices for fancy charcuterie meats on Amazon.

Simple Charcuterie Plate

PICKLED OR BRINED ITEMS.  Chef Buck’s charcuterie plate is never complete without some olives. He prefers pitted kalamata (black, actually deep purple) olives as well as plump green manzanilla olives stuffed with pimentos or jalapenos. If you feel like really splurging, try some castelvetrano olives. They are also green but have a buttery goodness that are a special treat. Beyond olives, perhaps you’ll want to include a bite of marinated artichokes, pickled cherry peppers, pickled okra or just some plain pickles.

CHEESES. A creamy cheese is one of my favorite additions to our charcuterie plates. We’re always happy with a smoked gouda or creamy havarti. We’ve had successful experiments with creamy cheeses we can easily find in our local grocery store: dill havarti, caramelized onion gouda. But you don’t have to stop with just the creamy cheeses. We’ve added a herbed goat cheese, that had such a gusto of flavor that we didn’t need as much variety on that night’s plate – some veggies and nuts worked. We’ve had some harder cheeses when we’ve picked a white wine that has a particularly strong flavor.

FRESH VEGETABLES and FRUITS. We add fresh veggies and fruits to our charcuterie for some crunch and as the ocassional palate cleanser. And hey, Chef Buck thinks this addition makes the whole plate healthy. Some of our favorite fresh vegetables for a charcuterie plate are red/purple/yellow bell pepper, carrots, radishes, cauliflower florets. We once found a purple daikon at a local farmer’s market – it was a great addition with a burst of color. Grapes are an easy addition to a charcuterie. Perhaps you want some sweeter figs or berries? Or maybe cut up some apples or other seasonal fruit (peaches, pears) and sprinkle them with some lemon juice to slow down the browning process.

DRIED FRUITS. When the wine and fresh fruits are enough to satisfy your sweet tooth, and perhaps your seasonal fruit options are slim, consider adding a couple pieces of dried fruit. Dried apricots, cranberries, even prunes can provide some contrast to your briny/pickled options. Want some fancier options? Add dried figs, mango and/or pineapple.

BREAD, CRACKERS. Bread, breadsticks, crackers – all go well with meats, cheeses and many of your other charcuterie choices. They are a favorite for many people on their charcuterie boards. In college, my roommate and I survived the two weeks before leaving for the holidays, by living on the Hickory Farms gift packages of cocktail bread (fancy, miniature loaves of plain, wheat, rye or pumpernickel), sausage and cheeses, coupled with ridiculously big slathers of mayo.

SPREADS. You can include sweet and savory options. Jars of preserves, jellies or chutney provide a different taste combo with a bite of meat, cheese, bread or cracker. Jalopeno jelly is one of our favorite jellies.  Although we think they are especially messy, honey or syrups also provide different flavor and texture profiles. And for savory options, add some mustard, maybe even some horseradish or wasabi. You can add olives in the form of a tapenade. And yes, you can include some of your favorite dip – it’s YOUR charcuterie after all!

OTHER NON-GLUTEN OPTIONS. Since Chef Buck and I have been eating less bread and crackers, we’ve been exploring some additional non-gluten options for our charcuteries. Nuts are one of our favorite and again, the options are endless – raw, roasted, candied, spicy. Especially when we’re including a red wine, we sneak in a little dark chocolate. We have added pork rinds but found that their dryness just made us eat more of everything else. The same with the yummy ‘all-cheese’ crackers that have appeared in the last few years, usually made of parmesan and/or other hard cheeses.

How expensive can a charcuterie sampling be? Just for an idea of how pricey something like this can be, here’s a link to a fancy charcuterie board on Amazon. I’m not recommending that you buy a charcuterie assortment online or in a restaurant. You can make something like this at home just as fancy for ⅕ the cost.

charcuterie ideas
Use a variety of flavors and textures to create the ideal charcuterie plate.

Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment with Your Charcuterie Ideas

In the video, you can see two of our charcuterie experiments: one quicker (fried fish skins) and one that takes 2+ hours to slowly bake (zucchini chips). As we mention, we’ve been especially interested in non-gluten options.

FRIED FISH SKINS. We buy smoked trout when we want to have a fancy-pants breakfast. It often comes with a skin on one side. Since we enjoy crisping the skin on salmon or trout fillets, Chef Buck was inspired to try crisping just the skin from our smoked trout. As the video shows, it was messy but a big success. Also, it was a great addition to that night’s charcuterie plates.

ZUCCHINI CHIPS.  It wasn’t a typo. It took 2.5 hours to cook a single rack of zucchini chips, from two medium-sized zucchini. Perhaps we need to try dehydrating some? Anyway, although the cooking time is long, the video shows that the process is an easy one.  You just cut, oil and season the chips. Place them in a single layer in a pan and cook them in an oven preheated to 250.

Additional Tips for the Perfect Charcuterie Plate

Take your cheese out 20-30 minutes before you’re going to eat it. You’ve spent the money on some fancy cheese – let the flavors and creaminess come through.

Your charcuterie collection can be unrefrigerated for two hours. You were often spared the bother of cooking anything for your charcuterie plate, but it still needs some respect.

Individual charcuterie plates can make a romantic dinner for two. [Plus, individual plates may give you the opportunity to appear generous by ‘sharing’ some of your portion once you’re full, instead of realizing you’ve only eaten two bites from a single charcuterie plate, while your partner gobbled up everything else on the plate.]

You’ve done the hard work by picking your favorite charcuterie ideas. Now, spend a minute on presentation. Make your plate look inviting. Add some color – everything doesn’t have to be red and yellow.  It doesn’t have to be much extra effort. Instead of your meat and cheese being in a single stack – fan them out just a smidge. Distribute your colors around a bit. And if you want to ‘go all out’, the internet is full of charcuterie presentation pictures (and instructions) to provide inspiration.

Check out some of our other appetizer recipes!

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Thanks for checking out our blog regarding charcuterie ideas. Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Cheesy Chile Party Snack Idea

cheesy chile party snack

This cheesy chile party snack is a quick, flavorful addition to any get together! You can get credit for bringing something homemade and great, although you didn’t have to spend much time in the kitchen. And the recipe is very versatile – you can easily adjust it to fit your particular taste buds.

Ingredients for Cheesy Chile Party Snack

7 oz canned GREEN CHILES, drained
½ teaspoon diced CHIPOTLE PEPPERS (jar or can)
2 Tablespoons MILK
PAPRIKA, to sprinkle on the top

cheesy chile party snack

How to Make Easy Cheese Bites with Chiles

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Open and drain chile peppers.
Grate cheese.
Butter bottom and side of an 8×8 dish. Check current prices for a BAKING DISH on Amazon.
Mix the drained green chile and chipotle peppers together. Remember, a LITTLE chipotle pepper goes a very long way. I like to use La Costena Chipotle Peppers; it’s on of my favorite ingredients for all kinds of dishes, but use it sparingly because it’s very hot and very easy too use too much! Check current prices for La Costena Peppers on Amazon.
Spread the pepper mixture evenly on the bottom of your dish.
Beat the eggs, milk and black pepper together.
Spread over peppers.
Sprinkle paprika on top.
Bake in middle of oven for 25-30 minutes, until the cheese starts to brown at the edges.

Enjoy it with crackers, warm or cold.

Variations for Cheesy Chile Party Snacks

If you don’t have chipotle peppers on hand, you can still get some smoky flavor by using a smoky cheese. Maybe even a fancy-pants gruyere?

Experiment with cheeses!  The recipe that inspired this recipe called for 8 oz of cheddar cheese. For us, we wanted to pepper flavor to be the star, not the cheese.

As I mentioned in the video, the cracker gets soggy if it sits around too much, especially with the chile side down. The easiest remedy for this is to gobble these nibbles up as soon as you pair them with a cracker.  But you could also use crostinis or toasted cocktail bread to keep the crunchiness around a bit longer. Or, you can serve this  cold, which will also increase your ‘crunch sustainability’.

And if you’re looking for a quick party food that’s sweet instead of savory, check out our pretzel chocolate treats. Want another easy, great party food that is a little fancier? Try our cranberry brie bites.

chocolate salty treats

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Thanks for checking out our cheesy chile party snack recipe, and all of our recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, you can also support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. So, if you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Baked Eggplant Fries without Breading

Baked eggplant fries without breading or flour are possible! And these fries are simple to fix because you don’t need bread crumbs, flour, or egg. Buck and I found some beautiful eggplant at the local farmer’s market and wanted to do something other than just olive oil, rosemary, salt and pepper. These baked eggplant fries are easy, flavorful, and are a great side for your sandwich or wrap.

baked eggplant fries

One ‘medium’ eggplant fills a baking sheet. And since they are best fresh out of the oven, this makes a satisfying amount for Buck and me to scarf down in one sitting.

Ingredients for Baked Eggplant Fries

1 medium EGGPLANT
1 tsp SALT
1 Tbsp OLIVE OIL (+ may need 1/4 tsp more halfway through baking)

baked eggplant fries

How to Make Baked Eggplant Fries

Wash and cut your eggplant. We generally cut them into longer/shoestring-like pieces but you can cut them into 1/4 inch coins as well. Sprinkle with the salt and set them aside for 10 minutes to draw some water out.

In those 10 minutes that your eggplant is ‘sweating’, you can:
Preheat to 400.
Make sure you have an oven rack set in the middle of the oven.
Oil your pan.
Mix together spices.

Pat eggplant to remove excess water.
Toss your spices with the eggplant.

Coat all sides of eggplant with the pan oil.   [Instead of oil, you can use parchment paper or a silicone baking sheet but be warned – the fries will not be as flavorful without the oil.]

Cook on medium rack for 15 minutes. Use a spatula to make sure your fries are not sticking.  If they are sticking a bit, you can add 1/4 – 1/2 tsp of oil or use cooking spray.

Sprinkle the parmesan cheese over your fries. Cook 5-10 more minutes,until crispy.

And if you are looking for a quick sauce to serve with your fries – try hummus. Of course you can get it in the store but it’s also easy to make a delicious hummus at home.

hummus recipe

Baked Eggplant Seasonings

Have you tried adding 1/2 tsp celery salt and/or 2 tsp of dried parsley to your fries?  What about adding 2 tsp of nutritional yeast – to add a cheese-like flavor and some vitamin B?

What about some fresh rosemary, onion powder and black pepper?

If you want more of an Italian taste try replacing the smoked paprika with:
1/2 tsp dried basil
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp dried thyme

If you’re interested in a Greek flavor, add some feta cheese, instead of parmesan. And maybe season with:
1/2 tsp dill
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp black pepper

Thanks for checking out our baked eggplant fries recipe, and all of our recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list to never miss a new cooking video, and also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends, and follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road, or maybe even pay a bill or two!–Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

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We include affiliate links for products on our website, so if you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program providing a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Sweet Potato Hummus – Easy Sweet Potato Recipe

sweet potato hummus

If you love hummus, be sure and give this sweet potato hummus recipe a try. It’s super easy and healthy, just like classic hummus, and very creamy. If you have a hard time getting your family excited about chickpeas, then this sweet potato recipe might be the answer.

What you need for Sweet Potato Hummus

1 medium size cooked SWEET POTATO
3 cloves GARLIC
3-4 Tbsp TAHINI
SALT to taste …but about ½ tsp is cool
LEMON ZEST optional

sweet potato hummus

How to make Sweet Potato Hummus

Cook the sweet potato. But do you peel the potato first? That’s up to you, but I like to leave the potato peeling on, because it’s added taste and texture and nutrition, so why not? For hummus, I generally nuke the sweet potato in the microwave. Wash the potato, then pierce the skin of the potato 4 or 5 times with a fork, then microwave the potato for 5 to 6 minutes.

Put all ingredients into a food processor and then blend until smooth. Check Kitchen Food Processor prices on Amazon. If the hummus is overly thin, you can thicken it with added sweet potato. If the hummus is too thick, add a spoonful of water at a time until the hummus reaches the consistency you like, or add a bit of extra olive oil.

Check current prices for Tahini on Amazon.

Serve sweet potato hummus with warm pita bread, pita chips, crackers, or raw fruit and vegetables.

Is hummus too healthy for you? Are you a risk taker? Try a decadent Fancy Bean Dip Recipe.

bean dip
White bean puree makes an excellent bean dip or spread.

Thanks for checking out our hummus recipe video, and all of our recipes. If you’re interested in sweet potato nutrition info, here’s what science people have to say about the health benefits of sweet potatoes.

Be sure and sign up for our mailing list and never miss a new Chef Buck cooking video, and also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!
–Chef Buck

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We include affiliate links for products on our website, so if you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program providing a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Cauliflower Hummus Recipe for Health Nuts

Hummus is healthy enough, so isn’t a Cauliflower Hummus recipe just a little silly? Cauliflower hummus is very tasty, just like regular old delicious hummus, and it has cauliflower in it, so why not? Let’s do it.

What you need for a Cauliflower Hummus Recipe

1 15oz can WHITE BEANS
2 cups of fresh CAULIFLOWER
3 cloves GARLIC
3-4 Tbsp TAHINI
SALT to taste …but about ½ tsp is cool
LEMON ZEST optional
additional SEASONING optional

cauliflower hummus recipe

How to make Cauliflower Hummus

Put everything in a food processor and blend it until smooth. That’s it. Wadja think?

Check current prices for tahini on Amazon. If you’re buying tahini from a brick and mortar store, look around in the various departments such as the “international” foods, health foods, and peanut butter section; different brands market tahini to different types of buyers, and the price can vary greatly, so definitely shop around to avoid over-priced tahini.

Serve hummus with warm pita bread, pita chips, crackers, or raw fruit and vegetables.

Is cauliflower hummus too healthy for you? Are you a risk taker? Like it on the wild side? Try this very dangerous Onion Dip Recipe…dangerously delicious.

onion dip recipe

Thanks for checking out our cauliflower hummus recipe video, and all of our recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list and never miss a new Chef Buck cooking video, and also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

Check out this overly scientific article about chickpeas and hummus if you want to nerd out on some hummus nutritional info.

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We include affiliate links for products on our website, so if you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program providing a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Homemade Onion Dip Recipe

Try a caramelized onion dip recipe that will make you never want to use another dried onion dip recipe again. Homemade onion dip takes more time than a pre-packaged dried onion dip, but not too much time, just enough time to show that you care.

What you need for this Onion Dip Recipe

4 medium sized ONIONS
1 Tbsp OIL
1 tsp SALT
8oz softened CREAM CHEESE
SOUR CREAM as desired
fresh PARSLEY or GREEN ONION TOPS for garnish

onion dip recipe

How to make a Caramelized Onion Dip Recipe

  • Slice the onions. It’s best to use sweet or yellow onions.
  • Heat oil and butter on medium high heat in a skillet.
  • Add the onions and saute about 5-10 minutes, stirring routinely.
  • Reduce heat to medium and add salt and garlic powder and continue to stir as needed. As the onions cook down, add a little wine or Worcestershire sauce to keep the onions juicy, or just a sprinkling of water.
  • Continue cooking until the onions are rich and caramel colored. Don’t be in a hurry, it will take around 30 minutes to achieve perfectly caramelized onions, but the wait is worth it.
  • In a bowl, mix the softened cream cheese and a spoonful of sour cream.
  • Chop up the caramelized onions well and stir into the mix. Stir until the ingredients are well incorporated. You can adjust the amount of sour cream to make the dip as creamy as you like. The dip will firm up as the onions cool.
  • For color, stir in a little fresh parsley or green onion tops, but only use the fresh green onion if eating the same day.

This dip is tasty, but like most dips it’ll be even tastier if you can make it a day ahead of time to allow the flavors to meld.

Serve the dip with crackers, toast, chips, or sliced veggies. This dip makes a great creamy onion filling for other recipes. Stuff the onion filling in a jalapeno popper, or use the filling in an omelet!

If homemade onion dip isn’t your thing, you can check current prices
for a dried ONION DIP mix
on Amazon.

For another easy party favorite, try this Pimiento Cheese Dip Recipe.

pimiento cheese spread
homemade pimiento cheese spread

Thanks for checking out our onion dip recipe, and all of our recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list and never miss a new Chef Buck cooking video, and also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!
–Chef Buck

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We include affiliate links for products on our website, so if you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program providing a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Garlic Bread Rolls – No Yeast Bread

Try this easy no-yeast bread recipe for baking delicious garlic bread rolls. These bite-sized garlic rolls are perfect with pastas and soups. Adding a bit of garlic and shredded cheese makes these fresh bread rolls irresistible, and the butter finish takes them over the top.

What You Need to Make Garlic Bread Rolls

1 cup ALL PURPOSE FLOUR (plus ¼ cup extra flour for working the dough)
½ tsp SALT
1 cup plain GREEK YOGURT
1 Tbsp minced GARLIC
½ cup shredded CHEESE
2 Tbsp melted BUTTER
(or use 1 Tbsp fresh chopped parsley)

garlic bread rolls
garlic bread bites served with zoodles

How to Bake Garlic Bread Bites

  • Preheat the oven to 475˚ Fahrenheit.
  • Place flour, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl and mix.
  • Add in yogurt and stir until the dry ingredients are just combined into the wet ingredients and begin to ball together.
  • Turn the dough ball out onto a floured surface.
  • Sprinkle lightly with flour and knead the dough just a couple of times and form into a ball. Don’t overwork the dough.
  • Flatten the dough ball slightly and top with the shredded cheese and minced garlic topping. Use whatever cheese or combos of cheese you like. A touch of Parmesan adds a great flavor.
  • Fold up the dough around the garlic and cheese and knead lightly to incorporate the ingredients throughout the dough.
  • Flatten dough again, then cut into 16 wedges. Roll each wedge into a ball and place on a parchment covered baking sheet. Check current pricing for parchment paper on Amazon.
  • If dough becomes sticky while forming the rolls and handling, just lightly dip your fingertips in oil, or dust lightly with flour.
  • Bake rolls at 475˚F for 10-14 minutes, until golden brown.
  • While the garlic rolls bake, mix together melted butter, garlic powder, and parsley.
  • When rolls have colored up and baked through, remove the bread from the oven and let the rolls cool for 10 minutes.
  • Then roll each garlic bread bite in the seasoned melted butter.
  • Serve with anything or nothing, because they are fantastic in every way.

For another easy no-yeast bread recipe, try this Classic Biscuit Recipe.

Thanks for checking out our garlic bread rolls recipe, and all of our recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list and never miss a new Chef Buck cooking video, and also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!
–Chef Buck

Thanks for watching our bread recipe video!

We include affiliate links for products on our website, so if you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program providing a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Bacon Wrapped Cheese Bread Recipe

bacon wrapped cheese bread

If you love bacon you’ll love this bacon wrapped cheese bread recipe made with only three ingredients: Bacon, Bread, and Cheese …luckily it’s three of the best ingredients in the world. I first encountered this dish at a cafe in Guadalajara, Mexico and knew right away I wanted to make this dish at home. I prefer to use a white cheese, but of course any kind of cheese you love is the right cheese. Chopping up some pickled jalapeno peppers and adding them to the cheese is a good idea, too, if you want to spice it up a bit.

Ingredients for this Bacon Bread Recipe

BREAD …a crusty roll big enough to hide cheese inside
BACON …thin sliced for easy wrapping
CHEESE …whatever cheese you love, dude

bacon wrapped cheese bread

How to make the Best Bacon Wrapped Cheese Bread

This simple dish will suit any meal of the day. Choose a not overly large crusty bread roll for you bacon ball, since it will take several slices of bacon to wrap even a smallish chuck of bread. And be sure to choose bread that is thick enough to cut out the center for the cheese filling.

For the cheese I like to use a meltable white cheese, but use whatever you like. Bacon, bread, and cheese is a great combo of uncomplicated, simple, down home flavors. If you want a more complex flavor, add a bit of zing to the cheese filling. You can add sauteed onion, garlic, cilantro, or chopped pickled jalapeno to the filling for a bit more pizazz.

bacon wrapped cheese bread
  • With a sharp knife, cut an insert into the bread roll. Remove and reserve the bread cut out to make a stopper for the cheese.
  • Fill the bread with the cheese. There is no wrong amount of cheese, whatever you like is the right amount, but keep in mind that bread and bacon alone can be a bit dry, so the more cheese you add, the creamier the dish will be.
  • Once you’ve inserted the cheese, plug the opening with some of the bread you’ve taken out. Plug it up as best you can! You don’t want your cheese filling to melt and leak out of the bread.
  • Wrap the roll well in bacon. Use the first strip wrapped around the roll to help secure the bread plug to keep the cheese inside! Wrap the bacon in alternating criss cross strips to form a tight lattice until bread is completely covered. Try not to overlap the bacon more than twice so that the bacon ball will cook completely in a shorter time.
  • Place the bacon ball on a wire rack over a foil-lined tray in an oven preheated to 350 degrees F. Cook until the bacon is done as desired. I like to cook my bacon ball in a toaster oven for easier cleanup. To shorten the cooking time, you can start the bacon ball in a microwave for 2-3 minutes before placing in the oven.

Serve the bacon ball as an entree for any meal. You can also prep these bacon balls ahead of time by wrapping and storing them in the fridge until ready to cook.
Bacon wrapped cheese bread is such a hearty and filling dish, and pairs especially well with a salad for a fancy brunch-type meal. And it’s even good cold! What? Trust me.

A compact toaster oven is perfect for recipes like this cheesy bacon wrap. Check current prices on Amazon for a toaster oven.

I hope you like this cool looking bacon wrapped cheese thing-a-ma-bob. It’ll definitely impress family and friends, just take the time to plug up the cheese well. A bacon ball that leaks out all its cheese is just sad.

For another delicious bread dish twist, try this Fancy egg Bread Recipe.

egg bread
add extra bling for fancier egg bread, but don’t skimp on the seasoning

Thanks for watching our Bacon Recipe!

Thanks for checking out the bacon wrapped cheese bread and all of our recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list to never miss a new cooking video, and also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends, and follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road, or maybe even pay a bill or two!–Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

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How To Eat Papaya – Ripe Papaya 101

how to eat papaya

Here is all you need to know to choose a ripe papaya and how to eat papaya. Cutting and eating a papaya is super simple because you can eat the entire tropical fruit including the skin, seeds, and flesh. This makes it an ideal ingredient in smoothies, especially if the papaya is a little on the over-ripe side. Papaya is packed with nutrients and great for digestive health. I found the papaya seeds really tasty, and the seeds added a nice texture, too.

Two Major Papaya Varieties We’ve Tried

There are many varieties of papaya available.  Before arriving in Mexico we were most familiar with the smaller Solo variety of papaya grown in Hawaii. We are currently in central Mexico and have had yummy maradol papaya at local restaurants.  The street vendors here sell gorgeous fruit cups of papaya, watermelon, jicama and pineapple – YUM!

In Central Mexico, the maradol papaya is popularly grown.  Both the Maradol and the Solo varieties are easy to peel and the fruit has a mild sweet flavor. The Maradol papaya can get up to 20 inches long and weigh several pounds. It is generally not as sweet as the Solo, but still has a great taste and, when ripe, has a texture similar to a soft honeydew or cantaloupe. Its mild flavor profile means it’s a great compliment for a variety of foods.

If you can’t find fresh papaya where you live, you can try dried papaya. Dried papaya is easy to find in most big box groceries, or you can check Amazon for current prices on dried papaya.

Papaya Is Packed With Nutrition

Papaya is nutrition-rich.  This tropical fruit is high in vitamin C and a great source of vitamin A and folate.  You also get plenty of fiber, magnesium, and potassium when you eat a serving of papaya. The digestive health benefits papaya are considerable because of an enzyme called papain that helps with the digestion of proteins. Papain is extracted from papaya and used as a main ingredient in powdered meat tenderizers.

how to eat papaya

How To Pick A Ripe Papaya

To pick a ripe papaya, look for mostly yellow to orange skin. You want the papaya to give a bit when you press it, but it should still be hard at the stem-end. As with any produce, you do not want a lot of soft or moldy spots. 

IF you have a few days to wait for the sweet taste, you can pick a papaya that has just started to turn yellow. Just leave it on your kitchen counter to ripen OR put it in a paper bag with a banana and set it in the fridge.

One more thing, a good papaya can have a slightly musky aroma. Wait! Don’t run away…try it first. One of Buck’s favorite ways to eat raw papaya is with a generous amount of fresh lime juice. If the smell turns you off, that’s one of many ways you can overcome the musky aroma.

How To Eat Papaya

When you’re ready to use your papaya, as with any fruit, wash the skin with soap and water before cutting. Cut off the stem end, then cut it lengthwise. For this type of papaya, the fruit will be a yellow/orange color. Generally folks scoop out and discard the seeds and membrane…but see our related thoughts at the end of this post. The texture will be similar to a ripe cantaloupe or honeydew melon.

Once a papaya is ripe, you want to store it in the fridge and use it within a day or two. Skinned papaya chunks can be frozen for later use. But like any fruit with a high water content, you don’t want to leave it frozen for too long.

Ripe papaya is soft enough that you can easily scoop our spoonfuls and eat it right out of the skin.  Or, just squeeze a generous amount of lime juice over it just before you eat it. That simple combination is fantastic! Feeling adventurous but lazy? Add a bit of chipotle chili or cayenne to your papaya/lime mixture.  What about some grated ginger, mint and a scoop of yogurt?  Raw papaya is especially friendly with citrus and creamy accompaniments.

how to eat papaya

More Things To Do With Papaya

You can make all kinds of salsas and cold salads with papaya. Just remember one thing when you make any cold dishes: the same enzyme that allows papayas to help you digest proteins, softens other fruits was well. That means that you want to eat your cold papaya creations within a day of mixing.

Use papaya to make a nutrient-packed beverage. Make a papaya smoothie mixing fruit chunks with some coconut milk, honey and a pinch of cinnamon. Try blending in a few seeds and a piece of skin for added nutrition. 

What about using papaya in a cake topping? Puree papaya with seeds and mix into lemon curd and use as a topping on a cake. Just pour on the top and drizzle down the sides over a whipped cream frosting.

The possibilities for including ripe papaya in your diet are endless, and your body will appreciate it. 

How To Use Green Papaya

Got a totally green, unripe papaya? Don’t despair! Folks purposely choose a TOTALLY green papaya (usually smaller than the ripe one) for some scrumptious meals. Shred it up and make a tart cold salad. A Vietnamese friend has served us a green papaya salad – OMG! Green papaya has a firmer texture than a ripe one, and can be added to hot dishes. Add it to soup, stews, and curries.

Don’t forget, a green papaya has a bit less of the papain enzyme than a ripe one. But still, you want to use it within a couple of days of cutting it.

You Can Eat ALL The Papaya

Yep, you can eat the seeds, central membrane and the skin.

You can eat the black seeds raw with the papaya. The seeds have a peppery and oh-so slightly bitter taste. You can also wash and dry the seeds, then use them as you would peppercorns. Try grinding up a few fresh or dried seeds and add to a salad dressing or a cocktail.  Some studies suggest papaya seeds help keep intestinal parasites out the body or as a treatment for heartburn.

See that light-colored membrane under the seeds? That can be the sweetest part of the papaya. In terms of texture, that may not be your thing but, like other fruit membranes, it packs some nutrition.

Eat the skin? Your choice. It doesn’t have much flavor but a little can add some additional fiber to your smoothie. Don’t knock it until you try it!

And that’s about all you need to know to eat and enjoy a papaya. We hope this info has been helpful, and for another tropical fruit treat, check out All You Need To Know About Mango!

mango smoothie

Be sure and sign up for our mailing list and never miss a new Chef Buck cooking video, and also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. If you enjoyed this How To Eat Papaya video, check out my Cool Fruit Playlist on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!
–Chef Buck

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Smoked Fish Dip with only 4 Ingredients

smoked fish dip

The best smoked fish dip is the easiest, and with just four ingredients you can make a super fish dip that’s a fantastic value and sure to be a tasty hit at parties and family gatherings. I like using smoked sardines, but any smoked fish will do the trick.

Ingredients for Easy Smoked Fish Dip

(plus natural juices from the can, maybe)
3 Tbsp LEMON JUICE (or rice vinegar)

optional ingredients:
SALT and PEPPER to taste

When I was a kid, I loathed sardines. My dad used to eat sardines on ritz crackers while watching football on tv, and man did that stuff stink up the house! I was only a little kid, but that memory has stayed with me. My dad bought sardines packed in mustard, or tomato sauce, and because of the smelly association I have from childhood, I never buy sardines packed in mustard or tomato. Is that stuff any good? Adult me might have a different perspective now, but adult me isn’t ready to find out yet. But I do know that plain-jane smoked sardines packed in their own juices are fantastic.

smoked fish dip

How to Make Fish Dip

You can use any smoked seafood for this recipe, but smoked sardines are an economical choice and very easy to find.

I paid $3.49 for a 6.7 oz can of Bar Harbor brand smoked sardines at our local grocery. The BEST PRICE I found on Amazon was for a 12 pack of smoked sardines already seasoned with black pepper.

In a bowl, add softened cream cheese, then drain sardines from the natural juices and add fish to the bowl. Add lemon juice and creamy horseradish and mix everything together until blended well.

Taste test, and then adjust ingredients as desired. Also, adding a bit of the natural juices from the sardine can is an easy way to enhance the smoked fish flavor.

For more flavor, add cracked black pepper, or a little smoked paprika for chipotle powder, but take it easy on the added ingredients, because you don’t want to muddle the great taste of smoked fish.

Serve this easy dip with crisp crackers or sliced veggies. I really love this fish dip on a toasted bagel with onion, tomato, and capers, and I bet you will, too.

Give this easy smoked fish dip recipe a try and let me know what you think! And check here for out more Healthy Canned Fish Recipe Ideas.

canned herring recipe
Canned herring is an affordable and easy way to incorporate the health benefits of fish into your diet.

Thanks for Watching our Fish Dip Recipe Video!

Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

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Cracker Salad with Saltine Crackers …Really!

cracker salad

Saltine cracker salad is an old-timey Southern recipe that is unbelievably easy to make and ridiculously tasty. If you’ve never tried a cracker salad recipe before, it probably sounds like a bad idea, but definitely give this dish a try.

Ingredients for a Tomato Cracker Salad

1 cup chopped, fresh TOMATO
2-3 chopped GREEN ONIONS
1 chopped, boiled EGG …or 2, if you love eggs
SALT and PEPPER to taste
….ideally use fresh cracked black pepper, and be sure to give the salad a
taste test before adding salt, since the saltine crackers have lots of salt already.

How to Make This Southern Classic

If you have a degree in rocketry, it will not be needed for this salad. If you have a boiled egg already on hand, then this dish takes only moments to prepare, and check current prices for a Handy Egg Cooker if you’re the kinda person who likes having the odd boiled egg around.

cracker salad

In a bowl, empty one sleeve of saltine crackers, or unsalted crackers if you’re watching your sodium intake, then give crackers a rough crush by hand, but don’t overcrush! Now simply add the rest of the ingredients and toss until everything is combined. That’s all there is to the dish, which is like the opposite of rocket science.

This salad is extremely versatile and all ingredients can be adjusted for taste, but the
amounts I have listed are a good place to start.

If you want to jazz the dish up a bit, then try adding some creamy horseradish sauce, or a little chili pepper, paprika, or hot sauce.

Tips for a Better Cracker Salad

  • Do not overcrush the crackers!
  • Taste test and add in extra salt last, you might find that the saltines make the dish salty enough already.
  • Don’t make the tomato cracker salad until you’re ready to serve. It tastes best freshly made, although personally I don’t mind having leftover cracker salad, even though a tomato never comes out of the fridge as tasty as it went in.

Give this cracker salad a try and let me know what you think, and for another slightly unsettling southern recipe, take a look at this country canned pear salad recipe.

pear salad
classic Southern style pear salad dessert

Thanks for checking out our recipes, and be sure and sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a Chef Buck cooking video, and also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!
–Chef Buck

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We include affiliate links for products on our website, so if you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program that provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Korean Chicken Wings Recipe

korean wings recipe

I love going out for spicy Korean chicken wings, but it’s also easy to bake a tasty version of this wings recipe at home. One of the signature ingredients in Korean hot wings is gochujang, which is a flavorful fermented chili pepper paste. If you can’t find gochujang, then just substitute your favorite BBQ sauce. Your chicken won’t be as “Korean” without gochujang sauce, but the sesame oil and soy sauce will give your baked wings plenty of Asian flavor. And baked chicken wings are easy to cook, less mess and healthier than fried chicken wings, so it’s a great choice for dinner.

Ingredients for Korean Chicken Wings Recipe


Sauce ingredients:

¼ cup GOCHUJANG, a red pepper paste —check gochujang prices on Amazon
1 Tbsp GINGER minced
3-4 cloves GARLIC minced
SUGAR? That’s optional…add 2-3 Tbsp of brown sugar or honey if you like a sweeter sauce.

Plus toasted SESAME SEEDS and chopped GREEN ONIONS for garnish

How to Make Korean Style Wings

Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.

In a bowl, simply combine all of the sauce ingredients. Toss the wings with the sauce, then arrange the wings on a wire rack over a baking pan. Bake the wings until done 40-50 minutes, turning and basting occasionally with the remaining sauce.

That’s it! Garnish with toasted sesame seeds and thinly sliced green onions.

korean wings recipe

Tips for this Baked Korean Wings Recipe

  • Gochujang adds great flavor, so buy it if you can find it. You can check current prices for Gochujang paste on Amazon, but this korean hot pepper sauce is becoming very popular and can be found in many mainstream U.S. grocery stores, just check in the international foods section.
  • If you can’t find gochujang, substitute your favorite BBQ sauce, the dish will still have plenty of Asian flair with the added soy sauce and sesame oil, just be sure and use a THICK BBQ sauce, or reduce your thinner sauce down in a pot.
  • Bake you chicken on a wire rack to keep the wings from becoming a soggy mess.
  • You can place aluminium foil under your baking rack to make cleanup a breeze.

Give this Korean style chicken wings recipe a try and let me know what you think, and for another wing dish, check out this Buffalo Hot Wings Recipe.

hot wings recipe
Make spicy chicken wings at home and serve with creamy ranch or blue cheese dressing

Here’s a Wikipedia link if you’d like some more info about Korean Gochujang.

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Thanks for checking out our Korean chicken wings recipe. Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Pimiento Cheese Spread Southern Recipe

pimiento cheese spread

Do you say PIMENTO cheese or PIMIENTO cheese spread? It doesn’t matter, because whatever you call this classic southern cheese recipe, it’s plain delicious, and super easy to prepare. Mama Redbuck made a pimiento cheese spread, and then I made a jalapeno cheese spread, so check out both dishes and let us know which you like best.

Pimiento Cheese Spread Ingredients

8 oz freshly shredded YELLOW CHEDDAR CHEESE
4 oz jar of PIMIENTOS
2-4 Tbsp MAYONNAISE (to taste) …and yes, you can check prices for mayonnaise on Amazon
BLACK PEPPER (fresh ground pepper is nice)

How to Make Classic Pimento Cheese

  • Shred the yellow cheddar into a mixing bowl, and definitely use freshly shredded cheese for this spread!
  • Drain the pimientos and add them to the cheese.
  • Add mayonnaise one tablespoon at a time and mix until the spread reaches the consistency you prefer.
  • Add black pepper to taste. Freshly ground black pepper is ideal for pimento cheese spread.
pimiento cheese spread
what can’t pimento cheese spread do?

Jalapeno Cheese Spread Ingredients

8 oz freshly shredded WHITE CHEDDAR CHEESE
10-15 pickled JALAPENO slices (to taste)
MAYONNAISE (to taste)

How to make Jalapeno Cheese Spread

  • Shred the white cheddar into a mixing bowl. Use freshly shredded cheese for this spread! Check here for current prices for a Box Grater on Amazon.
  • Drain the jalapenos and add them to the cheese. I like to use whole jalapeno slices, but you can chop them if you like. It won’t make a difference, the pepper cheese spread will be just as spicy either way, so I suggest leaving the slices whole, because it makes the spread look better.
  • Add mayonnaise one tablespoon at a time and mix until the spread reaches the consistency you prefer.

And that’s it! Two very tasty and easy to make cheese spreads. These quick cheese dishes are great on crackers, in a sandwich, and as a dip for sliced veggies, so give each one a try and let me know which you prefer! And for another tasty spread idea, check out this Spicy Egg Salad Recipe.

egg salad recipe
Try a spicy egg salad recipe for a flavorful twist on a traditional boring, bland egg salad.

Thanks for checking out Mama Redbuck making a pimiento cheese spread, and be sure and sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a Chef Buck cooking video, and also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. We appreciate all the kind comments, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!
–Chef Buck

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We include affiliate links for products on our website, so if you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program that provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

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Fig Jam Recipe Easy Homemade Jam

fig jam recipe

If you like homemade jam, then you’ll love this easy fig jam recipe. Whether you buy fresh figs at the store or have access to a fig tree in your neighborhood, this jam recipe is the perfect way to use up a bunch of figs. Fig jam is particularly good on biscuits and toast, and even as a warm topping on ice cream.

Easy Fig Jam with Just 3 Ingredients

About 40 medium-sized FRESH FIGS
½ cup SUGAR
¼ cup HONEY

How to make Quick Fig Jam

This recipe will work with all kinds of fruit (blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, etc.), but Mama Redbuck has a fig tree in her backyard, so she mostly uses figs when making this quick jam. If you don’t have fresh fruit handy in the neighborhood, just buy fresh fruit at the market.

fig jam recipe

Buy figs that are a little soft, color can be a good indication, but not always, sometimes even the greener figs can be soft enough, so give figs a squeeze to test for squishiness. Once picked, figs don’t last very long, maybe 2 days when ripe.

You can keep fresh figs in the fridge, but even refrigerated they won’t keep for very long after becoming soft, only a couple of days, so making a jam is an easy way to extend their life another 7-10 days. My mom seals extra fig jam in bags and freezes it for future use.

fig jam recipe
My mom uses a Foodsaver model 2100 for sealing and freezing extra jam.

Want to seal foods for freezing? My mom bakes and freezes a lot of breads and also freezes extra fig jam. My mom is happy using a Foodsaver model 2100 and you can check the current price on Amazon for this food sealing system.

  • Wash figs and remove the stem.
  • Quarter and then chop the figs as desired. We like a rustic, chunky jam.
  • Heat a medium-sized saucepan on low heat.
  • Add figs, sugar, and honey and bring the pot to a simmer, stirring regularly.
  • As the pot bubbles away, the figs will release water.
  • Let the pot simmer until the mixture reaches your desired “jamminess”, this might take 10 to 20 minutes depending on how wet the figs are and how thick you like your jam.
  • The jam will thicken even more off of the heat, so don’t overcook the fruit; you want a spreadable jam, not a clunky fig paste.
  • If the jam becomes overly thick, you can always add a wee little bit of water back into the pot.
  • Remove the Jam from the heat and allow to cool before adding into a container.
  • The jam will keep in the fridge for about a week to 10 days, although a pint of jam
  • disappears fairly quickly around our home, especially if we make some biscuits.
fig jam recipe

Give this easy fig jam recipe a try and let me and Mama Redbuck know what you think. Fig jam makes a perfect pairing with biscuits, so take a look at My Favorite Biscuit Recipe.

Buttermilk Biscuit Recipe
Easy Buttermilk Biscuit Recipe

Thanks for checking out Mama Redbuck’s jam recipe, and be sure and sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a Chef Buck cooking video, and also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. We appreciate all the kind comments, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!
–Chef Buck

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Cheese Ball Recipe on a Pretzel Stick

cheese ball recipe

Tiny cheese balls on a pretzel stick make a super simple snack or party food perfect for any social gathering.  My sister made this cheese ball recipe for Christmas and it was a big hit.

Shredded cheese adds body, and any shredded cheese will work, but freshly shredded cheese works best. The outer coating creates a lot of flavor and texture. This cheese ball recipe tastes great with bacon, but the recipe is super adjustable, and you can leave bacon out for a no-meat treat. The nuts add crunch, so use whatever nuts you like.

Ingredients for Cheese Ball Recipe

12 oz. softened CREAM CHEESE (about a block and a half of cream cheese)
2 cups freshly shredded CHEESE (choose your favorite cheese!)
chopped pickled JALAPENO
8oz can crushed PINEAPPLE drained
fresh chopped CHIVES
5-7 pieces extra-crispy chopped BACON
1 cup chopped PECAN or WALNUTS

Pecans can be pretty pricey, but check here for current pecan prices on Amazon.      

cheese ball recipe

How to Make Cheese Balls on a Stick

First thing, set the cream cheese out to soften, then cook up a few slices of crispy bacon. When the bacon cools you can crumble it into bits.

Chop and drain the pineapple, because you don’t want the pineapple to be super wet when you add it into the cheese mixture.

In a bowl, combine the cream cheese, shredded cheese, garlic powder, paprika, black pepper, pineapple, jalapeno, and some chives, then mix well, until all ingredients are well incorporated and smooth.

I’m using a mix of pepper jack and gouda cheese in the recipe video, but use whatever cheese you prefer. I’ve had cheese balls made from cheddar cheese, but I like a white cheese mix, especially if it has a little zing like a pepper jack, and adding pickled jalapeno will also provide some pizzazz.

In a shallow bowl, add chives, nuts, and crumbled bacon and mix to form the cheese ball coating. Add a spoonful of the cheese mixture and roll in the mix until coated, then roll in between your hands to form into a ball. Set the balls aside on a plate, and then insert a pretzel stick into each tiny cheese ball.

Place the cheese balls in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. These cheese balls are fantastic, and they are especially tasty right out of the fridge, so leave them refrigerated until ready to serve.

For another easy party snack, try this family favorite, Easy Pecan Candy Recipe.

candied pecans
Candied pecans are a perfect treat for a gathering of friends and family.

Thanks for checking out this easy cheese ball recipe on a pretzel, give it a try and let me know what you think, and and be sure and sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a Chef Buck cooking video, and go ahead and click a button below and share the dishes with your friends.  We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

–Chef Buck

Thanks watching our videos…we appreciate all the support!

We include affiliate links for products on our website, so if you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^)

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program that provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

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Cranberry Brie Bites Recipe

cranberry brie bites

Cranberry Brie Bites are a tasty treat for parties. It’s an easy snack recipe you can make even easier by substituting canned cranberry sauce for the filling. The creaminess of the cheese and the tartness of the cranberry are a great combination. We use chopped pecans for this party recipe, but use whatever kind of nuts you like.

What you Need for Cranberry Brie Bites

CRANBERRY SAUCE, Homemade (recipe follows) or Canned
PECANS, or try other NUTS

This cranberry brie cheese recipe is super simple and adjustable. We use homemade cranberry sauce, but you can easily substitute canned cranberry sauce if you like.

For Homemade Cranberry Sauce you will Need

2 8oz bags CRANBERRIES (fresh or frozen)
½ cup SUGAR
1-2 ORANGES (entire zest and juice)
2 CINNAMON sticks

To make cranberry sauce, add all ingredients into a sauce pot. If you don’t feel like zesting the orange, you can cut the peel into strips and add the entire peel into the simmer. Simmer over medium low heat until cranberries burst and the sauce thickens, about 20 minutes. Remove the cinnamon sticks and orange peels before serving.

How to Make Cranberry Brie Bites

These cranberry brie bites are mini bites, so you will need a mini-muffin tin. A muffin pan is not hard to find at a thrift store, or check here for current mini-muffin tin prices on Amazon.

cranberry brie bites
  • Lightly grease the cups of your muffin tin with butter or oil.
  • Finely chop fresh rosemary. You can use whole sprigs of rosemary for a more decorative look, but we prefer to chop the rosemary for easier eating and flavor distribution.
  • Chop the nuts. Use pecans, walnuts, cashews, or whatever nut you prefer.
  • Open the crescent dough and spread dough out on a floured surface.
  • Lightly roll the dough out and cut into as many squares as your mini-muffin tin will accommodate.
  • Place a dough square into each muffin cup and mold into the tin.
  • Cut and place your brie cheese into squares that will fit comfortably into each dough cup.
  • Add a dollop of cranberry sauce into each cup.
  • Top with a sprinkling of chopped nuts and rosemary.
  • Place the muffin tin into an oven preheated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Bake 15-20 minutes until the pastry is golden brown around the edges.
  • Remove from the oven and promptly devour.

Thanks for watching our videos!

fruit cake recipe

For another party treat, try serving bite-sized bars of this easy No-Bake Fruit Cake Recipe.

Thanks for checking out the cranberry brie bites recipe. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a Chef Buck cooking video, and click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!
–Chef Buck

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We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

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Best Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe

fried green tomatoes recipe

Cornmeal gives a fried green tomatoes recipe a great flavor, color, and crunch that flour alone can’t beat. A creamy dressing or aoli pairs well with fried tomatoes, but this classic southern recipe is tasty enough to stand on it’s own.

What you need for a Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe

1 cup CORNMEAL (use a medium or fine grind…coarsely ground cornmeal can be a bit much)
1 cup all-purpose FLOUR (divided)
SEASONING (be generous, and use whatever seasonings you like…I prefer Italian seasonings, lots of garlic powder, and black pepper)
OIL for cooking

How to Cook Fried Green Tomatoes

When I order fried green tomatoes at a restaurant, whether I like them or not will depend largely on the batter. Cornmeal adds that great flavor and crunch that I associate with classic fried tomatoes, and fried tomatoes without cornmeal just fall flat. Buy hard, green tomatoes. They can have a tinge of red, but not too much, because you want them firm enough to cook and not become too soft.

fried green tomatoes recipe

  • Slice the green tomatoes to desired width; I like mine about ¼ inch thick.
  • Spread the tomato slices out and lightly salt.
  • Set up a breading station with 3 flat-bottom bowls.
  • In the first bowl place ½ cup of flour. Season the flour as desired, and mix.
  • In the second bowl whisk 1 egg and 1 Tbsp of cold water.
  • In the third bowl place the other ½ cup of flour and cornmeal. Season the cornmeal and flour as desired, and mix. Check current pricing for cornmeal on Amazon
  • Using a paper towel, dry the tomato slices.
  • Heat a skillet of oil on medium-low heat. You don’t need a lot of oil, about 1/8 inch deep.
  • Take a slice of tomato and on each side bread it lightly in the flour, then coat it in the egg, then bread it one final time in the cornmeal/flour mixture.
  • Carefully place the breaded tomato in the skillet. It should sizzle and begin to cook immediately when it hits the oil.
  • Cook each tomato 2-3 minutes or until golden brown in color.
  • Remove fried tomatoes from the skillet and place on a paper towel to drain for a moment, then serve.

Serve fried green tomatoes hot. Theses tomatoes are good enough to eat plain, or you can accompany them with hot sauce, creamy salad dressing, aoli dressing, or a mild mustard or creamy horseradish dressing. For another easy appetizer side dish recipe, take a look at these Crispy Baked Onion Rings.

Onion Rings recipe
The best onion ring recipe baked in the oven.

Thanks for watching our Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe

Thanks for checking out the canned jackfruit pulled pork recipe, and all of our recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list to never miss a new cooking video, and also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends, and follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road, or maybe even pay a bill or two!–Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website, so if you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program providing a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Tostones Recipe for Crispy Plantains

tostones recipe

A crispy, crunchy tostones recipe is a tasty way to enjoy green, unripe plantains. If you like French fries, or tator tots, or waffle fries or any kind of fried potato, then you’ll want to give tostones a try. Ripe plantains are sweet just like dessert bananas, but unripe plantains are more like starchy potatoes. Green plantains are super savory, in fact, you can boil and mash them to make a dish similar to mashed potatoes. Tostones are a staple snack in latin American cuisine and easy to prepare, and especially tasty with a creamy dipping sauce. Tostones are twice-fried and not health nut friendly. For a healthier plantain recipe, stick to a plantain mash, but for a faux fry fix, try this crispy tostones recipe.

What you need for this Tostones Recipe

unripe, green PLANTAINS
OIL for frying

…any sauce you enjoy with with fried potatoes will work with tostones,
a creamy AIOLI is great, or just RANCH dressing if you’re feeling lazy.
For my SEMI-AIOLI dressing I use:
1-2 cloves raw GARLIC minced

tostones recipe
Use green, unripe plantains for crispy, crunchy tostones

How to Make Tostones

  • Choose firm, green, unripe plantains.
  • Slice off the very tips of the plantain.
  • Green plantains can be hard to peel. You can cut the peel lengthwise into thin strips and pull the peeling strips away, or slice the length of the peel and then work the peel away from the plantain using your thumbs or a spoon.
  • Cut the peeled plantain into discs about ¼ to ½ an inch thick. I prefer thinner slices, about ¼ inch thick.
  • Heat a skillet and oil on medium heat.  If you prefer deep frying, check current prices for a counter top Deep Fryer on Amazon.
  • Add in the sliced plantains.
  • Season the plantains in the skillet.
  • Fry 1-2 minutes and turn and fry 1-2 minutes more.
  • Remove plantains from skillet and drain on a paper towel.
  • Place on a flat surface and smash flat to desired thickness. There is no wrong size, whatever size you like is the right size. I prefer my tostones to be about the size and thickness of a silver dollar.
  • Return flattened plantains to the oil and fry until golden brown.
  • Remove and drain on a paper towel, salt to taste, and serve with a dipping sauce.
  • To make the dipping sauce, just combine aioli ingredients and mix well; the sauce, like any sauce, will be better if you make it a little ahead of time.
  • Enjoy!
tostones recipe
Tostones are a staple snack in latin American cuisine, easy to prepare, and especially tasty with a creamy dipping sauce.

Unripe green plantains are a terrific ingredient that you can use in all kinds of savory, starchy dishes. For another unripe plantain dish, try this MASHED PLANTAINS RECIPE. And for a sweeter option, try FRIED RIPE PLANTAINS. But no matter how you prepare them, pick up plantains at the grocery and give them a try; plantains are a great value and very versatile.

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Thanks for checking out our tostones recipe. Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Black Bean Corn Salsa is Good on Everything*

Black Bean Corn Salsa

Here’s a simple Black Bean Corn Salsa that will knock your socks off, or at least be very tasty on a chip, a fish, a salad, on or in an omelet…you get the idea. It’s an easy and versatile way to use beans, which are good for your heart, in fact the more you eat beans, the more you…crave more beans? Something like that, so definitely give this recipe a try. This salsa is super tasty and you can pack it with raw, healthy, and fresh ingredients to use as an accompaniment for types of recipe dishes.

What you need for Black Bean Corn Salsa

1 Tbsp RED WINE VINEGAR or balsamic vinegar
1 Tbsp HONEY
1 tsp GARLIC POWDER or 1 Tbsp minced garlic
½-1 tsp SALT
2 15 oz cans BLACK BEANS, drained and rinsed
1 15 oz can YELLOW AND WHITE CORN, drained or 2 cups frozen corn, thawed
12-16 sliced CHERRY TOMATOES
5-7 small GREEN ONIONS, finely sliced, or ½ cup red onion, finely diced.
1 Red or Orange BELL PEPPER, diced
1 bunch of chopped, fresh CILANTRO, or substitute parsley
1-2 AVOCADO peeled, pitted, and diced; add JUST before serving

Black Bean Corn Salsa
Salsa is great on a chip, as a topping for fish or salad, in an omelet, on ice cream…well, maybe not ice cream.

How to make the Black Bean Corn Salsa

  • In a small bowl, combine the dressing ingredients, mix well, and then set aside.
  • Drain and rinse the black beans and corn. In this recipe we use a mix of yellow and white whole kernel corn.
  • Slice and dice and chop tomatoes, onions, and other veggies you want to add; see other veggie suggestions below.
  • In a large bowl, combine and toss veggies and beans and corn.
  • Add dressing and mix well.
  • For best results, place overnight in the refrigerator. Remember that turmeric can stain some plastic containers. Ziplocs allow you to periodically flip salsa to distribute dressing more evenly.
  • Let marinate at least a couple of hours, preferably overnight.
  • Before serving, add diced avocados and gently mix.
  • Taste, adjust seasoning as needed.
  • Serve with chips, or as a topping or filling.

Options and Substitutions

  • ½ cup red onion, finely chopped
  • Pickled jalapeno slices
  • ½ tsp chili powder
  • 2 tsp cumin
  • Mango, diced

More Uses for Salsa

  • Use black bean corn salsa as a salad topping!
  • Fancy Slaw: add chopped cabbage, mayo/yogurt.
  • Fish topping: add mango and cumin and then warm.
  • Omelet filling or topping: add cheese, cumin, then garnish with sour cream and/or guacamole.
  • Use salsa as a filling for quesadillas, tortillas, etc..

If you’re new to home cooking, get a bunch of spices, pots and pans, and begin experimenting with different recipes. It’s a healthy hobby that will save you money in the long run. Check out current prices for Complete Kitchenware Sets on Amazon as well as Complete Starter Spice Kits. Or go to a thrift store! I’ve found some of my favorite kitchen gear at second-hand stores.

This black bean corn salsa goes great with a lot of dishes, and for another avocado-ee recipe try a Classic Homemade Guacamole Recipe.

easy guacamole recipe
guacamole recipe

Be sure and sign up for our mailing list and never miss a new Chef Buck cooking video, and also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!
–Chef Buck

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Corn Muffin Recipe with Jalapeno and Cheese

corn muffin recipe

Adding cheese and jalapeno makes a fantastic corn muffin recipe. CG cooks up a tasty corn muffin with whole kernel corn to make them super moist and flavorful. If you’re not a fan of hot jalapenos, then try substituting milder pickled jalapenos which are often sold right alongside jars of hotter peppers at the grocery store. Topping the muffins with sliced jalapeno makes them look so good!

What you need for this Corn Muffin Recipe

¾ cup CORNMEAL …we use a medium grind in this recipe
½ tsp CHIPOTLE or regular chili powder
½ tsp SALT…unless the corn or butter already contains salt
1 cup MILK
2 Tbsp OIL or use melted butter instead
4 Tbsp HONEY
¼ cup PICKLED JALAPENOS, roughly chopped
¼ ONION, minced
1 cup freshly shredded CHEDDAR CHEESE plus ¼ cup for topping
fresh JALAPENO deseeded and sliced for topping…or you can use pickled slices for the topping

corn muffin recipe
Corn muffins are delicious, but adding cheese and jalapeno makes them irresistible.

How to make Corn Muffins

If you need a muffin tin for your kitchen, you can check current prices for a Cupcake and Muffin Pan on Amazon.

  • Place rack in middle of the oven.
  • Heat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Grease 12 muffin pan cups or line with parchment paper baking cups and set aside.
  • Combine dry ingredients in bowl.
  • Combine remaining ingredients in another bowl and mix, but reserve fresh jalapeno slices and a little cheese for topping.
  • Add the dry ingredients to the wet and stir until ingredients are moistened.
  • Fill prepared muffin cups evenly.
  • Top with fresh jalapeno slices and a very light sprinkling of cheese.
  • Bake 20-30 minutes or until toothpick inserted into center comes out clean and muffins are golden brown.
  • Allow to cool for 5 minutes before removing from muffin tins.

And that’s it! Hope you like this cheesy jalapeno corn muffin recipe. You can serve them hot or cold for breakfast, lunch or dinner, and I especially love them in the morning with over easy eggs.

corn muffin recipe
broken eggs are less sad with corn muffins

Give this corn muffin recipe a try and let us know what you think, and for another bready treat, check out this perfect BUTTERMILK BISCUIT RECIPE. Both recipes go great with a big bowl of VEGETARIAN CHILI.

vegetarian chili
pot o’ meatless chili for good times

Thanks for Watching our Fried Chicken Recipe

Click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

If you’re new to home cooking, get a bunch of spices, pots and pans, and start experimenting with different recipes. It’s a healthy hobby that can save a lot of money in the long run. Check out current prices for Complete Kitchenware Sets on Amazon as well as Complete Starter Spice Kits. Or try a thrift store! I’ve found some of my favorite kitchen gear at second-hand stores.

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Cauliflower Cakes for LESS Carbs MORE Flavor

cauliflower cakes

Try this cauliflower cakes recipe if you’re into healthy, low carb, and delicious. Just ball your cauliflower into flavorful balls, press them out into cakes, and bake them in the oven. I like to top mine with a creamy sauce, but that’s optional. Serve these cauliflower cakes over a bed of spinach and you’ve got a low carb, light and delicious meal.

What You Need To Make Cauliflower Cakes

3 cups of grated CAULIFLOWER
½ cup of freshly grated CHEESE
2 EGGS beaten
1 Tbsp chopped JALAPENO
¼ cup finely chopped BELL PEPPER
2 finely chopped GREEN ONIONS
1-2 cloves minced GARLIC
PARCHMENT PAPER to line your baking sheet
MAYONNAISE and LEMON for dressing

cauliflower cakes
Try a cauliflower cakes recipe if you’re into healthy, low carb, and delicious.

How to Cook Cauliflower Cakes

  • Grate fresh cauliflower into granules resembling “poprocks”. I like to use a hand grater, but feel free to use a food processor, however, I think grating the cauliflower by hand actually makes the cauliflower cakes lighter and fluffier. If you do use a food processor, don’t over-process the cauliflower into a doughy consistency, unless you prefer a more dense cauliflower patty.
  • In a bowl, add the grated cauliflower and the rest of the ingredients.
  • Mix all ingredients well, then separate into individual portions for cakes.
  • Form each portion into a ball and squeeze out excess liquid.
  • Form the cauliflower ball into a ½ inch thick patty and place on the parchment paper lined baking sheet, and definitely USE PARCHMENT PAPER, or your cauliflower might stick after baking. The cakes will not hold together well before cooking, but you can adjust the shape and size of each patty while on the baking sheet. Check here for current pricing for parchment paper on Amazon.
  • Place baking sheet in an oven preheated to 400 degrees Fahrenheit, bake approx. 30-40 minutes, or until the cauliflower cakes color and firm up.
  • Remove cauliflower cakes from the oven and serve over a bed of greens.
cauliflower cakes
Cauliflower cakes made with a food processor can form heavier, denser patties. For lighter cakes, use a hand grater.

I like to top the cakes with a simple dressing of mayonnaise and lemon, and adding a dash of jalapeno pickling juice or horseradish isn’t a terrible idea!
And that’s it. Eat and enjoy!

Quick Dressing for Cauliflower Fritters

1 tsp finely chopped PICKLE, JALAPENO, or GARLIC

Mix ingredients in a small bowl, adjust to taste. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

And For More Cauliflower Recipes

Try this Cauliflower Crust Pizza Recipe, which can also make a pretty cool Cauliflower Burrito Recipe.

If you don’t have a baking sheet, use a big pizza pan. Big pizza pans make the best baking sheets for cauliflower pizza crusts, nachos, whatever…round is always better than square, right? If you need one in your kitchen, check out current Big Pizza Pan prices on Amazon.

white pizza
A white pizza is great on any kind of crust.

Give these beautiful cauliflower cakes a try and let me know what you think. Or would you call them cauliflower fritters? If you’re serving them to kids, I’d definitely call them “cakes”. And if you like the recipe, then click some of the buttons below to share it with friends and family. I appreciate it!
–Chef Buck

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Must Try Egg Bread Bake Recipe

egg bread

Egg bread is a fancy dish for breakfast or brunch, and it’s an easy recipe to prepare. The recipe is a cross between baked eggs, bread pudding, and stove top stuffing. It’s a great way to use up old and stale bread. I go light on the cheese in this egg bread recipe, but adding more cheese and making a cheese bread is super tasty. One thing you don’t want to do is go light on the seasoning, especially if you’re using a plain loaf of bread; the more seasoning the better–especially rosemary!

What You Need for an Egg Bread Bake

crusty BREAD cubed
about 1 cup MILK
2 GREEN ONION chopped
HOT PEPPER finely chopped
shredded CHEESE
1-2 Tbsp dried ROSEMARY
1 tsp dried OREGANO
CHILI POWDER (optional)
BUTTER/OIL to grease the baking dish

egg bread
Fancy baked eggs to impress friends and family

How to Make Baked Egg Bread

Any bread will do, but ideally use a hard and crusty loaf. If you’ve got a loaf of bread you’re thinking is to stale to eat, then this is a perfect recipe to save it.

  • Slice the bread into cubes and place in a large mixing bowl. I like using larger cube sizes for a rustic looking dish.
  • In a bowl, whisk 2 eggs and milk.
  • Add the egg/milk mixture in with the bread and toss, coating the bread.
  • Add in the herbs and spices, onion, hot pepper, and cheese and toss until the bread is well coated.
  • Lightly grease an oven safe baking dish and add the bread mix, spreading out evenly. Check current prices on a Pyrex Baking Dish on Amazon.
  • With a spoon, make an impression on the top of the bread mix for each egg serving.
  • Crack an egg into each depression.
  • Slide into a preheated oven and bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 30-40 minutes, until the eggs are baked to desired doneness.
  • Slice into servings and serve hot or cold.
egg bread
add extra bling for fancier egg bread, but don’t skimp on the seasoning

That’s it! Takes a little while to bake, but otherwise this egg bread is a fairly quick dish to prepare, and a fancy way to use up stale bread.

Give this baked egg bread recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

And for a less bready baked egg dish, try this Fancy Egg Bake Recipe.

egg bake recipe
sliced egg bake on a salad is yummy!

Thanks For Watching Our Recipe Videos!

Thanks for checking out this Egg Bread recipe, and all of our recipes. Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Cheesy Cauliflower Hack for Winners

cheesy cauliflower

Here’s an easy cheesy cauliflower recipe that makes a great side dish or a tasty treat between meals. It’s saucy and cheesy and will satisfy your need for something decadent in the middle of the day.

What You Need To Make Easy Cheesy Cauliflower

CAULIFLOWER (florets, stems, the whole thing…whatever your taste buds prefer
CHEESE …freshly grated, and whatever cheese you like, but cheddary is nice
MUSTARD …fancy mustard!…definitely don’t use yellow mustard, unless you’re a savage
SALT and PEPPER to taste

Also add additional spices and herbs if you like…make it as complicated or simple as you like.
I like this dish for it’s simplicity, and because it’s a tasty snack that keeps me from making a nutritionally
inferior choice, but you can definitely jazz the recipe up. Add fresh dill and minced garlic to the sauce, or garlic
and onion powder, or dried Italian seasonings; make the dish as simple or complicated as you like.

cheesy cauliflower
Top cauliflower with sauce and cheese for a quick snack.

How to Make Microwave Cheesy Cauliflower

  • You can microwave an entire head of cauliflower in a bowl, but I like to break the cauliflower into smaller bowls for a tiny cauliflower treat. Use the stems and florets and cook accordingly. The more stem you use, the longer the cooking time.
  • Add a splash of water to the bowl and microwave of high heat to desired doneness.
  • While the cauliflower cooks, in a bowl mix the sauce of mustard, mayonnaise, salt, and pepper. Adjust ratios to taste.
  • Once the cauliflower has cooked to desired doneness, spoon and spread the sauce over the cauliflower.
  • Top with freshly grated cheese.
  • Microwave another minute to melt the cheese.
cheesy cauliflower
Sure, it’s cauliflower…but you know you want this.

And that’s it.
Serve this simple microwave cauliflower cheese as a side dish, or eat it right out of the bowl for a cheesy cauliflower treat. Believe me, it’s a treat.
Is it ice cream? No. It’s not ice cream. But it’s goooood, you’ll actually love it, and be satisfied, and you won’t feel as bad when you’re finished.

Check prices for a Non-stick Skillet on Amazon.

For more yummy cauliflower ideas, explore my Cauliflower Recipes Playlist

cauliflower salad
add sliced tomato for a quick splash of color

Cauliflower sound too hum drum? Wanna graduate to bok choy? Try this Amazing Bok Choy Recipe.

Thanks For Checking out our Cauliflower Recipe

We hope you love this cauliflower pizza crust recipe! Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Shrimp Toast on a Crunchy English Muffin

shrimp toast

Here’s a shrimp toast recipe based on a Vietnamese deep fried shrimp bread dish. This shrimp recipe works as a snack or main dish, and it doesn’t require many shrimp, so it can be an economical shrimp recipe choice. I prefer English muffins for shrimp toast because it’s the perfect size, and they toast up super well in the oven. I use a mix of chopped and whole shrimp for maximum shrimpiness and visual effect, but experiment and find what you like.

Shrimp Toast Recipe Ingredients

12-15 SHRIMP peeled and deveined
1 clove minced GARLIC
SALT and PEPPER to taste

shrimp toast
Shrimp Toast on English Muffins

How to Make Shrimp Toast

  • Peel and devein shrimp.
  • In a bowl, lightly toss shrimp with olive oil, season with salt, pepper, and paprika and set bowl aside.
  • Lightly coat English muffin halves with olive oil and slightly toast face down in a skillet.
  • Then place muffin halves face-up on a baking pan.
  • In a small bowl, whisk 1 or 2 egg whites with dried Italian seasoning and minced garlic.
  • Place a spoonful of this egg white mix on each muffin half.
    Place shrimp over the egg white and cover the muffin half. Use whole shrimp, or chop them, or use a combo. I like using some chopped and whole shrimp, that way I can entirely cover the
    muffin with shrimp, but also have a whole shrimp on top so it looks extra cool and tasty.
  • Top the shrimp with another spoonful of the egg white mix. This will bake and form a seal to hold the muffin and shrimp together.
  • Bake in an oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for about 20 minutes, or until toasted golden.

That’s it.
A healthier version of Shrimp Bread that really works. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Here’s A look at Banh Mi Tom Chien or Vietnamese Deep Fried Shrimp Bread.

For another shrimp dish idea, check out this Spicy Shrimp Tempura Recipe.

spicy fried shrimp

Thanks for Watching our Shrimp Toast Recipe!

Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

If you’re new to home cooking, get a bunch of spices, pots and pans, and start experimenting with different recipes. It’s a healthy hobby that can save a lot of money in the long run. Check out current prices for Complete Kitchenware Sets on Amazon as well as Complete Starter Spice Kits. Or try a thrift store! I’ve found some of my favorite kitchen gear at second-hand stores.

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Shrimp Bread …let’s try Banh Mi Tom Chien

shrimp bread

I finally tried Vietnamese fried shrimp bread, or bahn mi tom chien, or is it banh mi chien tom? Whatever you call it, it was a very tasty shrimp recipe. I have since made several different versions of shrimp bread at home, trying to make a healthy baked shrimp recipe that I can prepare in the oven instead of frying. I made a few duds, but finally settled on a baked version of Vietnamese shrimp toast using an English muffin, egg white, garlic, and Italian seasoning. I’m pretty happy with the recipe, although I might tinker with it a bit more. As soon as I get a video edited of the recipe, I’ll put it up, but until then, maybe experiment yourself with some versions of shrimp bread or shrimp toast. I love using the whole shrimp in the recipe, it looks very tasty, but in my own versions of Vietnamese shrimp bread, I peeled the shrimp and removed the head and tail. Unpeeled shrimp might be yummy when deep fried, but I don’t think baking will have as tasty an effect.

Baked Shrimp Bread Recipe Ingredients

SHRIMP peeled and deveined
minced GARLIC
SALT and PEPPER to taste

shrimp bread
homemade baked shrimp bread

How to Make Baked Shrimp Bread

  • Peel and devein shrimp.
  • In a bowl, lightly toss shrimp with olive oil and minced garlic and then season with salt, pepper, and paprika and set bowl aside.
  • Lightly coat English muffin halves with olive oil and slightly toast face down in a skillet.
  • Then place muffin halves face-up on a baking pan.
  • In a small bowl, whisk 1 or 2 egg whites with dried Italian seasoning.
  • Place a spoonful of this egg white mix on each muffin face.
  • Place shrimp over the egg white and cover the muffin face. Use whole shrimp, or chop them, or use a combo. I like using some chopped and whole shrimp, that way I can entirely cover the muffin with shrimp, but also have a whole shrimp on top so it looks extra cool and tasty.
  • Top the shrimp with another spoonful of the egg white mix. This will bake and form a seal to hold the muffin and shrimp together.
  • Bake in an oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for about 20 minutes, or until toasted golden.

That’s it. A healthier version of shrimp bread that really works. Give it a try and let me know what you think. I’m still tinkering with the recipe a bit, but I’m pretty happy with this version of a twist on Vietnamese baked banh mi tom chien. If you find a tasty twist of your own, let me know! It’s an interesting recipe to experiment with.

For another shrimp dish, check out this Super Garlicky Shrimp Recipe

Check current prices for a new non-stick skillet on Amazon.

Thanks for Watching our Banh Mi Tom Chien Video!

Click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

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Biscotti Recipe – Chocolate Biscotti with Coffee

biscotti recipe

A homemade biscotti recipe is easy to make, and adding a little cocoa powder and ground coffee makes a rich, tasty twist for this Italian twice-baked cookie treat. If you’re not in the mood for
chocolate biscotti just leave out the cocoa powder and coffee and make a simple almond biscotti; it’s a nice cookie either way you bake it. A biscotti is a twice-baked cookie that makes a perfect pairing with a nice cup of coffee or tea.

What You Need for Chocolate Biscotti Recipe

1 cup sliced ALMONDS
2 cups FLOUR
1 cup SUGAR
1/8 tsp SALT
3 large EGGS
or other BOOZE

It’s best to make this recipe using parchment paper. Check current prices for PARCHMENT PAPER on amazon.

biscotti recipe
This twice-baked chocolate biscotti is perfect for dunking.

How to Make Chocolate Biscotti Recipe

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Toast almond slices; watch them closely, it only takes about 2 minutes to toast.
  • In a bowl, combine flour, sugar, cocoa powder, coffee, baking powder, and salt; mix and set aside.
  • In another bowl, Whisk the eggs, rum, and extracts until blended well.
  • Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, including the toasted almond slices, and mix until combined.
    Dough will be sticky at this point.
  • Scrape the dough out onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  • Quickly shape into a long flat loaf.
  • Bake about 20-30 minutes at 350 degrees F.
  • Remove from the oven and cool 10-15 minutes.
  • Lower oven heat to 300 degrees F.
  • Slice loaf into 1/2″ wide slices.
  • Lay the slices cut side down on the baking sheet and bake another 10-15 minutes.
  • Turn the slices over and bake 10 minutes more.
  • Cool the biscotti on a rack.
    Cool completely before storing, or they’ll lose crunchiness!

Serve this biscotti recipe with coffee or hot tea for a tasty, dunkable cookie treat.
And that’s it, man.
Give this chocolate biscotti recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

And for another fancy pants baked treat, try this deadly SCONE RECIPE.

maple pecan scones
best scone ever…really

Thanks For Watching Our Biscotti Recipe!

Thanks for checking out our biscotti, and all of our recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, you can also support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. So, if you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Shrimp Pancake Recipe Spicy Haemul Pajeon

shrimp pancake

This spicy shrimp pancake makes a nice change from your average pancake or shrimp recipe. It’s a savory pancake dish that can be prepared quick and easy and served for any meal, even
breakfast, if you don’t mind looking at a shrimp first thing in the morning. I like big chunky pancakes full of shrimp and vegetables, especially lots of green onion, but you can easily make
smaller versions of this seafood pancake.

Ingredients for Shrimp Pancake Recipe

8-10 Lg SHRIMP
HOT PEPPER slices (optional)
1 cup FLOUR
1 cup WATER
SALT and PEPPER (to taste)
2-3 Tbsp OIL for cooking
1 Tbsp melted BUTTER optional

dipping sauce:
CHILI-GARLIC SAUCE (to taste, optional)

shrimp pancake
Korean style Haemul Pajeon with shrimp

How to Make a Spicy Shrimp Pancake

  • Combine flour and water and mix well, the batter should be thin.
  • Add in melted butter (this is optional…sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t).
  • Add in spices and stir.
  • Chop slender green onions into approx. 1 inch pieces and add into batter (thicker onions should be sliced lengthwise first).
  • Add in chopped shrimp.
  • Add thinly sliced red bell pepper and hot peppers to batter and combine all until ingredients are well coated.
  • Heat oil in a non-stick skillet on medium high. Check current prices for non-stick skillets on Amazon.
  • Adjust temperature as needed through out cooking, but make sure the oil is hot before adding the batter.
  • Add batter to hot skillet and shape into a pancake shape. Make 1 big pancake, or make pancakes; this recipe easily serves 2 people.
  • Pour a beaten egg over the pancake top.
  • Cook until the cake is golden brown on bottom, about 4-6 minutes.
  • Turn the cake (or flip it–but with confidence!) and cook the eggy side for about 2 more minutes.

And that’s it!
Top with sour cream, soy sauce, or with a mixed dipping sauce.

Dipping Sauce Idea

Combine equal parts rice vinegar and soy sauce and mix well. Adding a little chili-garlic sauce is a nice touch, and and will provide a nice bite. For a sweeter sauce, add a little hoisin or plum
sauce, or just 1-2 tsp sugar.

Give this shrimp pancake a try and let me know what you think, and for another shrimp dish, check out this Fennel and Shrimp Recipe.

shrimp recipe
lots of garlic + lots of shrimp = delicious

Thanks for checking out the shrimp pancake recipe, and all of our recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list to never miss a new cooking video, and also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends, and follow Chef Buck on Youtube.

If you like what we do, support CG and I on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road, or maybe even pay a bill or two!–Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

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French Onion Soup Recipe – How to Make Onion Soup

French Onion Soup

French onion soup is a great way to use up a lot of onions, and it’s an easy soup to prepare. The key to great French onion soup is caramelizing the onions into a gooey, rich, golden sweetness. Avoid using a non-stick pan, since this will make caramelizing the onions take longer. Yellow or sweet onions are best for this recipe. Cook the onions down until they begin to release their sugars, turn golden, and stick to the pot. Sticking to the pot is good when it comes to caramelizing onions. And deglazing the pot with a bit of vinegar or white wine will add fantastic flavor to the French onion soup. Check prices for a Stainless Steel Skillet on amazon.

French Onion Soup Ingredients

4 lg ONIONS sliced into strips
1 Tbsp OIL
3-5 cloves GARLIC finely chopped
or VINEGAR for de-glazing
2 cups BROTH
SALT and PEPPER (to taste)
toasted BREAD for crouton
creamy white CHEESE for topping

french onion soup
Impress family and friends with a fancy-pants French onion soup

How to Make This French Onion Soup Recipe

  • Don’t use a non-stick pan. Sticking is good for French onion soup. Check current prices for a stainless steel soup pot on amazon.
  • Use yellow or sweet onions for this recipe, they have lots of sugar and are best for caramelizing.
  • On medium heat, melt a combo of butter and oil.
  • Add sliced onions into the pot.
  • Add salt and mix the onions well with salt, butter, and oil.
  • Add garlic if you want to, it’s optional for you, but it’s not optional for me.
  • Cook, stirring occasionally, until the onions have cooked down and caramelized.
    Caramelization will take a while, you can’t rush the process.
    Keep the heat around medium. Never on high heat.
    You’re not just cooking the onions, you’re cooking the onions down, coaxing out the sugars and turning the onions into a rich goodness. Turning the heat up to high and searing the onions will not produce the same effect as caramelizing the onions, so be patient and give the onions time to caramelize…caramelization is the reason French onion soup tastes so good.
  • After 30-45 minutes, your onions will begin to brown and stick to the pan.
  • Once the onions turn gooey and have a nice color, add a bit of apple cider vinegar or a dry white wine to deglaze the pan and free any tasty onion flavor from the bottom of the pan.
    If nothing is stuck to the pan, still add a bit of vinegar or white wine; it’s just a good idea.
  • Add dried Italian seasoning, black pepper, and broth.
  • Add in a little Worcestershire sauce if you like, it’s optional, but another good idea.
  • Stir and bring the pot up to a bubble, reduce down to a simmer, and cook as long as you like, but at least 20-30 minutes.

And that’s it, the soup is ready.
Whenever you’re ready to serve the dish:

  • Fill a serving of soup in an oven safe bowl.
  • Top the soup with a toasted crouton; traditionally a large crouton is used, almost like a “raft” for the cheese, but this can be awkward to eat, so use smaller croutons, it will work just as well, and be less fuss for your spoon.
  • Heap a mound of freshly shredded cheese onto the crouton. Be generous with the cheese. You want to use enough cheese so that it will melt and cover the entire top of the soup in a toasty cheese crust. Gruyere cheese is a nice choice, but any creamy white cheese will work. I like a combo of Monterrey jack and Parmesan cheese. Swiss is good, too. Whatever cheese you choose, be generous with it.
  • Slide the soup bowl under a broiler until the cheese is melted and beginning to toast.
  • As soon as it cools to a temperature that won’t burn your taste buds, it’s ready.

Give this French onion soup recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

And for another rich soup dish, check out this Parsnip Soup Recipe

french onion soup
parsnip soup

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Thanks for checking out this onion soup recipe, and all of our recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, you can also support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. So, if you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Canned Herring Recipe …how to eat kippers

canned herring recipe

Here’s an easy canned herring recipe if you’ve ever wondered what to do with canned herring or kippers. Canned smoked fish can be used to make healthy snacks or dinner recipes with very little time and effort. Canned herring is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and other beneficial fats, and also a cost effective way to get healthy fish into your diet.

Make a Canned Herring Recipe on a Crostini

canned HERRING …also called KIPPERS
thinly sliced and toasted BAGUETTE
RED ONION thinly sliced
MUSTARD (very optional…but I like it…as long as it’s not hot dog mustard!)
CAPERS …current caper prices online
fresh DILL

canned herring recipe
Make a quick crostini for a canned herring snack
  • A good bread is the start of a great crostini.
  • Slice the bread thinly, so as to not overwhelm your toppings.
  • Toast the bread lightly.
  • Smear with cream cheese.
  • Spread on a drop of mustard, too, this is optional, but quite nice with herring.
  • Add a bit on thinly sliced red onion.
  • Add capers and fresh dill.
  • Top with smoked herring …either canned in oil or water, whatever you prefer.

Shop for tins at your local grocer, or check current Canned Herring Prices on Amazon.


canned herring recipe
…nothing to be afraid of in here.

Make a Healthy Salad with Kippers …aka smoked herring

Place an assortment of mixed greens in a salad bowl. No need to dress the salad greens; the salad toppings will be enough.
Add sliced carrot, bell pepper, or celery for a nice crunch, and added nutrition.
Top the greens with a kippered herring filet.
Spread whipped or softened cream cheese over the kipper, add a dash of Dijon or stone ground mustard, if desired.
Top with chopped red onion, capers, and fresh dill…and serve.

canned herring recipe
Kipper salad?…why not?

Canned herring is such a quick, easy, and healthy snack or dinner option.
Try these canned herring recipe ideas and let me know what you think…and bon appétit!

And for more Omega-3 Fatty Acid Fish options,
Take a look at this Canned Salmon Recipe for a healthier burger.

salmon burger recipe
Canned Pink Salmon …traditional style means skin and bones are still intact

Thanks for checking out these canned herring recipe dishes, and all of our recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list and never miss a new Chef Buck cooking video, and also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. We appreciate the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!
–Chef Buck

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Egg Salad Recipe …spicy like you likey

egg salad recipe

Try a spicy egg salad recipe for a flavorful twist on a traditional boring, bland egg salad. Most egg salads are a snooze fest, but sauté up a little onion, pepper, and spices will put a little zing in your thing, and added nuts will give your egg salad a sorely needed crunch.

Spicy Egg Salad Recipe Ingredients

8 BOILED EGGS ….Best Way to Boil Eggs
3-5 cloves GARLIC finely chopped
chopped HOT PEPPER as desired (I generally use a whole jalapeno pepper with the ribs and seeds removed)
2 tsp GINGER minced
½ to 1 cup CASHEWS (or if nuts ain’t your thang, sub some chopped celery)
1 small RED ONION chopped
½ cup chopped CILANTRO
½ cup chopped PARSLEY
10-12 CHERRY TOMATOES cut into quarters
LEMON zest and juice
SALT and PEPPER to taste
OIL for sauteing

egg salad recipe
Perfectly boiled eggs make the best egg salad

How to Make This Egg Salad Recipe

The key to any egg salad are the eggs; you don’t want overdone boiled eggs that are dried out with that tell-tell greenish tint. But no fear! Fool proof boiled eggs are super easy to prepare.

  • In a pot, cover the eggs with cold water.
  • Cover and bring the pot to a boil.
  • Once boiling, remove the pot from the heat and allow the eggs to sit in the hot water for 10 minutes.
  • After 10 minutes, transfer the eggs to an ice water bath.
  • Peel eggs when cooled.
  • In a skillet, heat a little oil on medium high heat.
  • Add in the garlic and hot peppers and cook for 1 minute then
  • add in the onion and ginger and continue cooking until onions begin to soften.
  • Stir in the spices and then the cashews. Substitute peanuts if you prefer, or if you’re not into nuts, add chopped celery; a little crunchiness makes for a more interesting egg salad dish.
  • Saute ingredients for 2-3 more minutes, then set skillet aside to cool.
  • In a bowl, combine the peeled eggs and mayonnaise and mash into a lumpy mixture.
  • Add in the cooled ingredients from the skillet, and mix well.
  • Add lemon juice and zest, and stir in some fresh herbs, like parsley, cilantro, or dill.
  • And finally, stir in some quartered cherry tomatoes; cherry tomatoes are best because the tomato skin will help keep them from falling apart.
    And that’s it!–serve warm or cold, all by itself or as a salad or bread topping or a hearty egg salad sandwich.
egg salad recipe
Top egg salad on a green salad, use as a sandwich filling, or spread on a crostini or cracker

Give this spicy egg salad recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

And for another tasty salad idea, try this Southwestern Quinoa Salad Recipe.

southwestern quinoa salad
a southwestern quinoa salad makes a tasty and healthy dinner choice.

Thanks for Watching our Egg Salad Recipe!

Click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Bean Dip Recipe for Healthy Snacking

bean dip

White bean dip is super versatile, and this easy dip recipe can be used in a variety of dishes. Bean dip makes a handy spread for a crostini or sandwich, a healthy dip for chips or vegetables, or as a bean puree to serve as a dinner side for meat, fish, or vegetarian meals.

Bean Dip Recipe Ingredients

2 15oz cans of WHITE BEANS (rinsed and drained)
16 oz MUSHROOMS (chopped)
5-10 cloves GARLIC (chopped)
½ cup ROMANO CHEESE (I like to use freshly grated Romano, Parmesan, or Asiago cheeses)
1 medium to large size LEMON, juice and zest
½ tsp RED PEPPER FLAKES (or use fresh peppers)
SALT and PEPPER to taste
2-3 Tbsp of dark, rich OLIVE OIL
Garnish dip with tomato, olives, capers, fresh herbs, etc.

bean dip
Add mushrooms and Worcestershire sauce for a bean dip recipe twist.

How To Make a Bean Dip Recipe

I like to use canned beans.
You can use your favorite beans, or a mixture of bean types.
I prefer white beans for this recipe, like Navy or Cannellini.

  • Heat oil in a pot on medium heat for sauteing.
  • Add in the chopped garlic and red pepper flakes; stir the garlic for a few minutes until it begins to color.
  • Add in a bit of black pepper, and the chopped mushrooms, and continue sauteing.
  • Add the Worcestershire sauce.
  • Continue cooking for 3 or 4 minutes; the mushrooms will cook down quite quickly.
  • Add in the beans and maybe ½ cup of water or broth. Be conservative when adding liquid; the finished bean dip will be best thicker, rather than thinner.
  • Raise the heat to medium high, cover, and simmer beans for about 5 minutes.
  • Uncover, reduce the heat, and continue simmering until the liquid has cooked down and the bean mix thickens.
  • Turn off the burner.
  • Stir in the cheese until it melts into the beans. Use freshly grated cheese for best results.
  • Add the zest and juice of one medium to large lemon, and 2-3 Tbsp of dark olive oil.
  • Mix into the beans and cheese.
  • Transfer to a blender or food processor and blend until the bean dip is smooth,
    or use a hand mixer and blend dip in the cooking pot. Check current prices for Hand Blenders at Amazon.
  • Give it a taste test and adjust seasoning as needed.
  • Set dip aside to cool a bit.
bean dip
White bean puree makes an excellent bean dip or spread.

This bean dip can be served warm or cold, although it’s especially tasty warm.
Use it as a dip for chips or sliced veggies; it pairs particularly well with thick tortilla chips.
Use this bean dip as a sandwich spread instead of mayonnaise, or as a crostini topping.
White bean dip will pair nicely as a puree for fish or meat entrees.
Great as a party or dinner appetizer or just as a movie watching snack.

Give this easy bean dip recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

And for another creamy, beany option, check out this Healthy Hummus Recipe.


Thanks For Watching Our Bean Dip Recipe!

Thanks for checking out our beet and quinoa recipe, and all of our recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, you can also support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

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Wings Recipe – Crispy Baked Chicken Wings

wings recipe

This oven baked wings recipe is a healthier and less messy chicken wing dish, compared to traditionally fried wings. These chicken wings are super tasty whether you eat them with or without a salt and pepper seasoned topping, or wing sauce. This seasoned wings recipe is based on salt and pepper style dishes I love ordering at Chinese restaurants.

What You Need For A Crispy Wings Recipe

10-12 GARLIC CLOVES, finely chopped
big bunch of CILANTRO, chopped (stems and leaves)
3-4 GREEN ONIONS, chopped, bottoms separated from tops…use the green tops as a garnish
1-2 JALAPENOS, finely chopped (or substitute red pepper flakes)
1 tsp CHILI POWDER (I used chipotle, or smoked jalapeno in the video)
SALT and PEPPER (to taste)
OIL to saute seasoning topping

*Baking Powder is a mixture that works similarly to some cooking properties of baking soda and cornstarch.

wings recipe
For crispy wings, bake with a coating of baking powder and lots of seasoning

How to Make a Crispy Wings Recipe

Preparing and Cooking The Wings:

I generally remove the skin from chicken, but not when I’m baking this wings recipe; that crisp cooked skin is what makes chicken wings so tasty.
Buy your wings already cut up, or cut them up yourself at home.  [They’re not difficult to process at home, just cut easily between the joints, and be sure and save the wing tips to use for a chicken broth.]

1) Pat chicken pieces dry with a paper towel and set aside. Do not add oil, there’s plenty of fat in the skin.  [If your wings are room temperature (they haven’t been cooled in the frig), you may need to wet your wings before patting dry.  You want the chicken to have a bit of moisture to it, so plenty of the seasoning will stick to it.]
2) Combine the baking powder and powdered seasonings in a bowl and mix together well.
3) Toss the wingettes and drumettes with the dry coating.
4) Arrange the chicken pieces on a wire rack over a baking pan and place in an oven preheated to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Here’s a good option if you want to check current prices for an oven-safe roasting rack on amazon.
5) Cook wings for 50-60 minutes, turning every 20 minutes until crispy and done.

While The Wings Bake, Make The “Salt and Pepper” Seasoning Mix:

1) Heat a little oil in a skillet, on medium heat.
2) Add fresh chopped jalapenos, or substitute red pepper flakes, and chopped green onion bottoms.
Saute on Medium low heat for 2-4 minutes.
3) Add finely chopped garlic and continue to saute for a couple of minutes; be sure to keep the temperature low enough to not burn the garlic.
4) Add chopped cilantro, lots of it, stems and all.
5) Continue sauteing the mixture on medium low heat for 10-15 minutes until the cilantro has cooked down.  You want the seasoning to still contain a small amount of moisture, so it will stick to the cooked wings.
6) Once the wings have baked to crispy completion, toss the wings and the seasoning together and serve.

wings recipe
Try tossing crispy wings with a salt and pepper seasoning mix for a tasty Chinese style dish

That’s it! Let me know what you think of this oven baked wings recipe, and if you’d like to try an Asian twist on baked wings, here is an easy Korean-Style Wings Recipe.

korean wings recipe

And for a tasty non-wing baked chicken recipe, check out this Chicken Tenders Recipe

wings recipe
Oven-baked Chicken Tender Recipe …or do you call them chicken fingers?

Thanks For Checking out our Recipes

We hope you love this easy wings recipe! Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Stuffed Mushrooms Recipe …easy appetizer

Stuffed Mushrooms Recipe

This stuffed mushrooms recipe makes a great appetizer and party dish. Stuffed mushrooms are often filled with freshly grated Parmesan, garlic, and herbs, but it’s a super versatile recipe…so experiment with your favorite flavors; I personally like a blue cheese and hot sauce combo thrown into the filling.

What You Need for This Stuffed Mushrooms Recipe

filling mixture like…
4-6 cloves GARLIC (finely chopped)
½ cup PARSLEY (chopped)
½ cup CASHEWS (chopped)
SALT and PEPPER (to taste)
…but fillings are optional

stuffed mushrooms recipe
This stuffed mushrooms recipe makes a great appetizer and party dish

If you’re new to home cooking, get a bunch of spices, pots and pans, and start experimenting with different recipes. It’s a healthy hobby that can save a lot of money in the long run. Check out current prices for Complete Kitchenware Sets on Amazon as well as Complete Starter Spice Kits. Or try a thrift store! I’ve found some of my favorite kitchen gear at second-hand stores.

How To Make Stuffed Mushrooms

Buy whole mushrooms that are uniform in size; I buy mushrooms that are not already pre-packaged, so I can select the best.
Choose mushrooms that are firm and dry and store in the fridge in a paper sack until you are ready to use them.
Before using, clean mushrooms with a damp towel.
Remove the stems and use a knife or spoon to open the mushroom center and create more room for the stuffing.
Take your time preparing the mushroom caps to avoid splitting them.
I often set aside some of the stems to use in other recipes, while reserving some to chop and mix with the stuffing.
Coat the mushroom caps lightly with olive oil and set aside.
In a bowl, combine some of the chopped stems and whatever fillings you desire.
I often use an egg, minced garlic, freshly grated Parmesan, and fresh chopped parsley with my filling, butthe variations are endless.
Blue cheese is fantastic in stuffed mushrooms.
For added crunchiness, nuts are a great idea. I find that chopped cashews work very well.
I’ll often add ingredients to the stuffing mix as I stuff the mushrooms, which makes for a nice variety of flavors.
Spoon the filling into the mushroom cap.
In a skillet, melt butter and add panko breadcrumbs. The breadcrumbs will soak up the butter and flavor.
Top stuffed mushrooms with panko breadcrumbs and place on a rack over a baking sheet.
Place stuffed mushrooms in an oven pre-heated to 375 degrees F. and bake for approximately 30 minutes or until
the breadcrumb topping is nicely toasted.
Serve warm.

Tips for Best Stuffed Mushrooms

  • Bake the mushrooms on a rack! This will dry them out more and make them less mushy!
  • Breadcrumb topping and nuts are optional, but they both add nice texture and crunch.
  • Set aside some mushroom stems for another recipe and make room for more non-mushroomy filling.
  • Start with a simple filling and then add other ingredients as you stuff the mushrooms for more variety.

Give this stuffed mushrooms recipe a try, and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

For another tasty party and appetizer dish, check out this Jalapeno Poppers Recipe.
jalapeno poppers

Thanks For Watching Our Mushroom Recipe

Thanks for checking out this quinoa salad recipe, and all of our recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, you can also support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. So, if you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Chicken Tenders – Oven Baked Chicken Strips

chicken tenders

Try this very tasty baked chicken tenders recipe. You can easily bake chicken tenders in the oven that you’ll enjoy just as much as deep fried tenders, the trick is to add butter to the breadcrumbs.

Ingredients For Baked Chicken Tenders Recipe

1½ lbs. CHICKEN
1 cup FLOUR
1/3 cup BUTTER (I say 3/4 cup in the video, but I misspoke)
HOT SAUCE (to taste)
SALT and PEPPER (to taste)
…but really, use whatever seasonings you like
(just make sure you use lots of them)

chicken tenders
Oven-baked Chicken Tender Recipe …or do you call them chicken fingers?

How To Make This Chicken Tenders Recipe

Buy white chicken breasts already cut into strips, or buy breasts and cut them yourself, just make
sure to cut them into reasonably uniform sizes so that they will cook evenly.

  • In a bowl, season the chicken strips generously, and set aside. If you’re just getting into home cooking and don’t have a lot of seasoning choices, you can check out current pricing for a
    Complete Starter Spice Set on Amazon.
  • In a skillet, melt butter and then turn the stove burner off.
  • Add panko breadcrumbs to the butter and mix well. The breadcrumbs will quickly soak up the butter like it was never there.
  • Break eggs into a bowl and whisk.
  • In another bowl, add flour. Season the flour. Seasoning the flour and the chicken and adding the butter to the breadcrumbs all combine to make these oven baked tenders so awesome.
  • Line a large baking sheet with aluminium foil and lightly coat with oil.
  • Take a chicken strip and dredge it in the flour, then coat it in the egg, and then roll it in the breadcrumbs until the chicken strip is well breaded.
  • Place the chicken strip onto the lightly oiled pan and repeat until all of the chicken strips have been prepared.
  • The strips should be arranged on the pan with a slight space between each one.
  • Bake in an oven at 425 degrees F for 20-25 minutes, turning once about halfway through the cooking time.
  • Serve chicken tenders while hot, right out of the oven.

Chicken tenders go great with a dipping sauce. Ranch dressing is a favorite, along with blue cheese dressing, BBQ sauce, and honey mustard.

Chicken fingers make a great salad topping, too –it’s a decadent way to incorporate a nice salad into your day.

Give this oven-bake chicken tender recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

And for another faux fried oven-baked dish, check out this Onion Ring Recipe.

onion rings recipe
How to make an Onion Rings recipe in the Oven.

Thanks for checking out the recipes and videos If you like what you see, share it with your friends and family on social media, I appreciate it!
–Chef Buck

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Pupusas Recipe – Easy Corn Flour Pupusa

pupusas recipe

How to make a pupusas recipe.
This pupusas recipe is a traditional Latin American dish of corn tortilla filled with cheese, beans, peppers and meat, although you can use any combo of ingredients you like to cook pupusas. Corn flour is mixed with salt and water to make a corn dough, or masa, and wrapped around a center filling;
that filling can simply be cheese and peppers, but I like to make it a full meal by adding beans and meat as well.

What You Need To Make This Easy Pupusas Recipe

2 cups CORN FLOUR (current price of Maseca Corn Flour on amazon)
about 1½ cups WATER
SALT and PEPPER to taste
1 tsp TURMERIC (optional)
here are some filling ideas…use any
combo, and substitute what you like:
leftover MEATS (minced)
CHEESE (grated)
pickled PEPPERS (like green chili or jalapeno)

pupusas recipe
Pupusas …inspired by a traditional Salvadorean recipe.

How To Make Pupusas

First thing, mix up your pupusa filling…this will allow time for the flavors to interact.
You can simply use cheese and peppers, but adding a little refried beans and leftover meat
into the mixture can turn your pupusas into a filling meal.
I often mince up leftover breakfast sausage to add into my filling, but any pork, beef, or chicken
will do, just be sure to use meat that is already cooked through; it’s a great way to use leftovers.
Combine the filling ingredients together in a bowl.
Mix well and set aside.
In another bowl, add corn flour (Maseca is a populer brand in the USA, but any corn flour will do).
Add in salt and pepper and turmeric.
Turmeric is not a traditional pupusa ingredient, but I find it adds a great color.
Mix dry ingredients together.
Add in warm tap water and mix into a dough …it mixes quite easily;
Use your hands to mix…this will give you a better sense of the dough consistency.
Mix until the dough is “doughy” and pliable–not too dry and not too wet–add additional water
or flour until reaches this consistency.
Tear off a handful of dough and roll it into a ball, then flatten the dough into a disc.
Place a ball of the cheese/bean/meat filling in the center of the disc, and then close up the edges
of the dough, sealing the filling inside a doughy ball.
Pinch off any excess dough from the top and return it to the bowl.
Flatten the dough filled ball into a disc shape, try to keep the disc intact, but if the filling leaks slightly,
it’s no big deal.
You can use more dough, or less filling, or be more careful folding the filling inside to make an absolutely
perfect pupusa…but why work that hard?
I like my pupusas to have a thin tortilla skin.
I like them to leak a little bit…I like the taste of the toasted cheese on the edges.
But that’s just me…follow your heart; but believe me, if your pupusas aren’t perfect,
they’ll taste just as good, or better.
Heat a lightly oiled griddle or skillet on med/med-high heat and cook the pupusas
about three minutes on each side.
And that’s it.
Serve as a snack or main meal. Top with sour cream, salsa, or even a cabbage slaw for a nicely balanced dish.

Give this pupusas recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

Ingredients For Curtido …pickled slaw topping for pupusas recipe

half a small CABBAGE (chopped)
2 CARROTS (shredded)
1 white ONION (sliced)
1 JALAPENO (thinly sliced)
1 Tbsp dried OREGANO
SALT and PEPPER to taste
mild VINEGAR (I like to use a rice or malt vinegar)

How to Make Curtido

Bring a pot of salted water to a boil; boil enough water to cover the veggies.
Once water is boiling, turn off and then add the veggies to the pot.
Add oregano and pepper.
Let soak for 3 minutes.
Drain the veggies from the pot, but reserve some of the water.
Put the strained veggies into a jar; ideally, use a size jar that will be completely filled.
Press the veggies into the jar until it is crammed full.
Add reserved water until the veggies are slightly more than halfway covered, then add
vinegar until the veggies are completely covered.
Allow to cool, and then cover jar with a lid and refrigerate.
The more ahead of time you make this, the more flavorful it will be.
It’s a simple and tasty topping or side for pupusas or sandwiches.

For more awesome recipes, take a look at my Chef Buck Recipe Playlists.

pupusas recipe
This is a fantastic Nachos Supreme dish, and a giant pizza pan makes a great dish for cooking and serving.

Thanks for Trying Our Pupusas Recipe

Click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

If you’re new to home cooking, get a bunch of spices, pots and pans, and start experimenting with different recipes. It’s a healthy hobby that can save a lot of money in the long run. Check out current prices for Complete Kitchenware Sets on Amazon as well as Complete Starter Spice Kits. Or try a thrift store! I’ve found some of my favorite kitchen gear at second-hand stores.

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Onion Rings Recipe – Crispy Baked Onion Rings

onion rings recipe

Try a delicious, crispy onion rings recipe. Can a baked onion ring be as good as a fried onion ring? Yep. You just need to batter the onions and bake them to onion ring perfection. Onion rings cooked in the oven can be quite crispy and flavorful, and these baked onion rings will still be considerably less mess and fuss than a fried onion rings recipe –and a much healthier recipe as well.

What You Need To Make This Baked Onion Rings Recipe

1 large ONION
(plus flour for coating onions in bag)
2 Tbsp melted BUTTER
1-2 tsp SALT (to taste)

Onion Rings recipe
The best onion ring recipe baked in the oven.

How To Make Crispy Onion Rings Baked in the Oven

I like to use a yellow onion when making onion rings. I find a baseball-sized onion serves two people, and makes a great side dish for any burger or sandwich.

Slice each end of the onion off and then remove the skin. Cut the onion into slices about ½” thick and then separate the onion into rings –use even the center and smallest rings!
Place the separated onion rings into a ziplock bag with about 2 Tbsp of flour. Seal the bag with plenty of air inside to give the onion room to move freely. Now shake the bag until the onion slices are well coated in dry flour and set the bag aside.

In a bowl, Combine the bread crumbs, cornmeal, and seasonings. Mix well and set aside.

In another bowl, break two eggs and whisk. Whisk in the milk and melted butter. Whisk in about ½ cup of flour. The batter should end up being similar to a thin pancake batter.

Now you’re ready to batter your onion rings

Arrange rings on a baking sheet or pan.
Use a fork –or chopsticks!– to handle the onions during the battering process…it will be less messy.

Take each onion ring coated in dry flour and dip it into the pancakey batter. Remove from the batter and let excess batter drip off, then drop into the breadcrumb mix and coat the onion completely.

Carefully, without knocking off the batter, place the battered onion ring onto the baking sheet.
Arrange the rings so they are not touching…you can place the smaller rings inside larger rings.
If you need an oven-safe pan, you can check here for current prices for baking sheets on Amazon.

Bake onion rings in an oven pre-heated to 400 degrees Fahrenheit, about 20 minutes, turning the onions once about halfway through the cooking process.
And that’s it.

Give this onion ring recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

For another great dish, check out this Crispy Baked Chicken Wings Recipe

hot wings recipe
Make spicy chicken wings at home and serve with creamy ranch or blue cheese dressing

Thanks For Checking out our Recipes

We hope you love this onion rings recipe! Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Tzatziki Sauce Recipe – Greek cucumber yogurt dressing

tzatziki sauce recipe

It’s super easy to make a healthy Greek tzatziki sauce recipe. It’s fairly quick to prepare tzatziki sauce, but it takes a little time to reach it’s full flavor potential, so make it a few hours ahead of time before serving. Tzatziki is a mild cucumber yogurt dressing that pairs very well with spicy falafel or lamb. The sauce can be used as a dressing or dip, especially for stuffed pitas, pita chips, or fresh veggies.

Ingredients You’ll Need for Tzatziki Sauce Recipe:

2 cups fresh CUCUMBER
3-4 cloves GARLIC (finely chopped)
1 small LEMON zest and juice
or substitute 1-2 Tbsp
½ cup (or more) chopped HERBS
…like dill, mint, or parsley
1-2 Tbsp OLIVE OIL
SALT and PEPPER (to taste)

tzatziki sauce recipe
Greek Tzatziki Sauce, a cucumber yogurt dressing

How To Make a Greek Tzatziki Sauce Recipe:

I prefer using English cucumbers (also called hothouse cucumbers), or using smaller, Japanese cucumbers.
These cucumber types have a lot of flavor, are less watery, and the skin is thin enough to be eaten and enjoyed (although I generally peel them when making tzatziki).
When making a tzatziki sauce, start by preparing the cucumber; this will give the cucumber time to drain while you prepare the rest of the sauce ingredients.
Peel your cucumber and grate with a hand grater, or use a food processor if you enjoy cleaning appliances.
Chop the cucumber into smaller pieces, if desired, but don’t over-process, since chunks of cucumber make a tzatziki quite nice.
Place the grated cucumber into a strainer over a bowl to allow the cucumber to drain.
Mix a bit of salt to help draw out the water. Set bowl aside and prep the other ingredients.
Into a mixing bowl, add Greek yogurt, minced garlic, lemon zest and juice, and fresh chopped herbs.
If you don’t have a lemon on hand, substitute a mild rice or wine vinegar.
Mix ingredients well.
Return to the cucumber. Quite a bit of water will have drained into the straining bowl. Use a spatula or spoon to press out more water, and then add the strained cucumber to the yogurt mixture.
Mix well, and add additional salt and pepper to taste.
Cover and place in the fridge for at least 2+ hours before serving; this will give the flavors time to maximize.
Serve as a dip or dressing/sauce.
it’s great with pita chips or fresh sliced veggies; or serve with spicy lamb–especially as a sauce in stuffed pitas, or as a condiment on lamb burgers.
Or as a dressing for a fresh salad.
Greek tzatziki is healthy, versatile, and an easy recipe worth giving a go.
Give this Greek tzatziki sauce recipe try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!
For another Greek inspired dish, check out this Hummus Recipe

click pic for video recipe

Or this very tasty Pita Chips Recipe …that goes great with tzatiki
spicy pita chips

Thanks for Watching our Tzatziki Sauce Recipe

Click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

If you’re new to home cooking, get a bunch of spices, pots and pans, and start experimenting with different recipes. It’s a healthy hobby that can save a lot of money in the long run. Check out current prices for Complete Kitchenware Sets on Amazon as well as Complete Starter Spice Kits. Or try a thrift store! I’ve found some of my favorite kitchen gear at second-hand stores.

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Best Southwestern Quinoa Salad Recipe

southwestern quinoa salad

Everywhere you turn, there’s a Southwestern quinoa salad, and for good reason.  It’s delicious, easy to make, and a great choice for a healthy meal. Since quinoa is a complete protein, this Southwestern inspired salad makes an ideal vegetarian recipe, doubly so since this quinoa is paired with black beans.

What you need to make a Southwestern Quinoa Salad

2 cups COOKED QUINOA (check current prices for QUINOA on Amazon)
1 15 oz can BLACK BEANS
10-15 sliced CHERRY TOMATOES
3-5 chopped GREEN ONIONS
¼ cup chopped, pickled JALAPENO
½ cup chopped CILANTRO
1 LEMON …juice and zest
SALT and PEPPER to taste

southwestern quinoa salad
southwest quinoa salad recipe

How to make a Southwest Quinoa Salad

Cook up the quinoa just like rice: 1 part quinoa to 2 parts water, bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 15 minutes or until the water is absorbed. Fluff the quinoa and then set aside uncovered to cool.

While the quinoa cools, prepare the veggies:

Dice ½ a yellow bell pepper, or any color pepper, but if you’re like me and you’re making a corn-free southwest quinoa salad, then using a yellow pepper will make your quinoa salad more lovely to look at. Slice some cherry tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes have a great flavor, and the hardiness of the tiny tomato makes it the perfect choice for a salad.

Remove and mince the zest from 1 small lemon, and then slice the lemon in half. Check current prices for a lemon zester on Amazon.

Chop up some green onions, and cilantro. If you like a little heat, chop up some pickled jalapeno, too, and reserve a Tbsp of the jalapeno pickling juice for added kick and flavor.

When the quinoa cools:

Add 2 cups of the cooked quinoa to a large mixing bowl.
Rinse and drain the black beans and add them to the bowl.
Add the yellow pepper, jalapeno pepper, onion, cilantro, lemon zest, olive oil, juice from half the lemon, and salt and pepper.
Mix ingredients thoroughly.
Add tomato.
Slice avocado and add to salad.
Take the remaining lemon half and squeeze its juice over the cut avocado, this will preserve the vibrancy of the avocado.

Gently mix the salad and serve.

This Southwestern quinoa tastes great on it’s own, as a healthy side dish, or served over a bed of fresh greens for a super salad topping.

Give healthy southwest quinoa salad recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

For another healthy option with a southwestern flair, check out out this meat-free Vegetarian Chili Recipe that even carnivores will love.

vegetarian chili
pot o’ meatless chili for good times

Thanks for Watching our Quinoa Recipe Video!

Click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

If you’re new to home cooking, get a bunch of spices, pots and pans, and start experimenting with different recipes. It’s a healthy hobby that can save a lot of money in the long run. Check out current prices for Complete Kitchenware Sets on Amazon as well as Complete Starter Spice Kits. Or try a thrift store! I’ve found some of my favorite kitchen gear at second-hand stores.

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Hot Wings Recipe – Crispy Baked Chicken

hot wings recipe

Make a spicy hot wings recipe at home. You can bake crispy wings for a healthier version of your favorite wings recipe, and a Buffalo sauce is super easy to prepare. I usually buy the whole wings and cut them up at home, but you can buy bags of chicken wings already cut up into drumettes and wingettes.

What You Need to Make This Hot Wings Recipe

1 tsp SALT
…but really, use whatever spices you like

Ingredients For Buffalo Hot Wings Recipe Sauce

¼ cup BUTTER
¼ – ½ cup HOT SAUCE
1-3 Tbsp HONEY

hot wings recipe
You can bake crispy chicken wings for a healthier version of your favorite hot wings recipe

How to Make Crispy Chicken Wings In The Oven

Preparing and Baking the Wings:

I generally remove the skin from chicken, but not when I’m having wings; that crisp cooked skin is what makes wings so tasty. Buy your wings already cut up, or cut the up yourself at home. They’re not difficult to process at home, just cut easily between the joints, and be sure and save the wing tips to use for a chicken broth.

  • Pat chicken pieces dry with a paper towel and set aside
  • Combine the baking powder and seasonings in a bowl and mix together well
  • Toss the wingettes and drumettes with the dry coating
    Arrange the chicken pieces on a wire rack over a baking pan and place in oven preheated to 425 degrees F. Here’s a good option if you want to price an oven-safe roasting rack on Amazon.
  • Cook wings for 50-60 minutes, turning every 20 minutes until crispy and done.
While the Wings Bake, Make the Sauce:

A classic Buffalo chicken wing sauce is easy to prepare.

  • In a sauce pot, melt butter
  • Add an equal amount of hot sauce to the pot, or more if you like your wings spicier
  • Throw in a splash of Worcestershire sauce
  • And for sweeter wings, add honey to taste
  • Mix well and heat through
hot wings recipe
A classic Buffalo chicken wing sauce is easy to prepare.
Sauce the Wings, Or Don’t:

I like my spicy wings right out of the oven, just the wings and crispy skin. I like them tossed in Buffalo sauce, too, so I usually sauce half and leave half un-sauced, but follow your own heart.

To sauce the wings, simply combine the wings hot out of the oven and the sauce hot off of the stove into a bowl and toss. And a creamy blue cheese or ranch dressing makes a nice accompaniment.

And that’s it!

Give this hot wings recipe a try let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

And for another fun party type food, check out this recipe for a giant platter of Nachos Supreme.

best nachos recipe
This is a fantastic Nachos Supreme dish, and a giant pizza pan makes a great dish for cooking and serving.

Thanks For Checking out our Recipes

We hope you love this hot wings recipe! Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Candied Pecans – Easy Pecan Candy Treats

candied pecans

You can make a super simple and tasty candied pecan treat. This sugar pecan recipe
is an easy way to impress friends and family. My mom gives tins of pecan candy out
as gifts for the holidays, and it’s a sure hit for any party or get-together.
CG especially likes these nuts as ice cream toppings.

What You Need to Make Candied Pecans

1 lb. PECANS
1 cup SUGAR
½ tsp SALT
1 Tbsp WATER

candied pecans
Place pecans on a large ungreased baking sheet and bake 30 minutes at 300 degrees F. Turn pecans every 10 minutes while baking.

How to make Pecan Candies

Buy a pound of pecan halves. When buying, be sure to choose pecans that are in good shape
…a bag of broken and busted up pecans doesn’t look as pretty in a dish.  Pecans can be pretty pricey, but check here for current pecan prices on Amazon.           

In a bowl, combine the cinnamon, sugar, and salt, and then mix well.
Set that bowl aside, and in another bowl, combine 1 egg white and 1 Tbsp. of water.
Whisk the egg white and water into a frothy foam.
Add the pecan halves into the egg white mix.
By hand, mix the pecans until coated thoroughly.
Once the pecans are coated completely, transfer then into the dry mix bowl. Still using your hand,
mix the pecans in the cinnamon sugar until they are coated well.

On an ungreased baking sheet, spread the coated pecans into a single layer.
Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 300 degrees Fahrenheit. You can check here for current prices for baking sheets on Amazon.

Remove the baking sheet every 10 minutes to give the pecans a stir and spread them out again; this will let the pecans bake evenly and keep from sticking together.

After a total of 30 minutes baking time, remove the pecans for a final stir, then set aside to cool.
That’s it. As soon as they’re cool enough to eat, then eat away.
Be sure to allow the pecans to cool completely before sealing in a container.

candied pecans
My mom sends out tins of candied pecans to her favorite children, which sometimes includes me.

These sugar pecan candies make a great holiday treat or anytime treat. My mom makes them all the time for family gatherings and they’re
a sure fire hit.

Give this candied pecans recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

For another quick tasty treat idea, try this classic Peanut Butter Candy Recipe.

peanut butter candy recipe

Thanks for checking out this candied pecans recipe, and all of our recipe videos. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list and never miss a new Chef Buck cooking video, and also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!
–Chef Buck

Thanks for watching our recipe videos!

We include affiliate links for products on our website, so if you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program providing a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Green Onion Pancake Korean Pajeon Recipe

korean pajeon

Pajeon is a Korean-style green onion pancake recipe. It is a savory, delicious pancake that can be prepared quick and easy. I’m using rice flour in this video, so it’s actually a gluten-free pancake recipe, but using all-purpose wheat flour is fine. You can use either chives or scallions for this recipe (or both).

What You Need To Make Pajeon

HOT PEPPER (optional)
½ cup FLOUR
½ cup WATER
2-3 Tbsp OIL for cooking
SALT and PEPPER (to taste)
CHILI-GARLIC SAUCE (to taste, optional)

For a gluten-free pancake, check here for CURRENT RICE FLOUR PRICES on Amazon.

How to Make a Pajeon Green Onion Pancake

  • Combine flour and cold water and mix well, the batter should be thin.
  • Chop slender green onions into approx. 1 inch pieces and add into batter (thicker onions should be sliced lengthwise first).
  • Add red bell pepper and any hot pepper (optional) to batter and combine all until ingredients are well coated.
  • Heat oil in a non-stick skillet on medium high. Adjust temperature as needed through out cooking, but make sure the oil is hot before adding the batter.
  • Add batter to hot skillet and shape into a pancake shape. Make 1 big pancake, or 2 smaller pancakes; this recipe can serve 1 to 2 people, although I generally eat it all, since it’s quick and easy to prepare, and I often make it when I’m just cooking for myself.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste (remember that the sauce will have have soy sauce)
  • After 3 minutes, pour a beaten egg over the pancake top.
  • Cook until the cake is golden brown on bottom, about 4-6 minutes.
  • Turn the cake (or flip it–but with confidence!) and cook the eggy side for about 2 more minutes.
    And that’s it! Serve hot with a dipping sauce.

Dipping Sauce

Combine equal parts rice vinegar and soy sauce and mix well. Adding a little chili-garlic sauce is a nice touch, and and will provide a nice bite. For a sweeter sauce, add a little hoisin or plum sauce, or just 1-2 tsp sugar.

green onion pancake
A Korean style green onion pancake can be made quick and easy.

Give this pajeon green onion pancake recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit.

And for a Korean-style pancake, check out this Haemul Pajeon Seafood Pancake Recipe.

shrimp pancake
Korean style Haemul Pajeon seafood pancake

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Thanks for checking out this green onion pancake recipe, and all of our recipes. Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Best Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe That Won’t Fall Apart

cauliflower pizza crust

You can make the best cauliflower pizza crust recipe that will not fall apart after baking. Slice it, hold it, eat it–it keeps its shape–and it actually tastes like pizza! This cauliflower crust pizza is gluten free, healthier than bread dough, and definitely worth trying.  And this recipe freezes well too so why not make 2 crusts?

All You Need To Make a Cauliflower Crust Pizza

2 cups of grated CAULIFLOWER
1 cup of freshly grated PARMESAN CHEESE
1 EGG beaten
PARCHMENT PAPER to line your baking sheet
PIZZA SAUCE, your choice   [see below for an easy, delicious tomato-based pizza sauce recipe]
PIZZA TOPPINGS, your choice

gluten free pizza crust
The best and easiest cauliflower crust pizza recipe. This cauliflower crust is delicious, holds its shape, and will not fall apart.

How To Cook A Cauliflower Crust Pizza Recipe

Cut And Dry Out The Fresh Cauliflower:

  • Grate fresh cauliflower florets into granules resembling “poprocks”
  • Heat the grated cauliflower in a skillet.  Don’t add oil or water–use medium heat, not too hot. Stir until the cauliflower has dried out somewhat. It won’t dry completely, but the dryer, the better. Heat at least 10 minutes, just enough to evaporate the moisture, not enough to color or cook down.
  • Remove skillet from burner and set aside to allow cauliflower to slightly cool.

Prepare and Cook the Naked Crust:

  • In a bowl, beat 1 egg.
  • Add grated Parmesan cheese to the egg. You can substitute, asiago or romano cheeses, just be sure you use a hard cheese for best results.
  • Add the cauliflower to the bowl and mix well with the egg and cheese and form into a ball.
  • Spread parchment paper onto a baking sheet. DEFINITELY USE PARCHMENT PAPER, otherwise your crust may tear when you try to pick it up. If you’re out of paper, here’s some current parchment paper prices on amazon.
  • Place the balled cauliflower and cheese onto the parchment paper and spread out into a pizza shape about ¼ inch thick. The crust will be about 10″ across.
  • Do not make the edges of the crust too thin; keep the size of the crust uniform for even cooking. The cauliflower will darken quite rapidly around the edges if too thin.
  • Place crust into an oven preheated to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and cook approx. 15-20 minutes until the crust has colored and firmed up.

Add Your Favorite Pizza Toppings and Finish Cooking:

  • Remove cauliflower pizza crust from the oven and top with your favorite pizza sauce. Use a marinara sauce, pesto, white sauce, or whatever. Top with your favorite pizza toppings.
  • Return pizza to the oven and continue to cook at 400 F for about 10 minutes until the toppings are done, watch the edges of the cauliflower crust; the edges will darken too much if overcooked.
  • Remove the pizza from the oven and set on a cooling rack –or don’t– this step isn’t make or break.

And that’s it!  Eat and enjoy. Check here for current prices for a pizza pan on Amazon.

A cauliflower pizza crust will not rise since there is no yeast involved, and since the crust is entirely cauliflower, cheese, and egg, it will not achieve the same crispness as a thin dough pizza. But the pizza will stay together just fine, and will taste very much like a pizza.

cauliflower pizza crust
Cauliflower pizza crust after cooking about 20 mins. in a 400 F oven. Crust should be cooked firm with a nice, golden color.

Tips For Making A Cauliflower Pizza Crust That Will Not Fall Apart

  • Use fresh cauliflower, and only use the florets.
  • Don’t allow overly large pieces of cauliflower into the “dough” — keep the vegetable pieces reasonably uniform.
  • The dryer the cauliflower pieces the better, but don’t be obsessed!
  • Use only a hard cheese like Parmesan or Romano in the crust mixture, this helps make the crust stable.
  • Don’t make the crust too thick, around ¼” is ideal.
  • Make the crust a uniform size all the way to the edges so that it will cook evenly.
  • Cook the cauliflower crust on parchment paper! otherwise the crust will stick and break apart when you try to remove it from the pan.
  • Spread your pizza sauce almost to the outer edges of the crust; your pie will look better. The cauliflower pizza crust is a healthier choice, but it is not the prettiest pizza crust.
best cauliflower pizza crust
This cauliflower crust is healthier than a bread dough, with more nutrition and less empty calories.

Is A Cauliflower Pizza Crust Healthy ? …well

  • It provides more nutrition.
  • It adds less empty calories.
  • It’s gluten-free.
  • And it works. It’s a great alternative to a bready pizza crust that will satisfy your pizza needs.
pizza sauce recipe
Any pizza sauce will work with a cauliflower crust pizza, so use your favorite, but homemade is always best!

How to Make an easy Homemade Pizza Sauce

A good pizza needs a good sauce. It’s easy to make a simple pizza sauce at home that will suit your tastes exactly.

The key to a great homemade pizza sauce is making it at least a day in advance. Keep a jar of sauce in your fridge. You can use it on pizzas, but also on sandwiches, as a dip, or part of a marinara sauce for any Italian inspired dish.

You’ll need:
1 15oz can of TOMATO SAUCE
dried THYME dried OREGANO
dried BASIL
GARLIC POWDER or fresh chopped GARLIC
and for a little kick, add a little fresh or dried HOT PEPPER

Add the seasonings to taste. If you’re just getting started cooking at home, here are current prices for Spice Starter Sets on Amazon.

Are There Other Ways To Use A Cauliflower Pizza Crust?

For a tasty twist on this pizza crust variation, try using it as a Cauliflower Crust Burrito. Seriously, a burrito has tons of flavor, so it’s a great way to use this kind of recipe.

cauliflower pizza crust recipe
This is a nice variation on a burrito recipe and a great way to use a cauliflower crust.

Thanks For Checking out our Recipes

We hope you love this cauliflower pizza crust recipe! Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Make the Best Bean Soup Today !

bean soup

This bean soup recipe is super tasty and easy to make. Doesn’t bean soup sound delicious? Especially if you’re a kid. I use cannellini beans and black beans in this recipe, but you can use whatever beans you like. Ham or sausage is great in bean soup, too, and it doesn’t have to be a lot; just a little meat adds great flavor to bean soup. If going meat free, be sure to add lots of spice and maybe and extra veggie or two…beans need all the excitement they can get.

Bean Soup Recipe Ingredients:

1 15oz can BLACK BEANS
2 medium sized ONIONS chopped
4-5 cloves GARLIC finely chopped
some leftover SAUSAGE or HAM (cooked)
32 oz BROTH (or ½ water ½ broth)
a little HALF AND HALF if you want
(or use some other kinda heat)
SALT and PEPPER to taste
1-2 Tbsp Oil
chopped PARSLEY if you want

bean soup
adding a mix of beans will add color and texture to your soup

Bean Soup Recipe Directions:

Heat 1 to 2 Tbsp of oil in a soup pot.
Add the onion and garlic and saute for several minutes.
If you’ve got fresh chili or jalapeno peppers, dice and add a little of that, too…if you want.
Add seasoning. I use salt, pepper, and chipotle powder in this recipe. Chipotle is awesome in bean soup. It adds great flavor
and a little heat. Don’t have chipotle powder? Add chili powder or chili/garlic paste instead, or anything you like, soup is all about
Cook the spices and onions together for a few minutes and then add broth (meat or veggie broth, whatever, dude).
Toss in a bay leaf and bring the pot to a bubble.
Add in beans. I like to use a mix of cannellini and black beans.

If you have some sausage or ham on hand, chop and toss a little into the soup.
Reduce the heat down to a low simmer, cover and let cook 30-45 minutes.
After simmering, remove the bay leaf.
Use a hand blender to blend the soup to desired consistency. Check here for current prices on Hand Blenders at Amazon.

bean soup
use a hand blender to make a soup creamier

I like to add a little half and half for added creaminess; not a lot, just a little does the trick, around ½ a cup.
Turn off the heat and stir in a little chopped parsley or cilantro, and that’s it!
If you can make it a day ahead, all the better; soup only gets tastier with time!
Hope you love it!
Give Bean Soup recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit.

And for more bean fun, check out this crazy awesome Vegetarian Chili Recipe that even the meat lovers in your family will enjoy.

vegetarian chili
pot o’ meatless chili for good times

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Thanks for checking out our bean soup recipe. Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Baked Tomatoes Recipe with Basil, Cheese, and Walnut

baked tomatoes recipe

This is a terrific baked tomatoes recipe. I love tomatoes roasted and topped with garlic, bread crumbs, and butter, but I think this toasted walnut, basil, and cheese topping has it beat. These roasted plum tomatoes make an awesome vegetarian dish with more than enough substance to satisfy even the most carnivorous craving.

Baked Tomatoes Recipe Ingredients:

4 PLUM TOMATOES (roma is a type of plum tomato)
½ cup toasted WALNUTS
½ cup fresh BASIL
½ cup ROMANO CHEESE (or sub Parmesan cheese)
2-3 cloves GARLIC
some OLIVE OIL, dude
SALT and PEPPER (to taste)

baked tomatoes
Slice off the bottom of the tomatoes so they sit flat on the baking sheet.

Baked Tomato Recipe Directions:

Slice tomatoes lengthwise in half, and then slice a sliver off of the rounded backside so that the tomatoes rest flat.

Using a fork, tenderize the tops of the tomato halves, but do not poke the fork all the way through.
Arrange tomatoes on a baking sheet.

Season tomato tops with salt and pepper, and then coat the tomato tops lightly with olive oil.
Bake in an oven preheated at 500 degrees Fahrenheit for 10-15 minutes, or until the edges of the tomatoes begin to brown.

While the tomatoes bake, place chopped basil, toasted walnuts, shredded cheese, fresh ground pepper, and garlic in a food processor and pulse conservatively until the topping ingredients resemble tabouli. Check current prices for food processors on amazon.

baked tomatoes
Use about equal parts of toasted walnut, cheese, and basil…and garlic to taste.

Remove tomatoes from the oven. Add any oil and juices on the baking sheet into the blended basil/walnut/cheese topping. Also add ½ to 1 tsp olive oil if desired. Mix ingredients and then mound the topping evenly over each tomato.

Return tomatoes to the oven and continue baking at 500 degrees F for another 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes, turn oven to broil and let tomatoes broil 1-2 minutes longer, or until tops have browned; watch them closely!

And that’s it. Let them cool for a few minutes and serve. It’s a great appetizer, side, or can even be the main course of a vegetarian meal. The blended topping has a terrific, meaty texture. The baked tomatoes are quite filling, and delicious. I hope you like it!

Baked Tomatoes
This baked tomato recipe is beyond delicious…definitely give it a try!

Definitely give this Baked Tomatoes Recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

And for another great vegetarian dish, try this Baked Jalapeno Poppers Recipe.
jalapeno poppers

Thanks for Watching our Baked Tomatoes Recipe

Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Popcorn : How To Cook Popcorn On The Stove Top

how to cook popcorn on the stove

90% of all U.S. households have a microwave oven, but we don’t, so when we make popcorn, it’s on the stove top. Generally we buy the store brand, it’s considerably cheaper than name brand popcorn, and we find it offers the same result.
We cook popcorn in coconut oil. Coconut oil has a high heat point and retains it’s nutritional value when heated.
We like to add flavorings, too. My favorite is grated Parmesan cheese. Of course we always add butter and salt, but I’ve found that fresh ground black pepper is a great addition as well.

How to Cook Popcorn on the Stove top:

1) On Medium Heat, add 2 Tbsp of coconut oil in a heavy bottomed pot.

2) Add a couple of test corn kernels into the pot.

3) When the oil heats through, and the test kernels have popped, add ½ cup of popcorn kernels.

4) Shake the pan to distribute the kernels along the bottom of the pan. They should form a single layer.

5) Cover the pot with a lid, but don’t cover tightly, leave the lid slightly ajar to allow steam to escape; this will keep the popcorn from tasting stale.

6) Allow the kernels to pop until the popping sound almost completely subsides.

7) Once popped, removed pot from burner and pour popcorn into a bowl.

8) While hot, add melted butter and salt and whatever seasonings you desire.

and that’s it!

Below is a video we made experimenting with bacon, but I think I prefer basic popcorn, although the fresh ground black pepper tasted awesome.

Fun Facts:

–Two tablespoons of unpopped corn kernels produce a quart of popcorn for about 25 cents.
–In movie theaters, for every dollar spent on popcorn, about 90 cents is profit.
–A cup of plain popcorn contains about 31 calories.
–Americans eat more popcorn than any other country.
–About 70% of popcorn sold in America is eaten in the home.
–By volume, popcorn is America’s most popular snack food.

For another tasty snack idea, check out these Cashew Coconut Lemon Bites

energy snack
power snack in a yummy treat!

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The Best Garlic Shrimp Recipe You’ll Ever Eat

garlic shrimp recipe

Try this super-quick and delicious garlic shrimp recipe. Lots of olive oil and garlic add great flavor, especially when served with fresh sliced bread. Cook the shrimp quickly in a hot skillet, but don’t overcook, because over cooked shrimp get rubbery. The total cooking time for this dish start to finish should be about 5-7 minutes.

What you need for Garlic Shrimp

2 lbs SHRIMP
½ cup GARLIC …or as much as you like (finely chopped)
SALT and PEPPER to taste
some PARSLEY (chopped)
sliced BREAD for sure!

How to make this Garlic Shrimp Recipe

  • Peel and devein the shrimp (save the shells and heads to make a stock!)
  • Heat olive oil in a skillet on medium high heat. Check current prices for a non-stick skillet on Amazon.
  • When oil is hot, add red pepper flakes. Red pepper flakes add a nice heat, but substitute fresh peppers, or even a little cayenne if you like.
  • Add garlic and saute for 1 minute. Use as much garlic as you like. I prefer lots of garlic. I literally used an entire bulb. It seems like a lot, but the oil and garlic taste great with thick slices of fresh bread.
  • Add the shrimp, and continue sautéing on medium heat.
  • The shrimp only take about 3-5 minutes to cook depending on the size of your shrimp. Don’t overcook the shrimp; they will become rubbery if cooked overly long.
  • Add paprika, and salt and pepper to taste. If you’re just getting into home cooking, here are current prices for starter spice sets on Amazon.
  • Saute shrimp until JUST cooked, when shrimp begin to color and curl, then remove the skillet from the heat.
  • Add lemon juice and fresh chopped parsley.
  • Mix well and serve in a bowl with thick slices of fresh bread. Or serve over rice…but this oily, garlicky shrimp is GREAT with thick slices of tasty bread.
garlic shrimp recipe
lots of garlic + lots of shrimp = delicious

Give this garlic shrimp recipe a try and let me know what you think…and bon appétit!

If you want another tasty shrimp idea, one of my favorites is this Spicy Tempura Shrimp Recipe.

spicy fried shrimp

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Thanks for checking out this cool carrot soup recipe, and all of our recipes. Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Coleslaw Recipe a Classic Southern Dish

coleslaw recipe

Here’s a simple, no-frills coleslaw recipe, which means it’s delicious, because nothing tastes great like a classic coleslaw, especially if you’re pairing it with catfish or fried chicken. Coleslaw can also be used as a sandwich topping, perfect for burgers, or anything BBQ.

Coleslaw Recipe Ingredients:

1 sm. CABBAGE (shredded)
3 med. CARROTS (shredded)
¼ cup ONION (minced…or chopped if using green onion)
1-2 Tbsp fancy MUSTARD
2-3 Tbsp LEMON JUICE (or vinegar)
LEMON ZEST (if using fresh lemon, why not!)
1 Tbsp CELERY SEED check current celery seed price on Amazon
1 tsp SALT (or to taste, man)

fried catfish recipe
Catfish tastes best with tartar sauce (and coleslaw!)

Coleslaw Recipe Directions:

Shred the cabbage and carrot and combine in a large bowl.  Sometimes, for a more rustic coleslaw, I’ll chop the cabbage with a knife for chunkier pieces, like in this slaw video, but that’s a different kinda dish, and not what I think of when I want a basic coleslaw to pair with traditional southern-style dishes.
Add onion to the bowl. I’m using about 3 chopped green onions, but use any kinda onion you like.
For the dressing, combine the rest of the ingredients in a smaller bowl and mix until smooth and creamy.

crunchy slaw
classic coleslaw recipe

I like using fresh lemon juice and zest, but use vinegar if you prefer; I like a mild rice vinegar with coleslaw.
My measurements for salt and pepper are only suggestions, so definitely adjust to taste.
And don’t use plain-Jane yellow mustard, spring for a fancy dijon or grey poupon!
Combine the dressing with the cabbage, carrot, and onion and toss well.
And that’s it.
Coleslaw is a must-have for fried catfish or chicken. Gotta have it with ribs! And coleslaw makes an excellent sandwich topping, too; add to hamburgers, sloppyjoes, or any kind of BBQ sandwich.

For an Asian twist on slaw. try this Crunchy Ramen Noodle Slaw Recipe.

crunchy slaw
Crunchy coleslaw or noodle salad? What sounds tastier?

If you’re new to home cooking, get a bunch of spices, pots and pans, and start experimenting with different recipes. It’s a healthy hobby that can save a lot of money in the long run. Check out current prices for Complete Kitchenware Sets on Amazon as well as Complete Starter Spice Kits. Or try a thrift store! I’ve found some of my favorite kitchen gear at second-hand stores.

Thanks for Watching our Coleslaw Recipe Video!

Click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Roasted Garlic Recipe …and make a Fancy Crostini

roasted garlic

This roasted garlic recipe is easy to prepare and there are a zillion uses for roasted garlic, like a spread for bread, which I do in this video for a quick crostini idea.
Roasted garlic makes a great addition to rice, potato, and quinoa dishes, jams, salad dressings…most things are better with a little garlic.

Roasted Garlic Recipe Ingredients:

…plus herbs and spices if you like

For Crostini:

roasted garlic recipe
use roasted garlic to make a quick crostini

Roasted Garlic Recipe Directions:

When buying, choose garlic bulbs that are firm and have an intact “papery” outer covering. Avoid soft bulbs, or bulbs that have give and seem overly dry and desiccated. Buy bigger bulbs with bigger cloves! Peeling garlic is a semi-pain, so make it easier on yourself and choose the largest cloves available.

Remove the papery outer covering and separate the cloves.
Do you have a secret tip (that really works!) for quickly peeling garlic cloves? If so, please let me know! I’ve found that the best way for me is the tried and true one-at-a-time method: just give each clove a gentle whack, enough to break the peel, and then remove the skin.
Place peeled cloves on a sheet of aluminum foil.

Drizzle with olive oil. It doesn’t have to be a lot, just enough to coat the cloves.
Add salt and pepper to taste, and any dried herbs or seasonings you like. I usually add a little thyme.
Stir and coat the cloves in the oil and seasonings and then close up the aluminum foil like a Hershey’s Kiss.
Place on a baking sheet and slide into an oven preheated to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Bake 30-40 minutes and they’ll be soft and ready for use.

Raw garlic is super strong with a burning bite, but roasting mellows out the bite and transforms the garlic into a tasty treat that can be popped into your mouth whole. I usually eat a handful of cloves when they’re right out of the oven–I can’t help myself!
Warm roasted garlic is great on a crostini, which is really just a fancy piece of toast.
Toast slices of French bread and smear on the warm garlic cloves like butter. Top with feta cheese, capers, and kalamata olives for a quick treat.

Use roasted garlic as a spread for sandwiches.
Mix into mashed potatoes or rice dishes (or quinoa).
Add roasted garlic to salads or mash into salad dressings.
Add to jams, and gravies, and guacamole.
Mix with butter for garlic bread.
Add roasted garlic to anything; it’s a great item to have in the fridge.
Store refrigerated and it will keep several days, store in a jar refrigerated and covered with oil, and it will keep a little longer,but there are so many uses for roasted garlic, it will be very easy to find ways to quickly use it up.
Give this roasted garlic recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

And for another simple and versatile recipe dish, try this Pickled Daikon and Carrot Relish.

Vietnamese Pickled Daikon and Carrot Relish
click pic for Vietnamese Pickled Daikon and Carrot recipe

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Fish Chowder Recipe …New England Style

fish chowder recipe

Try this creamy, New England-style Fish Chowder recipe. I use half and half in this dish, but use heavy cream if you like. I also use cod as the primary ingredient, but add additional seafood and you’ve got seafood chowder!

Fish Chowder Recipe Ingredients:

2½ lbs. COD…or some kinda fish (skinless, boneless, and chopped into chunks)
3 med. POTATOES (peeled/cut into ½ inch pieces)
4-5 slices BACON (chopped)
1 Lg ONION (chopped)
1 cup CELERY (chopped)
½ cup CARROT (chopped)
HOT PEPPER (as desired)
2 Tbsp FLOUR
1 tsp dried OREGANO
1 tsp dried THYME
1 Tbsp BLACK PEPPER (fresh ground)
SALT (to taste)
½ cup HALF N HALF or HEAVY CREAM (add more for more creaminess)

fish chowder recipe
New England-style Fish Chowder

Fish Chowder Recipe Directions:

Heat a large pot on medium heat. Check current pricing for a soup pot on Amazon.

Add bacon. When bacon is cooked, add onion, celery, and hot pepper (optional) and saute for 2-3 minutes. Add black pepper (fresh cracked is ideal), oregano, and thyme. Mix ingredients and cook another minute.

Add chopped potato and carrot, cover with water (use half water half chicken or veggie stock if desired), and add bay leaf. Stir, cover and raise pot to a boil, then reduce and simmer approx. 10 minutes, or until the potatoes soften (but not mushy!).

Add fish (or a variety of seafood if you like). Cod or halibut are commonly used fish in chowders.
Return pot to boil, then reduce and simmer about 5 minutes.
In a small mixing bowl, add clam juice and flour and mix well.
Stir this into the pot and cook 2 minutes until chowder thickens.

Turn off the heat and add half and half or heavy cream. I don’t put too much in myself, cause I don’t like my chowder too milky,but add a little extra if you like.

And that’s it. Top with a sprinkle of parsley or chives and serve with crackers or thick-sliced bread.
Ideally it’ll sit a few hours before you eat it, or even the next day–soups and stews are always better the next day,although I rarely plan that far ahead–still it’s a lot of chowder and you might have leftovers since it’s a big pot.

And for a less creamy seafood dish, try this Seafood Stew Recipe.

seafood stew

Thanks for checking out the recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a Chef Buck cooking video, and click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!
–Chef Buck

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Hearts of Palm Recipe with Beans

hearts of palm

Hearts of palm are often used in salad recipes. Heart of palm is literally the edible core of a palm tree stem. It’s easily found sold in cans, but CG scored a fresh heart of palm, so we’ll take a look at this weirdo veggie and make a simple, but very tasty salad. Canned hearts of palm are not as crunchy as fresh heart, so be sure and add CELERY to this recipe when using canned hearts of palm.

Hearts of Palm Recipe Ingredients:

1 heaping cup sliced HEARTS OF PALM (check current prices for hearts of palm on Amazon)
15oz can MIXED BEANS
1 tsp GINGER (minced)
½ cup GREEN ONIONS (chopped)
1 Tbsp heavy OLIVE OIL
SALT and PEPPER to taste
if using canned hearts of palm, add ½ cup chopped CELERY
(and toasted nuts are never a bad idea, either)

hearts of palm
Fresh heart of palm and salad.

Hearts of Palm Recipe Directions:

If using fresh heart of palm, slice away the bamboo-like outer hull and remove the heart. fresh heart of palm has a great texture, a little crunchy with a creamy after taste; this slight crunch makes fresh heart of palm ideal for salad–canned hearts of palm are not as firm, so be sure to add ½ cup celery to this recipe if using canned hearts of palm.
In a bowl, combine the beans, heart of palm, cilantro, ginger, and green onion. A mix of beans is ideal…different beans will add a variety of textures.
In a smaller bowl, combine the dressing ingredients and whisk well–super well!
Add the dressing to the salad and toss.
And that’s it.
We found this simple combo to be quite tasty. You can always add more ingredients, but sometimes simple is best.
Be sure to add celery for crunch if using canned hearts, and toasted nuts are always a great crunchy element for salads–plus they add protein to the dish as well.

Hearts of palm
Hearts of palm in a can

Give this heart of palm recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit! Check out prices for HEARTS OF PALM on Amazon.

And for another tasty salad idea, check out this Black-eyed Pea Salad.
black eyed pea salad
Click on Pic for Recipe

Thanks for Watching our Hearts of Palm Recipe

Click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

If you’re new to home cooking, get a bunch of spices, pots and pans, and start experimenting with different recipes. It’s a healthy hobby that can save a lot of money in the long run. Check out current prices for Complete Kitchenware Sets on Amazon as well as Complete Starter Spice Kits. Or try a thrift store! I’ve found some of my favorite kitchen gear at second-hand stores.

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Baked Pears Recipe … An Easy Dessert Idea!

baked pears

This Ginger Baked Pears recipe is a simple and delicious dessert idea. It’s easy to prep and put together. Just throw it together, throw it in the oven, and forget about it…well, almost forget about it–you’ll need to baste the pears a couple of times while they bake. This baked pear dish will be a crowd pleaser for any fancy meal.

What you need for Baked Pears

3-4 ANJOU PEARS (or bosc pears)
BUTTER for greasing baking dish
¼ cup BAKER’S SUGAR (superfine ground sugar)
1 heaping Tbsp grated GINGER
top with toasted nuts
and whipped cream!

baked pears
Use firm pears for baking, ideally and anjou or bosc pear.

How to make this Baked Pears Recipe

Use a firm pear ideal for baking, like an anjou or bosc pear.
Peel the pears and slice in half lengthwise and remove the core–use 3-4 pears, depending on need and the size of your baking dish. If you need a decent oven-safe baking dish, check out some current pricing for a Pyrex dish on Amazon.
Lightly butter the bottom of your baking dish and place the pears sliced side down.

In a bowl, combine the cream, sugar (use superfine baker’s sugar, or regular sugar that has been ground in a food processor), cinnamon, vanilla, ginger, and orange zest. Whisk ingredients together and pour over the pears. The top half of the pears should still be sticking out of the cream.

Slide the dish into an oven preheated to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
Remove the dish every 15-20 minutes and baste the tops of the pears with the cream.
Cook 45-55 minutes or until the pear tops are a golden brown.

baked pears
Baked pears with Cream Sauce!

The cream will be thin when hot, but as it cools it will thicken. Serve pears with a topping of the cream sauce.
For a crunch, add toasted nuts–and a little whipped cream on top would be quite decadent.
I threw maraschino cherries on top for color, but a little more orange zest on top would work, too.
Give this Baked Pears recipe a try and let me know what you think!

And for another tasty dessert, check out this Easy Apple Crisp Recipe.

Thanks for Watching our Baked Pear Recipe!

Click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

If you’re new to home cooking, get a bunch of spices, pots and pans, and start experimenting with different recipes. It’s a healthy hobby that can save a lot of money in the long run. Check out current prices for Complete Kitchenware Sets on Amazon as well as Complete Starter Spice Kits. Or try a thrift store! I’ve found some of my favorite kitchen gear at second-hand stores.

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Watermelon Salad Recipe –or how to save a sad melon

watermelon salad

Watermelon Salad is simple to throw together and a tasty way to save a crappy melon. CG loves watermelon, but once in a while she brings home a dud that just doesn’t make the cut; so what does one do with an unsweet, flavorless melon? Turn it into a savory salad dish!

Watermelon Salad Recipe Ingredients:
6 cups crappy, unsweet, seedless WATERMELON
1-2 Tbsp fresh MINT (chopped)
¼ cup RED ONION (chopped)
¼ cup FETA CHEESE crumbles
½ cup toasted ALMOND SLIVERS

1 Tbsp MAPLE SYRUP (or substitute honey)
1 clove GARLIC (minced)
SALT and PEPPER to taste

watermelon salad
Turn crappy watermelon into happy watermelon! (sorry)

Watermelon Salad Directions:
This salad works best with a seedless melon–’cause it’s a salad–and no one wants to dig seeds out of a salad.
Wash your melon and cut away the rind. Slice the red flesh into hearty, but mouth-sized pieces. If it’s sweet–then you’re set! Chow down, because that’s what a melon is for! –but if it’s not sweet, if it’s a flavorless lump that sits in your mouth like play-doh, then don’t despair…it’s salad time.
First thing, make the dressing.
In a small bowl, combine the balsamic vinegar, olive oil, dijon mustard, maple syrup (or substitue honey), garlic, salt, and pepper. Mix together and set aside.
In a larger bowl combine cut watermelon pieces, mint, red onion, feta cheese, and almond slivers. I’ve suggested some ingredient measurements–but that’s just a loose guildeline, man. It’s a salad…follow your heart (and taste buds).
Add salad dressing to taste and toss.
That’s it, dude.
Your crappy melon has been transformed into a delicious salad.

Give this Watermelon Salad recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

And for another tasty salad recipe, try this Black-eyed Pea Salad Recipe.

black eyed pea salad

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Boiled Peanut Recipe – A Southern Tradition

boiled peanut recipe

This boiled peanut recipe is a southern tradition and a delicious mess. You can readily find boiled peanuts sold along roadsides throughout the Southern USA. Boiled peanuts are a messy treat–and a little bit of work to eat–they’re kinda like eating pistachios in a soggy shell (not taste-wise, just work-wise). I love ’em–I don’t make them, ’cause I’m too lazy–but I’m always happy to eat them when CG boils up a batch, especially if she’s digging them out of the shells for me.

Boiled Peanut Recipe Ingredients

3 lbs RAW “green” PEANUTS
½ cup SALT
GARLIC fresh or dried
HOT PEPPERS fresh or dried
flavored BOULLION (broth)
…pretty much any seasoning that you like!

southern boiled peanuts
southern style boiled peanuts

How to make a Boiled Peanut Recipe

Ideally you want to use raw “green” peanuts. Green peanuts are not green, that just means they’re minimally processed–pretty much just out of the ground. Use green peanuts quickly, because they will not keep long and are prone to mold. Green peanuts are ideal because they will more quickly and most readily absorb the seasonings during the boil. You can use peanuts that have been dried in the shell, but don’t use roasted peanuts.

Wash and rinse the peanuts thoroughly, and then place them in a large pot and cover with plenty of water.

Place on the stovetop, cover and bring the pot to a boil, then reduce the heat to medium and allow the peanuts to cook for 2 hours. Add more water to the pot as needed. The peanuts should always be covered in plenty of water. At first the peanuts will float, but after time, the peanuts will sink.

After 2 hours, add seasonings (it’s in the latter part of the boil that the peanuts absorb the most flavor). Add salt, which is the primary ingredient–in fact salt is all you need; many folks JUST USE SALT–they’re plenty tasty that way, but we prefer to add other seasonings as well, which is generally called “cajun boiled peanuts”. For this batch we added several cloves of raw garlic, dried chili peppers, and ½ cup chili powder. But you can add whatever seasonings you like.

If you’re just getting into home cooking and don’t have a lot of seasoning choices, you can check out current pricing for a Complete Starter Spice Set on Amazon.

Cover, and allow the peanuts to continue bubbling on medium heat for 30 more minutes.

After thirty minutes, remove the peanuts from the heat and allow to sit in the seasoned water until they reach the desired flavor, anywhere from 2-5 hours. The longer they sit cooling in the pot, the more seasoned they will become. Give them a try every half hour until you’re happy with the flavor.

They are a mess to eat, but delicious and addictive. Once you start eating them, it’s hard to stop–they will go quickly! If you have leftovers, just drain them and store them in the fridge in ziplock bags. You can also freeze them in ziplocks for longer storage.

Give this Boiled Peanut Recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

Thanks for watching! Click a button or two and share the dish if you like it.
And for another tasty southern style treat, try this Country Fried Steak Recipe.

country fried steak
Cube steak is a hammered and tenderized cut of round or top sirloin steak

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Homemade Guacamole Classic Recipe

easy guacamole recipe

The guacamole you make at home from fresh ingredients will always be superior to store-bought guacamole–and it’s such a quick and easy dish to prepare!–so why wouldn’t you?

Classic Guacamole Recipe Ingredients

3 AVOCADO (ripe, pitted and skinned and diced)
1-2 Tbsp LIME JUICE (or sub lemon juice)
¼ cup ONION (chopped)
2 ROMA TOMATO (chopped)
1 clove GARLIC (minced)
1-2 Tbsp CILANTRO (chopped)
½ tsp CUMIN (optional)
dash of CAYENNE or HOT SAUCE as desired
½ tsp SALT …adjust to taste

How to make Homemade Guacamole

Choose ripe avocados!–an avocado is ripe if it’s soft (not too soft and not too firm–right in the middle) …a ripe avocado will give slightly when pressed. If it feels hard like a rock, then it’s not ripe…if it feels mushy, then it’s overripe. If the skin feels papery and dry (crackly)–then it’s too old. It’s not rocket science–just go through the avocados at the market and pick whichever one Goldilocks would pick.

Run a knife around the center of the avocado and pull it apart to reveal the pit. Remove the pit, cut the halves into quarters and peel away the skin. Dice the avocado and place in a bowl.
Quickly add the lime or lemon juice and toss well, coating the avocado–this will add a great flavor and more importantly keep the avocado from browning!

Add salt. If desired, add a little cumin, cayenne pepper, hot sauce for bite–but this is optional.

Mix the ingredients well and, with a fork, smash up the avocado–but not too much–the ideal guacamole is lumpy, not smooth.

Add chopped roma tomatoes, onion, cilantro, and garlic. Use fresh ingredients! –the key to a delicious guacamole is fresh ingredients.

Toss everything together and then cover and place the guacamole in the refrigerator until needed.

easy guacamole recipe
guacamole recipe

Give this guacamole recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

Guacamole is the perfect accompaniment for this fantastic Family Style Burrito recipe.

cauliflower pizza crust recipe
click pic for video recipe

If you’re new to home cooking, get a bunch of spices, pots and pans, and begin experimenting with different recipes. Cooking is a healthy hobby and skill that will save you money in the long run. Check out current prices for Complete Kitchenware Sets on Amazon as well as Complete Starter Spice Kits. Or go to a thrift store! I’ve found some of my favorite kitchen gear at second-hand stores.

Thanks for checking out the recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a Chef Buck cooking video, and click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!
–Chef Buck

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Jalapeno Popper Recipe Cheeseburger Style

jalapeno poppers stuffed with ground beef

Try this twist on a jalapeno popper recipe. CG thinks traditional poppers are too cream cheesy –she prefers these less cream cheesy, more meaty cheeseburger jalapeno poppers. They taste fantastic with blue cheese, but use lean ground beef and whatever cheeses you like.

Ingredients for Cheeseburger Jalapeno Poppers

½ cup ONION (chopped)
8 oz GROUND BEEF (lean)
¼ cup CHEDDAR CHEESE (shredded)
¼ cup BLUE CHEESE (crumbled)
SALT and PEPPER to taste
for topping

How To Make a Jalapeno Popper

Remove cream cheese from the fridge to soften for half an hour

In a skillet on medium heat, brown 8oz of lean ground beef–the leaner the better–you don’t want your poppers to be overly greasy! As the beef browns add onions, Worcestershire sauce, and salt and pepper to taste. As soon as the beef browns, take the skillet off the heat and allow it to cool, because you don’t want to add hot beef to your cheese mixture…it’ll just be a mess.

While your seasoned beef cools, prepare the poppers. Carefully slice off the very end of the stems, leaving the interior off the jalapeno intact. Slice the pepper legthwise in half. Using a small spoon, scoop out the seeds and ridges, being careful to leave the end of the jalapeno intact–it’ll make a kind of canoe shape.

In a bowl, combine the softened cream cheese, the cooled beef, and ½ cup of your favorite shredded cheeseburger cheeses (we like using blue cheese, cheddar, and monterey jack…although I think blue cheese is best!). Thouroughly mix. It’ll be a semi-unattractive bowl of meat-cheese…but that’s okay, it’ll look better in the pepper.

jalapenos for poppers
sliced jalapenos for poppers

Using a spoon, stuff the jalapeno halves with the cheese and beef mix. Don’t overstuff, just to the top of the pepper.

Spread breadcrumbs on a flat surface, and press the cheesy side of the stuffed pepper into the breadcrumbs to form a coating. Check current prices for PANKO BREADCRUMBS on Amazon.

Arrange poppers on a baking sheet and bake in a 400 degree F oven for about 25 minutes.

After about 25 minutes, after once some of the breadcrumb toppings have begun to brown, remove the poppers from the oven and top with additional cheese. I love using blue cheese for this part! –it is delicious–but feel free to use whatever cheese you love (although blue cheese is seriously the best). Return poppers to the oven for 5-10 minutes or until cheese is melted, and then serve. Hope you like it!

Give this jalapeno popper recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

And for a more traditional jalapeno popper recipe, try this cream cheesy BAKED JALAPENO POPPERS.

jalapeno poppers

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Thanks for checking out our jalapeno popper recipe. Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube.

We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Toast Hawaii – How to Make this German Favorite

toast hawaii

Toast Hawaii is an open-faced sandwich popular in Germany. It is traditionally comprised of lightly toasted white bread which is then buttered and topped with thinly sliced ham, a pineapple slice, a cheese slice, and a maraschino cherry, so it’s really a deluxe toasted cheese sandwich. Check out the video below to see how me and CG first put together a traditional Toast Hawaii and then we build a fancy-pants version of the German favorite.

Both versions were alright…fancy-pants was definitely my favorite, but overall, pineapple plays too big a role in this sandwich for my tastes; I think pineapple should stay where it belongs –on the bottom of an upside down cake, or on a pizza; of course, there was a time when I didn’t think it belonged on a pizza…and then I ran into the right pineapple pizza. So give a version of Toast Hawaii a try and see what you think.

A traditional Toast Hawaii sandwich
A traditional German Toast Hawaii sandwich

I prefer a sandwich with a top and a bottom, something I can wrap my hands around, especially a pressed sandwich grilled on the top and the bottom, which is why a Cuban sandwich is so good. I often make sandwiches and then toast them in a skillet with a heavy pan on top pressing down, which is a great cheat for a toasted sandwich. A sandwich grill press is also a good option, and I’ve seen these often in thrift stores, or you can check current prices for a sandwich press on amazon.

How to Choose a Ripe Pineapple

  • 1) Just grab a top center leaf and pull–if the leaf comes out easily, then it’s looking good. (if you can’t find a pineapple with loose leaves…then pass ’em by and try again another day)
  • 2) If the pineapple has a little bit of give when you push on it, that’s a good sign…not too mushy, but not hard as a brick!
  • 3) if you put it to your nose, and it smells pineapple-y…that’s a good sign.
  • 4) And I like a nice golden color too, especially around the bottom…but that doesn’t guarantee ripeness…so bank on steps 1 through 3 first, but especially step 1 –loose leaves! If the leaves are stuck and the whole pineapple wants to be picked up when you pull on the top sprouts…then it’s not a keeper.

For a sandwich twist that I can get behind, try a banh mi style hamburger recipe. It’s a burger with a Vietnamese twist, but if want a sandwich with plenty of pizzazz and no pineapple, it fits the bill.

burger banh mi

Thanks for Watching our Pineapple Video!

Click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Spinach Salad Recipe with Pear and Cheese

Best Spinach Salad

This is the easiest, best spinach salad recipe in the world. We first had one of these spinach, pear, blue cheese, walnut, raspberry dressing salads years ago at a little tapas place in Key West, and we’ve been making them ever since–especially if we have a pear on the edge–the riper, softer, and juicier the pear, the better the salad is gonna taste.

What You need for the Best Spinach Salad

1 PEAR (ripe, diced)
WALNUTS (toasted) current WALNUT prices on Amazon
BLUE CHEESE (crumbled)
SALT and PEPPER to taste

Best Spinach Salad
Best Spinach Salad

How to Make a Pear Spinach Salad

Crumble and spread your walnut pieces on a baking sheet and toast at 300 degrees F for 5-10 minutes until the nuts are toasted to your liking. Keep an eye on them–nuts are easy to over-toast and it’s usually worth setting a timer so they’re not forgotten.
While your nuts toast, throw together your salad dressing–basically and oil and vinegar dressing with a little jam added for flavor.

I make this dressing with all kinds of jams, but raspberry and strawberry are my favorites–although definitely give raspberry a try with this recipe. Combine your oil, vinegar, jam, salt, and Italian seasonings. Mix well. Taste and adjust as needed to your liking. A little sugar can be added if desired, but I usually find that the jam adds plenty of sweetness, plus the pear will add sweetness to the salad as well.

Toss the dressing with your spinach leaves until all are well-coated. Divide spinach into serving bowls. Chop pear into nice chunks and add to salad. An overly-ripe pear works best. Sprinkle the toasted walnuts over the salad, then sprinkle with blue cheese crumbles. Lots of blue cheese. Or less. I like blue cheese. There are no ratios with this salad. Check prices for WALNUTS on amazon

And that’s it. This is the best spinach salad in the world. So it is written, so it shall be done.
Give this Spinach Salad recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

For another tasty salad idea, try this Kale and Beet Dish!

kale beet salad

Thanks for Checking Out Our Spinach Salad

Click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Kale Salad – Tips for Using Raw Kale Greens

fresh kale

Why eat raw kale salad? Kale is a so-called SUPERfood chock full of big-time nutrition and very fashionable in salad circles, so if you wanna be one of the cool kids, ya gotta eat it. If the Popeye franchise is ever re-booted, I’m sure our vegetable-friendly sailor will be shunning spinach and downing kale by the bunches–not that there’s anything wrong with spinach, but at the moment the kale lobby is a juggernaut.

Check out this video for tips on making a raw kale salad:

Kale Nutrition and Fun Facts

Kale belongs to the same family as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and collards.
Kale is packed with antioxidants, which help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body.
One cup of chopped raw kale provides more than 100% of the daily value of vitamins A, C, and K.
In fact, Kale has more vitamin C than an orange.
Free Radicals are a thing scientists made up to sound smart.
Baked kale becomes crispy and can be substituted for potato chips.
Kale freezes well for future use.
Kale is a great addition to a soup.
Kale is believed to promote cell repair and may block the growth of cancer cells.

Wow…doesn’t that sound terrific? Who could pass up on that! Too bad kale doesn’t taste like a slice of coconut cream pie, but you can’t have everything. It is a tasty addition to a salad, though–and utilizing raw kale will insure the greatest health benefit from this leafy superfood.

kale salad
Raw kale salad with olives, artichoke, red leaf lettuce, and a carrot/daikon slaw.

Prepare fresh foods at home and have fun in the kitchen. Get a bunch of spices, pots and pans, and begin experimenting with different recipes. home cooking is a healthy hobby that will save you tons of money in the long run. Check out current prices for Complete Kitchenware Sets on Amazon as well as Complete Starter Spice Kits. Or go to a thrift store! I’ve found some of my favorite kitchen gear at second-hand stores.

Green is the way to go for a healthy lifestyle. Check out this simple recipe trick for Getting Raw Broccoli Into Your Diet.

raw broccoli
Raw broccoli is high in vitamins and nutrients and is great for digestive health.

Thanks for checking out the recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a Chef Buck cooking video, and click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. We
appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!
–Chef Buck

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Thai Beef Salad Recipe Quick and Easy

thai beef salad

Thai Beef Salad is an easy recipe to prepare with lots of room for nuance, i.e., using whatever the hell you have in the fridge. I like to use sirloin steak since it’s a good piece of meat that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg and you can generally buy a nice cut that makes for good slicing. Season your steak up well, don’t overcook it, and let it rest well before slicing–these 3 steps are key for a great steak salad.

Ingredients for Thai Beef Salad

2-3 cups SALAD GREENS (don’t use so much green that the steak is lost!)
3 GREEN ONIONS (chopped)
½ CUCUMBER (matchstick cuts are nice)
½ CARROT (thin cut–cut into strings is nice, dude)
1 Tbsp CHILI PASTE (more or less, depending on desire for heat)
1 tsp LEMON GRASS (minced) (sub extra ginger if lemon grass is not used)
1 tsp GINGER (minced)
½ cup CILANTRO (chopped) …thai basil and mint leaves are nice, too.
SALT and PEPPER to taste

How to Make a Thai Beef Salad

I’ve never bought lemon grass online, but it’s apparently a thing. Look here if you want to check current prices for fresh lemon grass on Amazon.

First, mix up your dressing. Lemon grass is a key component in many Thai dishes and makes a nice addition to this steak salad. Cut off the upper leaves of the stalk and the very bottom,leaving about 5-6 inches. This is generally the only part of the lemon grass used in recipes and is sometimes sold already cut into these sections in grocery stores. The outer part of the stalk is often very tough, so cut away the outer layers to reveal the softer core.

Mince about an inch of the lemon grass core and add it into a bowl. Add finely chopped ginger, chili paste, lime juice, salt, and mix ingredients well. Set dressing aside and season sirloin steak.

Season both sides of the steak well–I like salt, pepper, and chili powder–but use whatever seasonings you desire (and season it well!).

Heat oil in a skillet and cook the steak quickly on high heat, turning once and sealing the juices inside. Do not overcook the steak or puncture it with a knife or fork. Set the steak aside to rest at least 10-15 minutes, this will keep the juices from running when the steak is sliced.

While the steak rests, preare the salad. Use whatever greens you desire, but don’t use so much salad that the steak becomes just another component–allow the steak to be the star of the dish.
Tear salad greens into a bowl and add thinly cut carrots, cucumber matchsticks, chopped green onions, and chopped cilantro (also try fresh chopped basil and mint). Add salad dressing and toss.

Cutting against the grain of the meat, slice steak into thin strips and add to the salad. Add any juices from the steak and toss salad.
Garnish with toasted sesame seeds. Enjoy!

thai beef salad
thai beef salad recipe

For another great healthy meal, try this Vietnamese Bánh Mì Style Quinoa Salad Recipe.

Quinoa Salad -- Banh Mi Style
Quinoa Salad — Banh Mi Style

Thanks for Watching our Daikon Salad Recipe

Click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

If you’re new to home cooking, get a bunch of spices, pots and pans, and start experimenting with different recipes. It’s a healthy hobby that can save a lot of money in the long run. Check out current prices for Complete Kitchenware Sets on Amazon as well as Complete Starter Spice Kits. Or try a thrift store! I’ve found some of my favorite kitchen gear at second-hand stores.

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Nachos Recipe like Restaurant Nachos Supreme

best nachos recipe

Try this great Nachos Supreme Recipe. It’s a super grande-sized platter of nacho heaven.
We use ground beef for this nachos recipe, but if you skip the meat and just use beans–it’ll still be pretty damn tasty. The key to great nachos recipe is a great nacho filling, so spice up your bean and beef mixture just right and build your nacho castle on a tasty foundation.

What You Need to Make The Best Nachos Grande

1 ONION chopped
½ cup JALAPENOS sliced and pickled
¼ cup BLACK OLIVES sliced
8-10oz CHEESE (shredded)
2-3 GREEN ONIONS chopped
¼ cup CILANTRO chopped
1-2 Tbsp CUMIN
SALT and PEPPER to taste
serve with sour cream, salsa, guacamole

How to make this Nachos Recipe

  • In a large skillet on medium heat, add ground beef and begin browning meat.
  • Add chopped onion and continue browning.
  • Add some salt, cumin, chili powder, and black pepper to begin seasoning as the ground beef browns.
  • Once the meat is browned, drain the excess grease.
  • Add the kidney and refried beans and stir into the ground beef.
  • Add ¼ can water. Stir ingredients until well mixed.
  • Add brown sugar and more cumin and chili powder. Stir and simmer 5 minutes.
  • On a baking sheet spread out corn tortilla chips; thicker, sturdier chips work best. If you don’t have a larger baking sheet, then buy a giant pizza pan like this one on amazon or look at a local thrift store–that’s where we found our huge pizza pan.
  • Spoon and sprinkle the ground beef mixture over the chips.
  • Top nachos with diced tomato, sliced jalapenos, black olives, and the chopped bottoms of the green onions.
  • Sprinkle the top with cheese.
  • Slide the baking sheet into the oven (pre-heated at 400 degrees F) and let cook approx. 15 minutes
    or until the cheese is melted and the nachos heated through.
  • Remove from the oven and top with chopped green onion tops and cilantro.
  • Serve with sour cream, salsa, or guacamole and eat ’em while they’re hot.

World’s Best Nachos Recipe?

best nachos recipe
This is a fantastic Nachos Supreme dish, and a giant pizza pan makes a great dish for cooking and serving.

For another meaty meal, check out these Crispy Oven-baked Chicken Wings.

wings recipe
Oven baked wings are healthier than deep fried, and less messy to make!

Thanks for Watching our Nachos Recipe Video!

Click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Spicy Crispy Chickpea Recipe -great salad topping!

Here’s a quick, spicy chickpea recipe that makes a great salad topping and a so-so snack; it’s a lot easier on your teeth than baked chickpea snacks, which I find to be almost inedible (they tend to turn into tiny rocks).

15 oz can CHICKPEAS
2-3 Tbsp OLIVE OIL
½ tsp CUMIN
SALT to taste

chickpea recipe

Rinse and drain a 15oz can of chickpeas (garbanzo beans). In a skillet, heat olive oil on medium heat. When the oil is hot, add chickpeas–be sure that they are drained well, since water and hot oil definitely do not mix. Saute chickpeas for 10-15 minutes; obviously, the longer they’re in the skillet, the crispier they will get, but it’ll take about 15 minutes to get them “crispy”. Once the chickpeas get near the doneness you desire, add salt, pepper, and spices. The spice combo in the recipe works well, but experiment with whatever spices you have–and don’t be shy with the spices–spice really makes this recipe work, and a good deal of the spice you use will remain in the skillet when you remove the chickpeas. Saute chickpeas and spices another 2-3 minutes and then remove from the heat.
Use them as a salad topping instead of croutons for a healthy crunch, or a just tasty snack, something to nibble on besides potato chips.

Ever try Chickpea Curry(chana masala)? It’s a terrific Indian chickpea dish.

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Edamame Recipe –Roasted Snack and Salad Topping

Try this roasted edamame recipe for a quick semi-healthy snack. The toasted Parmesan cheese will almost make you forget that you’re eating soybeans.

Roasted Edamame Recipe Ingredients:
10 oz frozen shelled EDAMAME (green soybeans)
1 tsp GARLIC POWDER (also add or substitute onion powder, chili powder)
SALT and PEPPER to taste
¼ cup shredded PARMESAN CHEESE

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
Mix frozen edamame beans (no need to thaw), olive oil, fresh-cracked black pepper, salt, garlic powder, and Parmesan cheese together in a large bowl. Try experimenting with different seasonings; substitute onion powder or chili powder for the garlic–or add them all–this is an easy snack food to change up for a little variety.
Spread mixture onto an ungreased baking sheet.
Place in oven and bake for 8-10 minutes and then remove from oven and stir. Spread edamame out again and cook another 8-10 minutes, until the cheese is toasted crispy and golden.
Add additional salt or garlic powder if desired.

Roasted edamame makes a great salad topping.
Roasted edamame makes a great salad topping.

Eat as a quick snack–it is delicious hot out of the oven–or use as a topping for salads and whatnot.

Tastes great hot out of the oven--perfect for snacking.  Try it as a movie treat instead of popcorn.
Tastes great hot out of the oven–perfect for snacking. Try it as a movie treat instead of popcorn.

Give this roasted edamame recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appetit!

And for another quick and healthy salad topper, try this Spicy Chickpea Recipe.

chickpea snack recipe
chickpea snack recipe

Roasted edamame or chickpeas are both great components in a salad. A super-flavorful and healthy salad ingredient is kale. It’s extremely versatile and can be eaten raw or cooked. Click on the video link below to discover some simple tips on using raw kale in your next salad.

avocado kale w/ chickpeas
raw avocado kale salad

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Coleslaw Recipe with a Curry Twist


Chickpea curry and coleslaw are two of my favorite foods, so combining them is a win-win. This dish makes a perfect side for a spicy meal or a fancy-pants hamburger, so give chickpea curry coleslaw a go and let me know what you think.

Curry Coleslaw Dressing Ingredients

½ tsp CUMIN
2 Tbsp SUGAR
1 tsp GINGER (minced)
1 tsp GARLIC (minced)
2 Tbsp VINEGAR (or substitute fresh lemon juice and zest–very tasty!)
¼ cup SOUR CREAM (or substitute plain yogurt)

14 oz can CHICKPEAS
½ small CABBAGE (shredded)
2 medium CARROTS (shredded)
½ cup CILANTRO (chopped)
SALT and PEPPER to taste

chickpea curry coleslaw

How to Make Coleslaw

In a small bowl, combine ingredients for dressing and whisk together until smooth. Be sure the ginger and garlic are minced well. I’ve sometimes substituted lemon juice for the vinegar and it tastes great; if using fresh lemon, also throw in a little (or a lot) of the zest.

In a larger bowl, combine cabbage, carrots, and a 14oz can of chickpeas (rinsed and drained). Add dressing and mix well. Add salt and pepper to taste (a dash of cayenne will add a little bite). Add cilantro.

Try this curry twist on a classic coleslaw, you’re going to love it.

For an Asian twist on slaw. try this Crunchy Ramen Noodle Slaw Recipe.

crunchy slaw
Crunchy coleslaw or noodle salad? What sounds tastier?

We Hope You like the Curry Coleslaw

Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Pesto Bread Recipe with Parmesan Cheese

parmesan pesto bread

Bake a delicious homemade Pesto Bread Recipe following this step-by-step instruction with Mama Redbuck. Mama bakes the best homemade bread from scratch and this is a fancy braided bread recipe that will wow your family.

What you need to make Pesto Parmesan Bread

5 ½ cups unbleached BREAD FLOUR
2 cups WARM WATER (approx. 130 degrees F)
2 Tbsp SUGAR
PESTO (approx. 1 cup divided between loaves)
1 cup PARMESAN CHEESE (shredded and divided)
a sprinkle of CORN MEAL ……………..recipe makes 2 loaves

How to this Pesto Bread Recipe

Sift 5 ½ cups of unbleached bread flour. Bread flour has a higher gluten count than all-purpose flour; gluten holds in the gases released by the yeast, enabling the bread to rise.

In a bowl, add 2 cups of warm water (approx 130 degrees F). Add 2 Tbsp olive oil, sugar, milk powder, salt, and yeast. Mix well.

1 cup at a time, add the sifted flour into the bowl until the dough thickens. Do not add all of the dough into the bowl. As soon as the dough in the bowl reaches a density forming a sticky ball, remove dough from the bowl and place onto a surface coated with flour. Continue adding the sifted flour to the ball, turning and folding the flour into the dough ball.

Continue this kneading process for 8-10 minutes, adding dough as needed (the entire 5 ½ cups may not be needed). Kneading transforms the dough into a more elastic consistency, enabling the gluten in the dough to better trap the gases from the yeast.

After kneading, place the dough into a bowl coated with 1 Tbsp of olive oil. The bowl should be at least twice the size of the dough ball. Cover bowl and set aside for 45-60 minutes to allow the dough to rise. The dough will expand to approx. double in size.

pesto Bread recipe

When dough has risen, push a floured fist into the top of the dough—this will release the gas. Remove dough from bowl and divide into equal halves. Mama Redbuck uses a kitchen scale to weigh her dough and divide equally; size is important because you want equal-sized loaves that will bake evenly. If you don’t have a scale, just estimate the size, but make sure the loaves are fairly close in size.

With a rolling pin, spread one of the dough halves into a square approx. 9 X 14 inches. Spread ½ cup of prepared pesto evenly over the flattened dough. Sprinkle top with ½ cup shredded, parmesan cheese.

Roll up the dough and toppings into a 14 inch “burrito” shape, folding and pinching the ends shut. With a sharp knife, cut lengthwise down the center of the rolled bread, creating halves. Cut gingerly, being mindful not crush the layers of dough, and leave one of the very ends attached so as to not separate the halves completely. Fold the bread halves into a braid. Keep the cut sides of dough facing upward.

Coat a loaf pan with olive oil and sprinkle the bottom of the pan with a light dusting of corn meal; this will help keep the bread from sticking to the bottom of the pan as it bakes. Transfer braided bread “face-up” into pan and cover. Repeat this processes with the other dough half and then set the 2 loaf pans aside for 1 hour to allow them to continue to rise.

After the loaves have risen, place them in an oven pre-heated to 375 degrees F and bake approx. 35-40 minutes.

Remove bread from oven. Parmesan cheese and pesto may be melted to the inside of the pan and you may need to cut around the edges of the pan with a knife. Remove loaves and place on a cooling rack, but don’t let the bread cool for too long before cutting off a slice—it’s delicious warm.

Getting into baking? My mom uses a Danish Whisk in this recipe, and you can check here for current prices for a Danish Whisk on Amazon.

Give this Parmesan Pesto Bread Recipe a try and let me know what you think, and for another tasty bread dish, watch Mama Redbuck cook up a beautiful Rosemary Bread Recipe.

rosemary bread

Thanks for checking out our non-alcoholic Bananas Foster Recipe, and all of our recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list and never miss a new Chef Buck cooking video, and also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

Thanks for watching our recipe videos!

Should you even eat bread? Of course! But what does the New Yorker say about gluten?

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We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program providing a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Daikon Salad Recipe with Daikon Radish

daikon salad recipe

This daikon salad recipe is crisp with loads natural flavors. Daikon radish has a mild flavor and adds great texture and crunch to a salad.

Daikon Salad Recipe Ingredients:
1 DAIKON RADISH (matchstick cuts, about 2 cups)
1 large CARROT (shredded)
3 salad CUCUMBERS (sliced)
1/2 SMALL CABBAGE (chopped)
1/2 cup Rice Wine VINEGAR
1/2 cup WATER
2-3 Tbsp SUGAR
3 GREEN ONIONS (chopped)
1 inch GINGER (finely chopped)
1/4 cup CILANTRO (chopped)
1 hot PEPPER (jalapeno, diced)
1/2 cup SLICED ALMONDS (toasted)
1 package RAMEN NOODLES (toasted)
SALT and PEPPER, to taste

Chop vegetables and place in 1 gallon size ziplock (except cilantro). Mix water, vinegar, sugar, and salt and pour over chopped veggies in ziplock. Seal and shake and then place in fridge, occasionally turning. On a baking sheet, spread out almond slices and broken ramen. Bake at 350 degrees F until toasted–watch carefully to avoid burning. Remove from oven and allow to cool. Remove ziplock from fridge and place vegetables in bowl. Toss with toasted nuts, ramen, and cilantro.

For another awesome Asian-inspired salad, try this Thai Beef Salad Recipe.

thai beef salad
thai beef salad recipe

Thanks for Watching our Daikon Salad Recipe

Click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

If you’re new to home cooking, get a bunch of spices, pots and pans, and start experimenting with different recipes. It’s a healthy hobby that can save a lot of money in the long run. Check out current prices for Complete Kitchenware Sets on Amazon as well as Complete Starter Spice Kits. Or try a thrift store! I’ve found some of my favorite kitchen gear at second-hand stores.

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Wow! Healthy French Fries Recipe in the Oven

roasted vegetable fries

You can make French Fries without the guilt of eating French fries! Try this roasted vegetable fries recipe. It’s a super simple recipe that will maximize taste and nutrition.

Sweet potatoes, parsnips, and carrots make delicious fries, especially with a little mustard and maple syrup thrown into the mix. You’ll need a baking pan for this recipe, and you can check out current prices for baking pans on Amazon.

Roasted French Fries Ingredients:

4 Tbsp OLIVE OIL (extra virgin)
SALT and PEPPER to taste

2 med-sized SWEET POTATOES (steak fry-sized pieces)
4 PARSNIPS (peeled, steak fry-sized pieces)
4 CARROTS (steak fry-sized pieces)
1 ONION (sliced)
GARLIC cloves (sliced in halves or whole)
french fries

How to Make Roasted French Fries:

  • Preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • When slicing the root veggies, leave on the skins if desired; it will add excellent taste and nutritional value and is less wasteful.
  • Place the sliced veggies in bowl large enough to mix.
  • In a smaller bowl, mix together the syrup, mustard, oil, salt and pepper.
  • Toss the chopped veggies with the syrup mixture, coating the fries well.
  • Spread the fries out in a single layer onto a baking pan, or use two pans if necessary. Make sure the veggies are not piled up or jammed together.
  • Allow the veggies to roast, turning occasionally, until brown and cooked through, about 25 minutes, but it will depend on volume and size of veggies.  The longer you cook the fries, the crispier they will become.

These fries make a great side for chicken, beef, and pork entrees, or it’s a terrific way to transform a vegetarian meal into a hardy feast.
Give this roasted vegetable French fries recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appetit!

And for another tasty veggie side, try this Easy Okra Recipe.
french fries

Thanks for Watching our French Fries Recipe Video!

Click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Baked Jalapeno Poppers for Party People

jalapeno poppers

Baked jalapeno poppers are quick and cheesy and absolutely delicious. Check out this poppers recipe to see how easy it is to bake picture perfect stuffed jalapenos.

Thanks for watching, give it a go, and let me know what you think.

Ingredients for Baked Jalapeno Poppers

6 large JALAPENO peppers
1 cup shredded CHEESE
4-5 cloves GARLIC (finely chopped)
about 1/4 cup CILANTRO (chopped)
1 tsp smoked PAPRIKA
SALT and PEPPER, to taste
(dill, cumin, cayenne, and cajun mix
go well in poppers–experiment
with your favorite seasonings)

jalapenos for poppers
sliced jalapenos for poppers

How to Make Baked Jalapeno Poppers

  • Set cream cheese out from fridge for at least 1/2 hour to allow time to soften.
  • Cut stems from peppers, but not enough to open the back of the pepper entirely, this shallow cut will leave enough of the top of the pepper in place to form a “wall” that will hold the cheese as it bakes.
  • With a spoon, scoop out the seeds and ribs; your jalapeno should look like a little rowboat (without oars or life jacket).
  • In a bowl, thoroughly mix cream cheese, shredded cheese, cilantro, and seasonings together.
  • Spoon cheese mixture into pepper boats. Fill each pepper entirely, but do not overfill–just to the top of each pepper–mounded cheese will only make a mess and disrupt the optimal cheese to pepper ratio.
  • In a skillet, on medium heat, melt 2-3 Tbsp butter.
  • Add garlic and stir 1 minute.
  • Turn off heat and add bread crumbs.
  • Stir until butter is absorbed and garlic is mixed well with bread crumbs. Or, if you don’t want to fool with garlic cloves–just substitute garlic powder.
  • Press peppers cheese side down into the crumb mixture, then turn over and mound extra crumb topping on the peppers.
  • Place peppers on a baking sheet and cook 20-25 minutes at 400 degrees F.
  • When the crumb topping is baked golden, remove and allow peppers to rest 5 minutes.

After that, you can do whatever your heart desires.
Give this baked jalapeno poppers recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appetit!
baked jalapeno poppers

If you’re new to home cooking, just get a bunch of spices, pots and pans, and start experimenting with different ingredients and recipes. It’s a healthy hobby that can save a lot of money in the long run. You can check out current prices for Complete Kitchenware Sets on Amazon as well as Complete Starter Spice Kits. Or just go to a thrift store! I’ve found some of my favorite kitchen gear at second-hand stores.

If you liked these baked jalapeno poppers, then try a healthier Baked Chicken Tender Recipe. It’s less mess and a great appetizer or main meal.

chicken tenders


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Thanks for checking out our jalapeno popper recipe. Sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube.

We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Scone Recipe — Pecan Maple Biscuit Treat

scone recipe

This is a delicious pecan maple scone recipe, but not a good idea for folks with sugar/carb addictions and questionable degrees of willpower…which is pretty much everyone.

The only reason I’m even putting this up is because The Devil assured me that if I did I would one day win an Oscar and live in a luxury beach house in Malibu (which IS going to happen ’cause I was smart enough to get the deal in writing).

Scone Recipe Ingredients

2 cups FLOUR
1/2 cup SUGAR
1/2 tsp SALT
1/2 cup PECANS (chopped)
1/4 cup RAISINS

Icing for Scone Recipe

splash of WATER

scone recipe
best scone ever…really

In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Cut butter into flour mixture (freezing the butter and grating it into the mix is an easy trick to get this done). Add pecans and raisins into the mix.

In a separate bowl, combine sour cream, vanilla, and 1/4 cup maple syrup. Whisk together until smooth.
Pour the sour cream mixture into the flour mix and gently turn for a few minutes until the flour begins to form into clumps. Most of the loose flour will adhere into these clumps, but it’s okay if all of it doesn’t.

On a sheet of parchment paper or floured surface, pour the contents of the bowl. Press the clumps together into a mound–it’ll want to brake apart somewhat, but that’s okay. Flatten the mix into a circular cookie shape about 1 inch thick and cut like a pizza into 8 slices. Check here for current pricing for parchment paper on Amazon.

Arrange onto a flat baking sheet and bake in a 400 degree F oven for 20-25 minutes, until baked through and golden brown.

While scones cool, add powdered sugar into a small bowl. Add 1-2 Tbsp of warm tap water–add water slowly and whisk into a syrup; be conservative, it’s easy to add too much water. Then whisk 2 Tbsp of maple syrup into the powdered sugar syrup. Why? I don’t know, just crazy.

Drizzle the syrup glaze over the scones and allow the icing to harden (approx 10-15 min).

And there you go…a very sweet and healthy-free combo of questionable ingredients combined to put on the pounds and take potentially vibrant years off of the back-end of your life.
But this scone recipe is delicious.
Enjoy, if possible.
I usually really like the first two, and then I begin to question my motivations.

For a less decadent, less lethal treat, try this Homemade Biscotti Recipe.

biscotti recipe
Adding a little cocoa powder and ground coffee makes a nice biscotti twist.

Thanks For Watching Our Scone Recipe!

Thanks for checking out our scones, and all of our recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, you can also support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. So, if you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Baked Falafel Recipe – healthy and delicious

baked falafel

This baked falafel recipe is a tasty and nutritious way to enjoy chickpeas (garbanzo beans).

Falafel is traditionally fried, but a baked falafel can make a tasty, healthy, and easy alternative to the tried and true oil-splatter-fest.

Baked Falafel Recipe Ingredients:
1 15oz can CHICKPEAS
1/4 cup CILANTRO
1/4 cup PARSLEY
1/4 cup ONION
2-3 cloves GARLIC
1 tsp CUMIN
1 Tbsp BREAD CRUMBS (or flour)
SALT, to taste
— Optional garnishes —

Drain and rinse 15oz can of chickpeas (garbanzo beans). Combine in a food processor with all ingredients (except 1 Tbsp olive oil and bread crumbs). Mix roughly–pulse–DO NOT puree into a smooth consistency. Place mixture into a bowl and combine with dried bread crumbs (or substitute flour). Form into discs–I like to get 10 out of this recipe because they cook up well and fit nicely into a pita pocket–but make them as big as you like, and adjust the cooking time accordingly.
(Refrigerate 1-2 hours before cooking if you have the time–they’ll bake better, maybe, but it’s not the end of the world if you don’t. I actually prefer putting them in the fridge for a bit, but sometimes I don’t, and the difference is negligible.)
Place on a flat baking sheet and lightly drizzle or brush with olive oil.
Bake at 400 degrees F for 20 minutes, then turn falafel and bake for 10 more minutes to brown each side (a total cooking time of 30 minutes).
Serve with hummus, yogurt, veggies, and pita slices–or stuff inside a pita to make a delicious falafel sandwich.
And that’s it, man. Give this baked falafel recipe a try and let me know what you think and bon appetit!

And if you wanna make your own hummus try this Easy Hummus Recipe.

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Biscotti Recipe – Big Almond Biscotti


Wanna make some big biscotti? This twice-baked biscuit is an awesome accompaniment to your favorite hot beverage.

Biscotti is a twice-baked sweet biscuit that goes great with a hot cup of coffee or tea–it’s an easy way to start the day feeling like a real fancy-pants dude or dudette, especially if you’re drinking your hot beverage out of a tiny cup with a tiny spoon to stir in your milk and a cloth napkin to wipe your very satisfied mouth. And there is zero butter or oil in this recipe, just a little rummy goodness.

Biscotti Recipe Ingredients

2 cups all-purpose FLOUR
3/4 cup SUGAR
1 teaspoon BAKING POWDER
1/8 teaspoon SALT
3 large EGGS
2 Tbsp RUM

How to Make Almond Biscotti Recipe

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Toast almond slices–watch them, it only takes about 2 minutes to toast, just want a few to begin turning.
Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt then mix and set aside.
Whisk the eggs, rum and extracts until blended well.
Add the dry ingredients, including nuts, and mix until combined.

Dough will be sticky at this point.
Scrape the dough out onto a parchment lined sheet pan.
Quickly shape with wooden spoon into a long flat loaf.

Bake about 30 minutes at 350 degrees F.
Remove from the oven and cool 10-15 minutes.
Lower oven heat to 300 degrees F.

Slice loaf into 1/2″ to 1″ wide slices.
Lay the slices cut side down on the baking sheet and bake another 15-20 minutes.
Turn the slices over and bake 15 minutes more, or until the cookies are a light golden brown.
Cool the biscotti on a rack.
Cool completely before storing.
And that’s it, man. Serve them up with some coffee or hot tea and you’ll feel
like a real fancy-pants Italian lawyer.
Give this big biscotti recipe a try and let me know what you think, and bon appetit!

And for another tasty breakfast treat, try this Deadly Scone Recipe.
maple pecan scones

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Jalapeno Poppers Recipe on the Stove Top

kick ass jalapeno poppers

This is a kick-ass Jalapeno Poppers Recipe! Follow along with Chef Buck and he’ll show you how to whip up this tasty popper dish right on the stove top.

Jalapeno Poppers Recipe Ingredients

2 ONIONS (chopped)
1-2 tsp CUMIN
HERBS e.g. cilantro, dill, cilantro, to taste (minced)
SALT, to taste
2-3 Tbsp OLIVE OIL

How to Make Stove Top Jalapeno Poppers

Remove cream cheese from fridge to soften (about 30 min. early).
Slice off pepper tops and de-seed (a hand peeler makes this easy).
Mix cream cheese, herbs, cumin, and salt together.
Stuff peppers with cream cheese mixture. Dab the ends of the peppers into the bread crumbs to help seal the cream cheese inside.
Heat olive oil in skillet to med heat.
Add chopped onions (also add chopped red bell peppers if desired).
Gently add stuffed jalapenos to the skillet.
Stir onions and turn the peppers gently to cook on all sides. Some cream cheese may leak out, but it only makes the dish taste better.
Cook 10-15 minutes until peppers are sauteed to liking.
Give this jalapeno poppers recipe a go and let me know what you think, and bon appetit!

If you’re just getting into home cooking and your kitchen is lacking in the pots and pan department, you can check out some current Complete Cookware Set prices on Amazon.

Thanks for watching! Click a button or two and share the dish if you like it.
And for another tasty treat, Try this semi-healthy Baked Onion Rings Recipe.

onion rings recipe
How to make an Onion Rings recipe in the Oven.

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Maki Sushi – Step-by-Step How to Make Sushi


Maki sushi is my favorite sushi (makizushi), or sushi wrapped in dried seaweed (nori). Check out the video for step-by-step instructions on how to make sushi quick and easy.

Maki sushi is one of the healthiest and most entertaining foods you can put on the table…and pretty easy to prepare. You will need a SUSHI ROLLER to easily make this recipe. They are available at many supermarkets, most health food stores and every Asian market. You can get one for around $2 to $4.

Maki Sushi Ingredients:
6 to 7 NORI (dried seaweed sheets)
2 cups RICE (do not use long grain rice! Japanese sushi rice can be used, but I prefer short-grain brown rice.)
1/2 cup VINEGAR (apple cider or rice)
SALT (to taste, I use very little)
Assortment of SLICED VEGETABLES, FISH, etc
Feel free to experiment with your choices. I generally use a mix of the following: AVOCADO, CUCUMBER, CARROT, GREEN ONIONS, RED PEPPERS, SALMON (I buy 3oz pre-packaged smoked salmon for convenience, since I use so little). I’ve also used SHRIMP, CRAB, CREAM CHEESE and ASPARAGUS (lightly steamed). Mix and match and find combos you enjoy. I find that I almost always use avocado.
Optional: I like to sprinkle TOASTED SESAME SEEDS over my finished sushi—it adds a great taste and looks nice, too.

Prepare rice according to directions. Remove from stove and add vinegar. Gently mix and set aside to cool. Slice desired ingredients for filling. For a full dinner for two, I generally use 6-7 nori. Place nori shiny side down on your sushi roller. When rice is cool, spread desired amount over nori. I like heaps of rice in my maki sushi, approx. ¾ to1 cup. Spread so that the rice covers the nori leaving ¼ inch on the two sides and on the end closest to you. Leave 1 inch open on the far end of the seaweed sheet. Pull the nori flush with the back end of the roller. Lay the sliced fillings across the rice and, holding the ingredients in check with your fingers, use the roller to roll the seaweed over the ingredients and then press gently along the top and sides. The seaweed should form a nice wrap around the ingredients. Pull the seaweed roll to the back of the roller and roll forward once more until the nori is shaped entirely around the fillings. Use a sharp knife to slice into sushi, and wipe the knife frequently for a cleaner cut. I usually get 6-7 pieces per roll.
After I plate my sushi, I sprinkle lightly with toasted sesame seeds (optional) and serve with wasabi, soy sauce, plum sauce, and pickled ginger slices.
It’s an amazingly easy dish to prepare and a great way to impress a date or get yourself out of the doghouse (if you’re at that stage in your relationship). It kicks ass at parties and your friends will think you are more hip than you probably are –but only if you USE CHOPSTICKS!!!

For a great maki sushi recipe side, try a Calamari Salad Recipe.
calamari salad squid

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Pizza Sauce and quick flatbread pizza recipe

pita pizza

You can make a delicious pita pizza with homemade pizza sauce super fast. Flatbread pizza is cheap, and healthier than store-bought pizza, and Movie Night wouldn’t be Movie Night without it. It’s easy to make and easy to clean up and tastes great, so that’s perfect, right?

Pizza Sauce Recipe Ingredients:

1 15oz can TOMATO SAUCE
2-3 Tbsp dried OREGANO
1 Tbsp dried BASIL
2 tsp dried THYME
2 tsp GARLIC POWDER (more if you love garlic)
SALT and PEPPER to taste (also, a little dried jalapeño can give the sauce a nice kick)

–The sauce you make at home will be tastier than the sauce you buy in the jar at the store; you can make it your own, add the herbs you like, as much or as little as you like.

PITA BREAD – Any kind of pita or flatbread will do, we use whole wheat. Rubbing olive oil around the edges of the pita will make a tasty edge (I like it that way!), but it isn’t necessary to do so. One pita makes a nice personal pizza size. For two people, we usually make 4 or 5 assorted pita pizzas, cut them in half, and have a mini-buffet.

TOPPINGS?…there’s no end to the possibilities. Pita pizzas are a great way to experiment with topping ideas.

Pour tomato sauce into a bowl and add oregano, thyme, basil, and garlic powder (salt and pepper can be added if desired…but check can to see if tomato sauce is already salted). For sauce with a kick, add some dried jalapeño. Mix ingredients well.

Rub olive oil around the edges of your pita for a tasty crust (optional). Spread sauce over pitas and then add toppings. It’s usually a good idea to start with a little cheese on the bottom and end with more cheese on the top –what goes in between is up to you (leftovers in the fridge often make great pizza toppings! Ever have a meatloaf pizza?).

Bake at 350 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes (this is a good cooking time if you like to pile on the toppings…for faster cooking, bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes…it’s quicker, but quicker isn’t always better)

buffalo chicken pizza
buffalo chicken pizza recipe

Pizza Topping Ideas:

Chef Buck loves –
SPINACH (this topping should go on first, so it doesn’t dry out), FETA CHEESE, TOMATO SLICES, MOZARELLA CHEESE, and extra HERB topping.
Camera Girl loves –

ARTICHOKE is a great topping (just keep a can in the cabinet). SHRIMP makes a nice change-up. And trying different CHEESES is always a good idea. HAVARTI and RICOTTA are two cheeses we use often—they can bring a fresh taste to the PEPPERONI blues.
Keep a jar of PIZZA SAUCE in the fridge and some PITAS in the freezer and dinner is always only moments away.

Give this simple pizza sauce and pita pizza idea a try and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!
If you’re new to home cooking, get a bunch of spices, pots and pans, and start experimenting with different recipes. It’s a healthy hobby that will save you money in the long run. Check out current prices for Complete Kitchenware Sets on Amazon as well as Complete Starter Spice Kits. Or go to a thrift store! I’ve found some of my favorite kitchen gear at second-hand stores.

For another tasty movie night type dish, try this Ultimate Nachos Supreme Recipe.

best nachos recipe
This is a fantastic Nachos Supreme dish, and a giant pizza pan makes a great dish for cooking and serving.

Thanks for checking out the recipes, sharing, and commenting, I appreciate it!
–Chef Buck

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How to Make a Great Hummus Recipe

The hummus you buy at the market will never be as good as the hummus you make at home, so make it at home! Here is a no-frills, classic homemade hummus recipe.

Hummus Recipe Ingredients

A food processor is key for a creamy hummus. Check here for current prices on a food processor on Amazon.

1 – 3 cloves GARLIC

1 15oz can CHICK PEAS also called Garbanzo Beans
SALT to taste – I use about ¼ tsp

WATER as needed

How to Make Hummus

I use canned beans because it’s a lot less hassle and they’re fine in hummus.  Drain and rinse one 15oz can of chick peas, also called Garbanzo Beans.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For a creamier hummus, it makes a difference which ingredients you add first. Add only the tahini, lemon juice and garlic to the food processor and mix until creamy, usually around 30-45 seconds. Start with only 1 garlic clove because your friends and family will appreciate it.

Add the chick peas, extra virgin olive oil and salt to taste. Blend for another 30 seconds or so. [ The extra virgin olive oil has a richer flavor than the varieties used for sautéing. ]

Water can be added. The amount really depends on the consistency of the hummus you’re trying to make. Start with a ¼ cup and add more water if needed. Blend ingredients until desired chunkiness or smoothness is attained. Taste. Add more oil, salt and/or other ingredients (additional ideas provided below), according to your liking.

Garnish with extra virgin olive oil, paprika, parsley or cilantro, etc.


Make Different Hummus Recipes

All manner of ingredients can be added to the basic recipe above. ROASTED RED PEPPERS make a tasty addition, especially those from a jar as they blend readily, but forego adding water since the peppers will have plenty.

Also try adding cucumber, hot peppers, cumin, dill, curry, green onions, etc.
The subtle flavor of the chick peas will pair nicely with most ingredients.

Serve hummus with warm pita bread, pita chips, crackers, or raw fruit and vegetables. It’s great in wraps and sandwiches. Hummus on a hamburger? Why not. It’s inexpensive, easy to make, delicious, and a healthy dining choice. Hummus fits perfectly into a healthy Mediterranean diet.

For a twist on a classic hummus dish, try our sweet potato hummus recipe or this cauliflower hummus recipe.

cauliflower hummus recipe

Thanks for watching our Hummus Recipe

Click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

If you’re new to home cooking, get a bunch of spices, pots and pans, and start experimenting with different recipes. It’s a healthy hobby that can save a lot of money in the long run. Check out current prices for Complete Kitchenware Sets on Amazon as well as Complete Starter Spice Kits. Or try a thrift store! I’ve found some of my favorite kitchen gear at second-hand stores.

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Deviled Egg Recipe – Indian Style with Curry

curried deviled eggs

This deviled egg recipe is a tasty treat, and preparing eggs with Indian inspired spices will make a nice change from the average awesomeness of a traditional deviled egg recipe.

Deviled Egg Recipe Ingredients

1 clove GARLIC (finely chopped)
OLIVE OIL (1-2 tsp)
SALT and PEPPER (to taste)
CURRY POWDER (to taste)

How to Make Deviled Eggs

Boil and peel 6 eggs.
You can boil them perfectly, if you boil them this way: (Overly-long egg boiling description follows)
Use older eggs. As an egg ages, it shrinks within the shell and separates from the inner membrane, making the egg easier to peel after boiling. Fresher eggs will have a stronger membranous attachment to the shell and are more difficult to peel (yawn). Eggs 10 days to 2 weeks old will work well.
Prepare the eggs in a pot large enough to keep them from jostling together and cracking. Heating the eggs gradually will also prevent cracking. Place eggs in a pot and fill with cold tap water so the eggs are completely covered and there is an extra 1 inch of water above the eggs. Add a pinch of salt. (Some folks add a tablespoon of vinegar to prevent the eggs from leaking should they crack, but I never do this because I don’t think James Dean would). Uncovered, bring the pot to a boil.
As soon as the pot begins to boil, turn off the heat, cover and allow eggs to sit 12 minutes.
After 12 minutes, exchange the hot water for cold under the tap and allow eggs to cool; exchange the water several times if needed.
When eggs have cooled, peel them under the water in the pot. (Peeling them under running water is kind of a waste of water, so why do dat?)
Okay. Now you’ve got 6 boiled and peeled eggs.

Slice them into halves lengthwise and plop out the yellow yolks into a mixing bowl. And one of the egg white halves to the mixing bowl as well, or two halves if you like a lot of filling. Add salt and pepper to taste.
In a skillet, heat a splash of olive oil on med-high heat and sauté ¼ tsp cumin seeds and 1 clove of finely chopped garlic until garlic is lightly browned—do not burn: the garlic will cook quickly.
Add the garlic and cumin seeds to the yolk mixture. Add mayonnaise gradually and mix the ingredients to desired smoothness (AGAIN—add the mayonnaise gradually! If the mixture is too soft it will not set up properly in the egg white!)
Which brings us back to the egg white.
Spoon the yolk mixture into the egg whites and arrange nicely onto a serving dish.
Sprinkle as desired with curry powder (or substitute cumin powder).

Thanks for watching! Share this post, comment, and make eggs for dinner, dude.

For another tasty appetizer recipe, try Asian-Style Spring Rolls w/ Sauce.
Deviled Egg Recipe

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Spring Rolls with Peanut Dipping Sauce

spring rolls dipping sauces

Spring rolls are a nice appetizer when you go out to eat at a fancy-pants restaurant, and they’re just as nice when you eat them at home, and they’re easy to make. Briefly wetting the rice paper and placing it on a damp towel makes the delicate rice paper easier to handle. The rice paper softens while you place your filling–makes the process much easier–definitely give this technique a try!

All you need to make spring rolls are rice paper and some tasty ingredients to roll up inside. You can buy rice paper at any Asian food store, most health food markets, and in the ethnic foods section of many local grocery stores. It’s an economical buy. The last batch I bought was a package of 20 for $2.25 U.S. dollars. It comes in sheets, like paper, but usually round in shape; it doesn’t feel like paper, though—it feels more like plastic, almost like something you’d find at the hardware store, but don’t let that put you off, it softens quickly when wet. Despite its initial “plasticky” appearance, it’s not bad for you, or particularly good for you either—rice, tapioca, salt, and water are the prime components. How your spring rolls taste will be determined by the ingredients you roll up inside, and any dipping sauce you might like to serve them with. It’s a great vehicle for getting raw vegetables into your diet; I like to think of a spring roll as a cigar-shaped salad, but many pre-cooked meats and seafood work well in spring rolls, too.

What You Need to make Spring Rolls

Rice Paper and
Whatever the hell you wanna roll up in the rice paper.
Here are a few options I like to use:
cilantro (I ALWAYS USE CILANTRO), cucumber, basil leaves, lettuce, carrots, sprouts, rice noodles, steamed shrimp, stir-fried spicy pork, bell pepper, green onions, cabbage, and on and on and on…
there’s no end to what you can use.

spring rolls
Spring rolls make a great appetizer or entree

How to Make a Fresh Spring Roll

Prepare your filling ingredients—mainly making sure the ingredients are chopped or sliced in a manner which will make them rice paper-wrapping friendly—this is especially true if you plan on slicing the spring rolls in half—your filling ingredients will tumble out easily if they’re too loose and tiny.
Wet the rice paper with warm tap water. Just a few seconds under a warm tap is plenty. Place the rice paper on a damp towel and gently press down. The rice paper will quickly soften and become pliable. Arrange your filling ingredients at one end of the sheet and roll them up in the rice paper like a burrito. Using basil or lettuce or cabbage leaves as your base ingredient will make the rolls structurally sound and easier to roll. It’s very important that the first rollover be tight—compact the ingredients as much as possible—a loosely rolled spring roll is a sad sight, and will quickly fall apart if sliced. The rice paper will be your friend. It will help. It is very sticky and will seal almost like an envelope around your stuffings. If you want a tasty spring roll, it’s as easy as rolling up a tasty combo of ingredients—a yummy dipping sauce will help, and here are two:

Peanut Dipping Sauce:
1 Tbsp Peanut Butter
1 Tbsp Rice Wine Vinegar
1 Tbsp Toasted Sesame Oil

Chili Dipping Sauce:
2 Tbsp Chili-Garlic sauce
2 Tbsp Soy Sauce
1 tsp Sesame Seeds

And just plain old soy sauce works fine, too. Or maybe some hot mustard—I’ve never tried that, but it just popped into my head, so maybe next time I’ll give it a go.
Alright, that’s enough blabbing.
Give these spring rolls a try and bon appétit!

For another delicious Asian inspired dish, try a Seafood Pancake Recipe.
seafood pancake dipping sauce

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Pita Chips Recipe for a baked, spicy, pita snack

spicy pita chips

Pita chips are easy to make and you can bake them up quickly using your favorite spices. You can’t have hummus without pita chips! I mean, you can, but…why? Pita chips go great with all kinds of dips and are excellent with salads or just as an alternative to your run-of-the-mill potato chip.

Pita Chips Ingredients:
SPICES: curry powder, garlic powder, cajun seasonings, etc. (whatever you like)

Cut pitas into triangular chip shapes. Each pita will easily yield 12 chips. Soak one side of each pita triangle in olive oil and stack pitas so the soaked side of one is stacked against the unsoaked side of the next. Press stacked chips together—this will flatten the chips and suffuse the oil throughout.
Arrange chips on a flat baking sheet. Salt to taste. Add spices—the more the better, in my opinion. I usually bake three distinct batches. Curry is probably my favorite—just salt and lots of curry on a toasted pita chip, it’s delicious. Garlic is great, too. Try some Tony Chachere’s seasoning (or comparable cajun seasoning) on a chip—or simply add a sprinkle of cayenne pepper with Cumin. Whatever your favorite seasonings are, give them a try.
Bake the chips 8-10 minutes in a pre-heated oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Oven cooking times vary, so keep an eye on your first batch to see how long it takes to toast them the way you like—they will burn quickly if forgotten. I like mine CRISP. One side of the pita will be thinner than the other side and some triangles may need to be removed from the oven before the other chips are done. You’ll figure it out.
Give this pita chips recipe a try and let me know what you think, and…
Bon appétit!

Want to make hummus right now? Check out this Classic Hummus Recipe.
spicy pita chips

Thanks for Watching our Pita Chips Recipe Video

Click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

If you’re new to home cooking, get a bunch of spices, pots and pans, and start experimenting with different recipes. It’s a healthy hobby that can save a lot of money in the long run. Check out current prices for Complete Kitchenware Sets on Amazon as well as Complete Starter Spice Kits. Or try a thrift store! I’ve found some of my favorite kitchen gear at second-hand stores.

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Parsnip Soup with a curry twist…you’ll love it

curry parsnip soup

If you’ve never tried parsnips before, this parsnip soup recipe is an easy introduction.  Blended up, this dish is super creamy without a drop of cream, which is a healthy low-cal option and makes my belly happy on several levels. Parsnips are available year-round. They resemble carrots, but are paler and have a stronger flavour. Give this parsnip soup recipe a try—it’s guaranteed super delicious or your money back.

What You Need For This Parsnip Soup Recipe

1 lb PARSNIPS (chopped for soup)
1 large POTATO (chopped for soup)
1 medium ONION (chopped)
2 cups BROTH (chicken or vegetable)
2 cups WATER
SALT (to taste)
CORIANDER LEAVES (chopped, garnish)

How to Make Parsnip Soup

  • In a soup pot, heat olive oil on medium high heat and add onions and cook for 1 minute.
  • Add parsnips and potatoes and continue cooking until the onions are soft.
  • Add curry, cumin, and coriander powder and mix well. Add 4 cups of liquid— ½ broth and ½ water .
  • Bring contents to a boil, add salt, then reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer for 30 minutes.
  • After a half hour the parsnips and potato should be quite tender. For a creamy texture, blend soup as desired—no milk or cream are needed. I like to leave a few chunks of potato unblended, and garnish with chopped coriander leaves.

And that’s it…give this parsnip soup recipe a try and let me know what you think!

If you’re new to home cooking, get a bunch of spices, pots and pans, and start experimenting with different recipes. It’s a healthy hobby that can save a lot of money in the long run. Check out current prices for Complete Kitchenware Sets on Amazon as well as Complete Starter Spice Kits. Or try a thrift store! I’ve found some of my favorite kitchen gear at second-hand stores.

Parsnip Fun facts:

In Roman times parsnips were believed to have been an aphrodisiac.
In Scotland parsnips are still known as White Carrots.
Are a favourite with gardeners because of the short growing season.
People used to believe that eating parsnips could relieve a toothache or tired feet.
Half of the carbohydrates in parsnips are sugar, and the rest is starch.
Parsnips were once used to sweeten jams and cakes before sugar was widely available.

For another super vegetarian recipe idea, try this No-Meat Vegetarian Chili Recipe.

Thanks For Watching Our Recipe Videos!

Thanks for checking out this quinoa salad recipe, and all of our recipes. Be sure and sign up for our mailing list so you’ll never miss a new recipe. Also click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, you can also support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. So, if you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

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Shrimp Remoulade Recipe – Best Shrimp Salad

shrimp remoulade

Shrimp remoulade salad is one of my all-time favorite dishes. I used to eat this all the time when I lived in New Orleans—and I never go back without making a stop at the Gumbo Shop for a taste. I don’t know exactly how the Gumbo Shop prepares shrimp remoulade sauce, but this recipe is how I throw it together. A lot of ingredients go into the sauce, but it’s worth the effort. Give it a try!

What You Need for Shrimp Remoulade

  • TOMATO PUREE (½ cup)
  • MUSTARD (¼ cup –creole, stone ground, or dijon)
  • HORSERADISH (2 tsp –prepared)
  • GREEN ONION (1 tsp, minced)
  • PARSLEY (1 Tbsp, finely chopped)
  • MAYONNAISE (3-5 Tbsp)
  • CELERY (1 Tbsp, minced)
  • GARLIC (1 clove, minced)
  • CHILI POWDER (1 tsp)
  • PAPRIKA (1 tsp, smoked)
  • SUGAR (1 tsp, optional
  • SALT (to taste)
  • HOT SAUCE (½ tsp)
  • LEMON JUICE (1 Tbsp)
  • OLIVE OIL (1 Tbsp)
  • VINEGAR (1 tsp)

Salad Ingredients:

  • SHRIMP (1 lb, boiled)
  • GREEN ONION (chopped, optional)
shrimp remoulade salad

How to Make Remoulade Sauce

A kitchen colander can be helpful for this dish; check current prices for colanders on amazon.

To make the sauce, just mix all the sauce ingredients together (really?!).  I’m using tomato puree in this version, but I’ve also made this dish using ketchup or tomato sauce; it will be thinner if you use those two, but that can be a good thing, especially if you want to toss the greens in the remoulade sauce.  

Sugar is optional and definitely not needed if you’re using ketchup, which is usually sweet enough.  Sometimes I’ll add a teaspoon of onion powder.  This is a great recipe to play with, but be judicious with the mayonnaise!  Using fresh ingredients like parsley, garlic, green onion, and celery will really make this sauce shine.  

You can definitely make and serve the sauce immediately, but making it hours ahead or even the day before will embolden the flavors.  Embolden the flavors?  I’m not sure if that’s the right way to say that, but you know what I mean.

Cooking The Shrimp

I’m using 1 pound of deveined shrimp in the shell. For this salad, the bigger the shrimp the better, but I usually get whatever’s on sale—any kind of shrimp is gonna be delish in this dish. Before boiling, prepare a bowl of ice water to cool the shrimp after cooking—this will keep the shrimp from becoming overdone (tough and rubbery).

Put a pot of water on the stove and add 2 bay leaves and a generous amount of salt. Bring the pot to a boil and add the shrimp. I find a pound of shrimp takes about 2 minutes, but this will vary depending on the size of the shrimp and the amount of water in the pot. For sure, they will cook fast. Do not ignore them—it’s not a good time to multi-task. When the shrimp turn pink, they’re done. Get ’em out of the hot water and into the ice bath—this will halt the cooking process, and your shrimp will be perfecto (and now that they’re cooked, they’ll be super easy to peel).

Toss the shrimp in the remoulade sauce and serve over a bed of fresh greens. I like to garnish the salad with green onion and fresh tomato. Serve with saltines or a loaf of French bread and soft butter.

For another tasty dish, try my Garlic Shrimp Recipe.

garlic shrimp recipe
Spanish-style garlic shrimp recipe

Thanks for Trying Our Shrimp Remoulade Recipe

Click a button below and share the dishes with your friends. You can also follow Chef Buck on Youtube. We appreciate all the kind comments and support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

If you like what CG and I do, support us on Patreon, or throw us a tip in our Paypal Tip Jar. We’ll happily enjoy a coffee on the road – Thanks! We appreciate all the support, and we’ll see you next time in the kitchen!

We include affiliate links for products on our website. Making a purchase after clicking on our links and we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program. It provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos.

If you’re new to home cooking, get a bunch of spices, pots and pans, and start experimenting with different recipes. It’s a healthy hobby that can save a lot of money in the long run. Check out current prices for Complete Kitchenware Sets on Amazon as well as Complete Starter Spice Kits. Or try a thrift store! I’ve found some of my favorite kitchen gear at second-hand stores.

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Best Homemade Focaccia Bread Recipe Ever

focaccia bread

Nothing beats the taste of homemade focaccia bread, and my mama bakes the best bread. In this video we get to see her make focaccia step by step. Give this Italian flatbread a try, your family and friends will love you for it.

Focaccia Bread Ingredients:

3 ½ cups all-purpose FLOUR
1 ½ cup warm WATER (approx. 130 degrees F)
1 ½ large sweet ONION (diced)
4-6 cloves GARLIC (finely chopped)
¼ cup JALAPENO (diced)
1 cup OLIVES –black, green, or both (chopped)
¼ cup PEPPERONCINI (chopped)
1 cup CHEESE (grated parmesan, asiago, and romano)
1-2 Tbsp fresh ROSEMARY (finely chopped)
approx. 6-7 Tbsp OLIVE OIL

focaccia bread

How to Make Homemade Focaccia Bread

Sift 3½ cups of ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR and combine in a mixing bowl with SALT and YEAST.  Add WARM WATER (approx. 130 degrees F) and mix contents of bowl for 1 minute in mixer.  Remove dough. 

In a 9 x 13 baking pan greased with 1-2 Tbsp OLIVE OIL, spread dough flat.  Cover and allow dough to rise for 45-60 minutes. Check current prices for 9 x 13 Baking Pan on Amazon.

While dough rises, chop and prep topping ingredients. Take time to sauté the onions and garlic well.  Feel free to use more or less ingredients—this combo is terrific—but experiment according to your tastes (I bet a little sundried tomato would be awesome).

After bread has risen, uncover and drizzle the top of the dough with 2 Tbsp OLIVE OIL.  My mama sticks the end of her thumb into the dough all along the top to create an interesting (or not quite interesting) pattern; this is something you can do, too, if you’re retired with a lot of free time on your hands, but it’s not necessary.

Sprinkle and spread toppings evenly over the dough.
Place the bread in an oven pre-heated to 375 degrees F and bake approx. 35-40 minutes.
Remove bread from oven and let rest 5 minutes before transferring to a cooling rack.
Take care not to eat it all right away because you’ll want some for later.

Give this Focaccia bread recipe a try and let me know what you think!

For another great Mama Redbuck bread recipe, try this crazy delicious Pesto Parmesan Bread Recipe.

parmesan pesto bread

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–Chef Buck

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Quick Salad Recipe Ideas for Spicy Foods

tomato cucumber salads

Two quick and cool salad recipe ideas: tomato and cucumber salad. These salads make perfect sides for a spicy meal. The tomato basil goes great with any blackened fish, and I love the creamy cucumber with spicy Indian fare. No cooking is required; simply combine the raw ingredients for an easy accompaniment to your favorite spicy dishes.

Tomato Basil Salad Recipe

2 fresh TOMATOES (diced)
½ cup BASIL (chopped)
¼ cup FETA CHEESE (crumbled)
SALT and PEPPER, to taste

Creamy Cucumber Salad Recipe

½ LEMON (juice and zest)
1 tsp DILL
SALT and PEPPER, to taste

Give these salad ideas a go and let me know what you think, and bon appétit!

Want another salad idea? Try this Jicama Salad Recipe.
salad recipe

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